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BRENT SPAR, 16, June, 1994 -- (GP) Two Greenpeace activists have resumed occupation of the Shell Brent Spar oil platform as it is being towed to it's planned dump site in the Atlantic. The activists were dropped onto the disused oil platform from a Greenpeace helicopter and hope to prevent the scuttling by remaining in place for as long as possible.

The Greenpeace vessel Altair has been shadowing the Brent Spar towing flotilla since it left port on 11th June. A helicopter was dispatched from the Altair shortly after 11:30 this morning and two activists were dropped onto the platform.

"With international and public pressure to stop the dumping of the Brent Spar at sea, Greenpeace hopes that Shell and the UK government will heed the protests. They must abandon this foolish plan and take the feasible alternative of bringing the rig on shore for disposal," said Greenpeace's Mary Morrison in Lerwick. "The public are now taking this issue up at their Shell oil pumps in a number of North Sea countries and Shell is beginning to feel the pressure."

Increasing public protests are being carried out across Europe following on condemnation of the Shell plan by a number of North Sea governments. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl recently raised the issue at the G-7 Summit of heads of state currently going on in Canada.

Greenpeace occupied the Brent Spar oil platform for 23 days in the run up to the North Sea Ministers meeting. On Tuesday, 23 May, Shell security and police boarded the platform and removed the activists.

There have been reports of damage to Shell property in Germany to which Morrison said, "As a non-violent organization, Greenpeace abhors the use of any such tactics to bring about change and called on protesters to use only peaceful means to prevent the Brent Spar dumping."


Mary Morrison, Greenpeace in Lerwick: (44) 01595-696-611

Blair Palese, Cindy Baxter, Greenpeace Communications: (44) 0171- 833-0600

Adam Wolfe, Greenpeace UK: (44) 0171-359-4837


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