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Worterklärungen - Burnout


  1. Prescription for Burnout
  2. What to do if you're burned out
  3. Other Solutions to the Problem of Burnout

1.Prescription for Burnout

According to New York psychologist Herbert J. Freudenberger, PhD., who coined the term, burned is a state of fatigue or frustration brought about by a devotion to a cause, a way of life, or a relationship that failed to produce the expected reward.
Burnout is a problem born of good intentions, because it happens when people try to reach unrealistic goals and end up depleting their energy and losing touch with themselves and others.
The onset is slow. The early sumptoms include a feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion; a sense of alienation, cynicism, impatience, negativism and feelings of detachment to the point that the individual begins to resent work involved and the people who are a part of that work. In extreme cases, the individual who once cared very deeply about a project or a group will insulate himself to the point that he no longer cares at all.

The irony of burnout is that it happens to the same person who previously was enthusiastic and brimming over with energy and new ideas when first involved in a job or a new situation.

This type of person generally has a very high expectation of what can be accomplished. As time goes by and all of the goals aren't achieved, the enthusiasm dies and a sort of listlessness sets in. Instead of lowering objectives or accepting reality, frustration is bottled up and the individual tries even harder. The result is burnout.

Three things are associated with burnout:

What to do if you're burned out

Most experts agree that when you recognize burnout, you have to ask yourself some questions. Try to remember when it was that you began feeling so tired and unable to relax. Were you always under such pressure to succeed? When did this one area of your life become disproportionately important? At what point did you lose your sense of humor and the personal side of your relationships with friends and co-workers? Are you identifying so closely with your responsibilities that you've come to believe that if this project falls apart you have failed? The answers to these questions will help you re-establish your values and priorities.

The next step ist to make some changes in your life. When your work begins to lose its appeal, it's time for a change or to have your duties changed, or maybe it's time to take a break.

Other Solutions to the Problem of Burnout