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KEYview for Windows

KEYview ™

for Windows

If you have e-mail, you need KEYview, the file viewing solution from FTP Software that allows Microsoft Windows users to view and print almost any file received as an e-mail attachment, regardless of the application that created it. With KEYview integrated into your e-mail or document management system, there is no need to launch a file’s native application. Fully formatted word processing documents, spreadsheets, graphics, and even faxes appear instantly with a simple “double click” or “drag-and-drop.”


KEYview saves time

With KEYview, there is no need to launch an application to view an attachment. Simply “double- click” or “drag-and-drop” to instantly view a file from within your e-mail application. KEYview automatically identifies more than 195 file types by file contents, not file extension. This is important for e- mail users reaching out to other systems (Mac, UNIX, IBM, DEC ...) that don’t use DOS file name conventions.

KEYview is everywhere you need it to be

KEYview is simple to install and as easy to use as your favorite e-mail or document management system. Fully integrated into the Windows File Manager and popular e-mail and groupware packages, like HP OpenMail, Lotus cc:Mail, Lotus Notes and Microsoft Mail, KEYview also includes integrations into several popular Internet access tools, including the Mosaic browser in Explore OnNet.

File views you can save and use

KEYview gives you more than just a file “snap-shot.” KEYview includes integrated document converters that allow you to convert almost any file you can view bi-directionally among any of the leading word processing formats - including the latest versions of WordPerfect and Microsoft Word - and hard to find legacy formats from Wang, DEC, and others. KEYview even has an optional module that allows you to import and export any of more than 30 file types into and out of Lotus Notes.

Support for multiple network users

System administrators can install KEYview directly on the network, from which end users can load copies of KEYview directly on their PCs. KEYview helps conserve PC disk space by giving users the flexibility to choose only the viewer and converter formats they need. If users encounter a file in a format they did not select, KEYview will search the network copy and enable the appropriate viewer or converter.

KEYview Specifications

Viewer Formats

Text/Word Processor





Converter Formats

Text/Word Processor


The following viewer and converter formats are available upon request.


E-mail and Groupware

Mosaic Browsers

System Requirements

For More Information

For more information about KEYview or other FTP Software products, please contact FTP Software or your local reseller.

FTP Software, Inc.

Copyright FTP Software, Inc. 1995. All rights reserved.

FTP Software, PC/TCP, InterDrive, PC/BIND, and LANWatch are registered trademarks of FTP Software, Inc. OnNet, KEYview, KEYpak, PostFAX, Keyword the wordmark and symbol, EntranX, and LANCatch are trademarks of FTP Software, Inc. Other tradenames, trademarks, or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Specifications are subject to change. Printed in the U.S.A.