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Daimler-Benz News from February 9, 1995

Daimler-Benz Sets up
Group Agency in Moscow

Daimler-Benz Aerospace signs
strategic cooperation agreement
in the area of avionics

Moscow, February 9, 1995
Its deep-seated conviction that "through close economic ties, the stabilization of political relations between countries can be brought about" was recently demonstrated by the Daimler-Benz Group with the setting-up of its agency in Moscow. Speaking at the official inauguration of the group agency on Thursday, February 9, 1995, the Executive Manager for Public Relations and Economic Policy at Daimler-Benz, Matthias Kleinert, explained that it is precisely at this current, difficult stage of development that one must continue cultivating relations with Russia. This means strengthening ties with both Russian business partners and the political authorities.

"Daimler-Benz is pursuing its globalization strategy consistently; our involvement in Russia is a long-term arrangement. For many years now, our corporate units of Mercedes-Benz AG, AEG Daimler-Benz Industrie, Daimler-Benz Aerospace and Daimler-Benz InterServices (debis) have been active in the Russian market; this has provided them with a basis for participating in the future development of this region through their group know-how and technological skills," Kleinert said.

The agency will be headed by the former, long-standing ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Moscow, Dr. Andreas Meyer-Landrut. It is from Moscow that Meyer-Landrut will coordinate group activities in Russia and the CIS, while continuing to develop relations with Russian business and politics on behalf of Daimler-Benz. "Eastern Europe, and Russia in particular, is a market with enormous resources that won't be easy to overlook in future," Meyer-Landrut said at the inaugural ceremony.

Simultaneous with the setting-up of the agency, Daimler-Benz Aerospace (Dasa) has established the joint venture DAVIA with the Russian company of Aviapribor. The aim of this collaborative enterprise is the combined development, production and distribution of modern avionics in the CIS market.

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