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Daimler-Benz News from March 31, 1995

Daimler-Benz to sponsor restoration
of the Margaret Mitchell house
in Atlanta, Georgia

Edzard Reuter Signs Sponsorship Agreement
With the Margaret Mitchell House, Inc. Foundation

E. Reuter, M. R. Taylor, Dr. Smith
Stuttgart, March 31, 1995
Daimler-Benz is to fund the renovation of the Margaret Mitchell home in Atlanta, Georgia. In the late 1920's, it was in this house that the young newspaper reporter wrote her legendary novel, Gone With the Wind. Her story went on to achieve world renown when it was filmed with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in the leading roles.

Daimler-Benz Chairman Edzard Reuter, Mary Rose Taylor, the Chairman of the Margaret Mitchell House, Inc., Foundation, and Foundation Vice Chairman Dr. Otis Smith met at the Stuttgart Daimler-Benz headquarters on Friday, March 31, 1995, to sign an agreement in which the company will carry restoration costs of the Atlanta landmark, which had nearly burnt to the ground last year. The house will be turned into a museum, and should be welcoming its first visitors by the start of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta.

In his address, Mr. Reuter noted the German company's involvement in the Southern States of the U.S.:

"The Southern States already form one of the centers of our operations. For example, the plant where we will manufacture our All-Activity Vehicle is being built in Tuscaloosa, not all that far from Atlanta. Then there is Freightliner, our highly successful truck maker, which has two ultra-modern factories in North Carolina.

About 6.000 Americans will be part of the Daimler-Benz-family by 1997 in just that one region of the U.S. That in itself is reason enough for our social and cultural involvement in Atlanta, the growing business capital of the South.

When we go where the markets are, we go as fair business partners, and also as friends; friends who want to know more about the traditions, history and social structures of the people we work with and the countries we work in. This is the philosophy behind our support of the Margaret Mitchell House in Atlanta."

Mary Rose Taylor, the President of the Margaret Mitchell Foundation, added,

"We are happy to have gained a globally active and internationally respected partner in Daimler-Benz. The restored house will be open to people from all over the world, so that they can learn more about Margaret Mitchell - a woman who courageously championed human rights."

The famed authoress, who died in 1949 and whose novel has been outsold only by the Bible, anonymously financed the college educations of 20 African-American students in the USA. One of those students, Dr. Otis Smith, became the Vice-President of the Margaret Mitchell House Foundation.

Exterior in the Original Turn-of-the-Century Style

Preceding the signing of the agreement were months of intensive negotiations between Daimler-Benz and the Foundation. Among other things, the partners decided that the façade of the house will be rebuilt in keeping with the original turn-of-the-century style. Margaret Mitchell's own rooms will be reconstructed on the basis of photos and drawings, while the rest of the structure will house the museum. Matthias Kleinert, Senior Vice-President and Director of Public Relations and Corporate Policy at Daimler-Benz, added,

"... Daimler-Benz is becoming more and more active in manufacturing and markets in the Southern States. Thus, it seems very fitting that we support the renovation of this famed Southern home; a project whose importance will last long after the 1996 Games have come to a close."

Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell remarked that many visitors to the city are very interested in the background of Margaret Mitchell and Gone With the Wind. Thanks to Daimler-Benz's help, he added, they will be able to sense some of the atmosphere of that period. Isaac Farris, Speaker of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center in Atlanta, also referred to the "good corporate citizenship" of the German company and stressed the significance of Margaret Mitchell and Martin Luther King, Jr., in the history and the future of human rights.

The Daimler-Benz Group in North America

Daimler-Benz is an international high-technology group, and one of the world's leading suppliers of transportation technology and systems. The four corporate units (Mercedes-Benz, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, AEG Daimler-Benz Industrie, and Daimler-Benz InterServices, plus the Daimler-Benz holding company) employ over 330,000 people in every corner of the globe. In 1994, the Group generated sales of more than 100 billion Marks.

In North America, the Daimler-Benz Group has about 20,000 employees in more than 40 companies. The majority are part of Daimler-Benz North America Corporation. The United States accounts for about 18% of Daimler-Benz's total turnover, and since October, 1993, the company has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

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