From: MV Solo
Date: MON 20-MAR-95 07:10:35 GMT - DAY 26, PART I


hide random home (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

The position of the Pacific Pintail at 0700 GMT was 55 degrees and 16 minutes south and 65 degrees and 48 minutes west. We are sailing at a course of 230 degrees at a speed of 4 knots. We are currently just inside the Chilean EEZ, and we are 50 miles southeast of Islas Hermite.

For additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of plutonium waste is required, please contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++871-1301166--warning $10 per minute), or Karen Richardson at Greenpeace UK (phone: ++44-171-226-3151). Photo, video or other media requests to Blair Palese or Mark Warford at Greenpeace Communications (phone: ++44-171-833-0600).

Media and others interested in tracking the shipment's route daily should access Greenpeace World Wide Web site at: HTTP://

Best regards and No Nukes!
Ulf Birgander (Captain)
Bas Bruyne (Campaigner)

From: MV Solo
Date: MON 20-MAR-95 17:13:30 GMT
Subject: UPDATE


Around 1400 GMT today the Chilean Navy intercepted the Pacific Pintail with its cargo of high level radioactive waste bound for Japan and, after repeated radio exchange, forced the Pintail to move south out of Chilean waters.

The Chilean navy action comes after yesterday informing the master of the Pacific Pintail that his ship would not be allowed into the 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone of Chile. The Pintail's master did not acknowledge the Chilean prohibition and continued to steer his ship into Chilean waters. Early this morning the Pacific Pintail entered the waters of Chile and continued on a course straight west in her attempt to pass Cape Horn at a distance of some 30 miles.

Enclosed is a transcript of radio traffic between Pacific Pintail and Chilean Navy 20 March 1995, 1400 GMT:

(Chilean Navy=CN) (Pacific Pintail=PP)
CN: Pacific Pintail, Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy ship, over;
PP: Chilean Navy Ship this is Pacific Pintail, channel 12 please;
CN: Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy Ship Micalva, Micalva, over;
PP: Yes, go ahead please, this is Pacific Pintail;
CN: Pacific Pintail this is Chilean Navy Ship, I have a message for you, please acknowledge ready to copy, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, we are ready to copy, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail this is Chilean Navy Ship, the Chilean Maritime Authority on behalf of the Chilean Government according with International agreement of preservation of the sea environment has taken the following resolution: Resolution Number 12600/67 dated March 16 1995: Please let me know if you copy OK;
PP Yes I copy that OK, over;
CN: OK, Pacific Pintail, resolution number 12600/67. Pacific Pintail vessel it is forbidden, it is forbidden to go through Chilean Territorial waters or Exclusive Economic Zone carrying radioactive or nuclear material, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail, Chilean Navy Ship, let me know if you copy OK;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, I copy that OK, over;
CN: OK, this is Chilean Navy Ship, OK Now according, according with this resolution, with this resolution you are not allowed to go through Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone, I repeat, you are not allowed to go through Chilean Economic Exclusive Zone, over;
PP: I copy that, over;
CN: OK Pacific Pintail then you must....turn port, port general course south, with general course south, until parallel 59 35 minutes, 59 35 minutes then you're allowed to go through general course west, over;
PP: I copy your message, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail this is Chilean Navy Ship, if you copy my message acknowledge and tell me your intentions, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, I copy your message, I copy your message. My passage plan does not transit the territorial seas of Chile. As my vessel is engaged in a lawful trade no foreign state has a lawful right to interfere with my navigation on the high seas and since we are outside your country's territorial seas I am therefore on the high seas and therefore should have freedom of passage. I shall have to contact my owners and the British Government to pass on your message, over.
CN: Chilean Navy ship, over. Pacific Pintail, Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy ship. From now on you will be tracked during your sailing in our Economic Exclusive Zone. Now, if you maintain your attitude, if you maintain your attitude we will inform the international community, the international community that you have not agreed with a decision of the Chilean State, over;
PP: I copy what you say, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy ship, I inform you, I inform you that the Chilean State reserves the right to use... force, to use the force if you do not accomplish our resolution in order to maintain our interests in our Economic Exclusive Zone, over;
PP: I hear what you say and I will pass this on to the British Government via my owners, over;
CN: OK, Pacific Pintail, Pacific Pintail, from now are [could be] exposed to the use of weapons against you from navy vessels or air [planes] of the Chilean Navy....[repeated] over;
PP: I, I hear your message and with the nature of our cargo I would not think that is a very sensible thing to do, to use arms, over;
CN: Then...turn to your port side, turn to your port side and assume general course south, you are not allowed to go through our Exclusive Economic Zone, you are to pass south latitude 59 35 south, over; (pause)
CN: Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy ship, please let me know your intentions, over;
PP: My intentions are that I have to contact my owners and the matter will be referred to the British Government, over;
CN: This is Chilean Navy Ship, OK (pause) (CN calls PP on channel 16)
PP: ....Chilean Navy ship this is Pacific Pintail, go ahead;
CN: Channel 12
PP: Channel 12
CN: Pacific Pintail, [this is], Micalva, M, I, Mike, India, Charlie, Alpha, Lima, Victor, Alpha, over:
PP: Thank you for that Micalva, yes, this is Pacific Pintail, go ahead please;
CN: Pacific Pintail this is are not allowed to pass longitude 67 16 west 67 16 west with your actual course and speed, you must turn south, you must turn south, assume general course south until latitude 59 35 over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, I hear the message, I hear the message you're passing on, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy Ship, from now on I will interfere you navigation, I will interfere [with] your navigation and I will throw ropes to the water in order to stop you if it is necessary, I will throw ropes to the water in order to stop you if it is necessary, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, I acknowledge that message, over;
CN: Chilean Navy ship, Pacific Pintail this is Chilean Navy ship, let me know your intentions, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, I am waiting for a message from my owners via the British Government, over;
CN: This is Chilean Navy ship, roger. We will maintain this channel 12, over;
PP: Very well, I'm standing by on channel 12 as well, over;
CN: Chilean Navy Ship, roger (pause) (CN calls PP)
PP: Pacific Pintail, this is Pacific Pintail, go ahead please;
CN: Pacific Pintail, Chilean Navy ship (unintelligible) your actual course and speed, your actual course and speed, over;
PP: Yeah our course at present is 272, 272, our speed is 5.5 knots, over;
CN: Chilean Navy Ship, Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy Ship with your actual course, with your actual course you will pass through my Economic Exclusive Zone and my territorial waters .... with this course you will go north Diego Ramirez, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, my passage plan does not transit your territorial waters, over;
CN: This is Chilean Navy ship, please let me know when you will have an answer of your country, when you will have an answer from your order to turn south, over; (pause)

--end transcript 950320/1400/01 Communication Pacific Pintail and Chilean Navy--

From: Greenpeace vessel MV Solo tracking Pacific Pintail
Date: MON 20-MAR-95 18:38:00 GMT


At 1600 GMT today, the Pacific Pintail agreed to turn south after the Chilean Navy threatened to use force if necessary to guarantee it would not travel through Chilean waters. Since then the Pintail has been steaming in the general southern direction on a course of 180 degrees and at a speed of 8 knots. The Pintail is heading straight down from Cape Horn. The Pacific Pintail therefore did not sail, yet, into the Southern Pacific Ocean.

The Pintail's position at 1830 GMT was 56 degrees and 35 minutes South and 67 degrees and 22 minutes West.

Enclosed with this update the Part 2 in the latest series of transcripts between the Chilean Navy and the Pacific Pintail, while the Pintail's radioactive waste saga continues.

--start transcript of conversation between Pacific Pintail and Chilean Navy 20 March 1995, 1400 GMT - PART 2

(Chilean Navy=CN) (Pacific Pintail=PP)

--From Part 1, last paragraph--

CN: This is Chilean Navy ship, please let me know....when you will have an answer of your country, when you will have an answer from your country in order to turn south, in order to turn south, over; (pause)

--end transcript 950320/1400/01 Communication Pacific Pintail and Chilean Navy-- ---START PART 2---

CN: Did you copy my last, over;
PP: Yeah, I copied that, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail you must leave, you must leave our Economic Exclusive Zone, you must turn south, you must assume general course south, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, go ahead;
CN: Pacific Pintail, I repeat, you must leave our Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone you must turn south, you must turn south to latitude 59 35, 59 35 over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail my instructions are to proceed with our present course, we are outside your territorial waters, over;
CN: Chilean Navy ship, ... (break) ....Pacific Pintail, Chilean Navy ship, ....I inform you that at this moment you are in Chilean Economic, Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone you are in Chilean waters, Chilean Economic Exclusive Zone, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, I acknowledge your message, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail, Chilean Navy Ship, I inform you that the carrying of your radioactive material is a violation of the precaution[ary] principle....stated in the Rio de Janeiro declaration of the sea environment dated 1992, over;
PP: I heard your message, over;
CN: Pacific Pintail, resolution no 12600/67 dated March 16 1995 from the Maritime Authority on behalf of the Chilean government states that Pacific Pintail vessel it is forbidden to go through Chilean Territorial waters or Exclusive Economic Zone carrying radioactive or nuclear material, over;
PP: This is Pacific Pintail, we are outside your territorial waters and therefore we request a free passage since we are carrying a legal cargo, over;
CN: Chilean Navy Ship, you are in our Exclusive Economic Zone and according with precaution principle, precaution principle stated in the Rio de Janeiro declaration of the sea environment you are not allowed, you are not allowed to go through our Exclusive Economic Zone, over;

PP: This is Pacific Pintail, according to my instructions from the British Government we should have free passage since we are outside your territorial waters, over;
CN: This is Chilean Navy ship, roger. I repeat.... you must leave, you must leave Chilean Economic Exclusive Zone because the carriage of your material, the carriage of your radioactive material is a violation of the precaution[ary] principle...stated in the Rio de Janeiro declaration of the sea environment dated 1992, over;

  • sound file (WAV) 547K or in RealAudio  sound format.

  • CN: Pacific Pintail, Chilean Navy ship, over;
    PP: This is Pacific Pintail, go ahead;
    CN: Pacific Pintail, this is Chilean Navy ship, I inform you if you maintain your attitude we will inform the international community that you have not agreed with a declaration of the Chilean State..... over;
    PP: This is Pacific Pintail, go ahead;
    CN: From Chilean Navy Ship you must leave these waters, you must leave these waters according with the resolution of the Chilean Government, according with the resolution of the Chilean Government, over;
    PP: This is Pacific Pintail, over;
    CN: Pacific Pintail this is Chilean Navy ship, please let me know your intentions, over;

    PP: This is Pacific Pintail, my company informs me that diplomatic efforts are being made to resolve the present situation so I am awaiting instructions, over;

  • sound file (WAV) 92K or in RealAudio  sound format.

  • CN: From Chilean Navy ship, roger. I inform you....[that]... from now on you will be tracked during your sailing in our Exclusive Economic Zone by Chilean vessels or airbornes from the Chilean Navy, over;
    PP: I acknowledge receipt of that message, over;
    CN: From Chilean Navy ship, over, I request as soon as possible.... an answer from your company, over;
    PP: Yeah, this is Pacific Pintail, I will try and find out immediately, over;
    CN: From Chilean Navy ship, over, roger I will maintain channel 12, over;
    PP: OK, we standby on channel 12 as well, over and out (break)
    PP calls CN

    CN: Chilean Navy ship, go ahead, Pacific Pintail
    PP: This is Pacific Pintail, I am now going towards a course to the south, over;

  • sound file (WAV) 150K or in RealAudio  sound format.

  • CN: This is Chilean Navy ship, roger, roger. I hope you have a good navigation, over;
    PP: Yes, OK, thank you and out.
    CN: Chilean Navy Ship, roger, out.

    --end transcript 950320/1400/002 Communication between Pacific Pintail Chilean Navy, Part 2---

    If additional information on the Pacific Pintail's voyage or it's cargo of plutonium waste is required, please contact Bas Bruyne on the Solo (phone: ++871-1301166--warning $10 per minute), or Karen Richardson at Greenpeace UK (phone: ++ 44-171-226-3151). Photo, video or other media requests to Blair Palese or Mark Warford at Greenpeace Communications (phone: ++ 44-171-8330-600).

    Media and others interested in tracking the shipment's route daily should access Greenpeace World Wide Web site at: HTTP://

  • Best regards and No Nukes!
  • Ulf Birgander (Captain)
  • Bas Bruyne (Campaigner)
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  • Visit previous day's report
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