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DAY TWO -- TRACKING THE PACIFIC PINTAIL: 24 February, 1995 from the Greenpeace ship MV Solo:

As of 7:00 AM (GMT) the Pintail was in international waters off the Brest/French coast -- 48 degrees and 17 minutes North, and 06 degrees and 42 minutes west. The ship is heading on a southwesterly course and will be off Land's End (the tip of England) by around mid-day. The Solo is tracking Pintail at a distance of 2.5 - 3 miles travelling at 10 knots. The weather has been rough with high tides and winds which we hope will subside as we move south.

We are travelling with a crew of 18 and our mission is to track and report on the Pacific Pintail's route to countries along the way.

New statements of Opposition:

  • Brazilian Government bans transport from coast and waters under its jurisdiction. the Brazilian government issues a statement of concern about the transport which states that their coast and waters "mustn't be exposed to eventual risks of accidents involving such cargoes.">

  • The Chairperson of the South African Parliament's Standing Committee On Environmental Affairs and Tourism has just condemned the secrecy around the transport has called for a ban on such shipments. The statement was issued late on the 23rd. South Africa cited this shipment as a "reason to call for a comprehensive ban on plutonium separation and use at the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Conference in New York in April 1995."

  • The Foreign Office of Chile has just announced that the "Pintail" will not be allowed to enter the waters under Chilean jurisdiction.

  • The Philippines Foreign Secretary issued another strong condemnation of the shipment on the day of the ship's departure. The Phillipines' government has already banned the shipment from its jurisdictional waters.

  • An official in Portugal confirmed to Greenpeace that the Portuguese navy would put to sea to guarantee that the ship does not pass within its territorial waters.

    We find these strong statements of opposition very encouraging. That's it for today. We will keep you apprised of our position and progress.

    --Bas Bruyne (Campaigner on board MV Solo)

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