(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
European Community Programmes related to the Information Market
ACTS - Advanced Communications Technologies and Services
AIM 2 - Advanced Informatics in Medicine
COMEDI - Commercial Electronic Data Interchange
DELTA 2 - Developing European Learning through Technological Advance
DRIVE 2 - Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe
ENS - European Nervous System
ESPRIT 4 - European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology
ESSI - European Software and Systems Initiative
EUROTECNET 2 - European Technologies Network
FRAMEWORK 4C - Framework Programme
HDTV C - High Definition Television
HELIOS 2 - Handicapped People in the European Community Living Independently in an Open Society
IDA - Interchange of Data between Administrations
IMPACT 2 - Information Market Policy Actions
LIBRARIES - Libraries
LRE - Linguistic Research and Engineering
INFORMATION ENGINEERING: The Information Engineering Initiative
MEDIA 1 - Measures to Encourage the Development of the Industry of Audiovisual Production
ORA - Opportunities for Rural Areas
RACE 2 - Research and Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe
SMEAP 2C - Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Action Programme
STAT 2C - Statistical Information Framework Programme
TELMATSYS 2C - Telematic Systems
VALUE 3 - Valorization and Utilization for Europe