hide random home http://www.greenpeace.org/~comms/rw/aug02.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

Date: WED 2-AUG-95
Subject: GOOD news from France

An opinion poll released today by the French daily newspaper "Le Parisien" gives the following numbers.

A) Do you think Jacques Chirac was right or wrong to decide the resumption of French nuclear testing in the Pacific ?

- he was right : 25 %.
- he was wrong : 56 %;
- no answer : 19 %.

B) You know that the resumption of nuclear testing has generated a certain number of critiques. All in all, do you personally wish that Jacques Chirac renounce this decision to resume nuclear testing ?

- yes : 60 %.
- no : 29 %.
- no answer : 11 %.

C) If it was proven that nuclear testing can be done without danger for the environment, would you be favorable or opposed to having the testing take place in France ?

- favorable : 40 %.
- opposed : 53 %.
- no answer : 7 %.