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Other Britannica Products

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The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 15th Edition

32 volumes, revised annually

For over 225 years, Britannica has been the standard against which all other encyclopaedias are judged. The New Encyclopædia Britannica is better than ever. With over 23,000 maps, illustrations, and breathtaking color photographs, Britannica brings nearly every subject to life.

Britannica CD

A CD-ROM containing the entire (44-million-word) text of The New Encyclopædia Britannica, plus Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary - Tenth Edition. Natural-language and Boolean searching with relevance-ranked retrieval provides ease of access and enhanced results to your information needs.

Britannica Instant Research System

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Great Books of the Western World

60 volumes, including the two-volume Syntopicon

The Great Books include the "must read" timeless works of Plato, Aristotle, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Freud, and 125 other great thinkers, including many from the 20th century. Together, the Great Books collect virtually every original thought of Western civilization over the past 3,000 years. The Syntopicon offers over 88,000 references to the 3,000 key topics covered in the Great Books.

Annals of America

A 21-volume collection of documents, letters, speeches, articles, and illustrations reflecting American history from Columbus to modern times.

Merriam-Webster Products

A wholly owned subsidiary of Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Merriam-Webster sets the standard for dictionaries and other reference products. Many of these are available in print or electronic form.

Encyclopædia Britannica Educational Corporation (EBEC) Products

EBEC develops multimedia core curriculum products for K-8, and distributes a wide variety of educational materials. A free catalog is available on request.