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Fiji August 9, 1995--In memory of the 50th anniversary of the United States bombing of the Japanese city of Nagasaki, Greenpeace is calling on the countries of the United Nations to condemn and prohibit all further nuclear tests and the production of plutonium -- the deadly element which fuelled the Nagasaki bomb.

A 6.2 kilogram plutonium bomb destroyed the city of Nagasaki 50 years ago on August 9 1945, killing 70,000 people.

"Fifty years after Nagasaki was destroyed by a plutonium bomb, it is time to halt nuclear testing and stop the spread of plutonium," said Stephanie Mills from the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior in Fiji. "'No more Nagasaki's' means taking the required steps to stop testing and constructing nuclear weapons".

Since 1945 tremendous quantities of weapons-usable plutonium have been produced by the nuclear industries -- both military and civilian (nuclear power). Over 250 tonnes of plutonium is currently in weapons arsenals, while some 160 tonnes have been separated for unjustified commercial purposes. Fifty years after the first plutonium bomb, we've now got enough to produce 20,000 such bombs. Indeed, by 2000, 37,585 Nagasaki bombs worth of plutonium will be in the commercial pipeline unless plutonium separation (reprocessing) is banned.

In May of this year, the five officially recognised nuclear weapons states -- France, China, the UK, the US and Russia -- pledged to "exercise the utmost restraint" in the field of nuclear testing at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review and Extension Conference.

A promise to negotiate a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) by 1996 was extracted by the non-nuclear weapons states from the nuclear weapons states at the NPT Conference. However, China's continuing programme of nuclear testing and France's announcement that it will begin a series of tests in September of this year have broken this promise. This has led some 150 of the 184 member states of the United Nations General Assembly to condemn any further nuclear testing [1].

"The best memorial for the people of Nagasaki would be a renewed commitment by all countries to halt all nuclear tests and agree a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty this year," said Mills. "Nuclear weapons don't increase global stability; they lead to global insecurity. These weapons must be outlawed and eliminated from the arsenals of all countries".

The five officially recognised nuclear weapons nations, Russia, the US, China, France and Britain today have 17,474 nuclear weapons.

Vigils, peace camps and demonstrations will take place around the world to mark the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki and to protest France's decision to resume nuclear testing.

Further information:

Karen Richardson or Antony Froggatt, Greenpeace International +44 171 354 5100; Cindy Baxter, Greenpeace Communications, +44-171 833 0600 Stephanie Mills, aboard the SV Rainbow Warrior, +679 300 487 or +872 1300312.


[1] The following list of countries identifies states which have expressed opposition to the resumption of the testing of nuclear weapons after the May 1995 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference on AT LEAST one occasion. They have done so either individually or collectively, by virtue of their membership of intergovernmental organisations or political groupings at international fora.

Country        Against  testing   
Afghanistan      Yes     NAM  Albania        No
Algeria          Yes     NAM  Andorra        No
Angola           Yes     NAM  Antiga and Barbados  Yes OPA
Argentina        Yes     G21  Armenia        Yes    Gov.
Australian       Yes     SPF  Austria        Yes    Gov.
Azerbaijan       No           Bahamas        Yes    NAM
Bahrain          Yes     NAM  Banaladesh     Yes    NAM
Barbados         Yes     NAM  Belarus        No
Belgium          Yes     Gov. Belize         Yes    NAM     
Benin            Yes     NAM  Bhutan         Yes    NAM 
Bolivia          Yes     NAM  Bosnia/ Herzegovina No     
Botswana         Yes     NAM  Brazil         Yes    OPA 
Brunei Darussalam Yes    NAM  Bulgaria       No             
Burkina Faso     Yes     Nam  Burundi        Yes    NAM
Cambodia         Yes     NAM  Cameroon       Yes    NAM
Canada           Yes     Gov  Cape Verde     Yes    NAM
Cent. Afric. Rep.Yes     NAM  Chad           Yes    NAM
Chile            Yes     OPA  China          No
Columbia         Yes     NAM  Comoros        Yes    NAM
Congo            Yes     NAM  Costa Rica     Yes    OPA
Cote d'Ivoire    Yes     NAM  Croatia        No
Cuba             Yes     NAM  Cyprus         Yes    NAM
Czech Republic   No           DPRK           Yes    NAM
Denmark          Yes     Gov. Djibouti       Yes    NAM
Dominica         Yes     OPA  Dominican Rep. Yes    OPA
Ecuador          Yes     NAM  Egypt          Yes    NAM
El Salvador      Yes     OPA  Equatorial Guinea Yes NAM
Eritrea          Yes     NAM  Estonia        No
Ethiopia         Yes     NAM  Fiji           Yes    SPF
Finland          Yes     Gov  France         No
Gabon            Yes     NAM  Gambia         Yes    NAM
Georgia          No           Germany        Yes    Gov.    Ghana 
          Yes     NAM  Greece         No
Grenada          Yes     NAM  Guatemala      Yes    NAM
Guinea           Yes     NAM  Guinea-bassau  Yes    NAM
Guyana           Yes     NAM  Haiti          Yes    OPA
Honduras         Yes     OPA  Hungary        No  
Iceland          Yes     NOR  India          Yes    NAM
Indonesia        Yes     NAM  Iran           Yes    NAM
Iraq             Yes     NAM  Ireland        Yes    Gov
Isreal           No           Italy          Yes    Gov.
Jamaica          Yes     NAM  Japan          Yes    Gov.
Jordan           Yes     NAM  Kazakhstan     Yes    Gov
Kenya            Yes     NAM  Kuwait         Yes    NAM
Kyrgyzstan       No           Lao PDR        Yes    NAM
Latvia           No           Lebanon        Yes    NAM
Lesotho          Yes     NAM  Liberia        Yes    NAM
Libyan Arab Jam. Yes     NAM  Liechtenstein  No
Lithuania        No           Luxembourg     Yes    Gov.
Madagascar       Yes     NAM  Malawi         Yes    NAM
Malaysia         Yes     NAM  Maldives       Yes    NAM
Mali             Yes     NAM  Malta          Yes    NAM
Marshall Islands Yes     SPF  Mauritania     Yes    NAM
Mauritius        Yes     NAM  Mexico         Yes    G21
Micronesia       Yes     SPF  Monaco         No
Mongolia         Yes     NAM  Morocco        Yes    NAM
Mozambique       Yes     NAM  Myanmar        Yes    NAM     
Namibia          Yes     NAM  Nepal          Yes    NAM     
Netherlands      Yes     Gov. New Zealand    Yes    SPF     
Nicaragua        Yes     NAM  Niger          Yes    NAM     
Nigeria          Yes     NAM  Norway         Yes    Gov.
Oman             Yes     NAM  Pakistan       Yes    NAM     
Panama           Yes     OPA  Papua New Guinea Yes  SPF     
Paraguay         Yes     OPA  Peru           Yes    NAM     
Philipinnes      Yes     NAM  Poland         Yes    Gov        
Portugal         No           Qatar          Yes    NAM     
Republic of Korea Yes    Gov  Rep. of Moldova  No           
Romania          No           Russian Fed.  Yes     Gov      
Rwanda           Yes     NAM  Saint Kitts/Nevis Yes OPA
Saint Lucia      Yes     NAM  St. Vicent/Grenadines Yes OPA Samoa 
          Yes     SPF  San Marino     No   
Sao Tome/Principe Yes    NAM  Saudi Arabia   Yes    NAM     
Senegal          Yes     NAM  Seychelles     Yes    NAM     
Sierra Leone     Yes     NAM  Singapore      Yes    NAM     
Slovakia         No           Slovenia       No
Soloman Islands  Yes     SPF  Somalia        Yes    NAM
South Africa     Yes     NAM  Spain          Yes    Gov
Sri Lanka        Yes     NAM  Sudan          Yes    NAM     
Suriname         Yes     NAM  Swaziland      Yes    NAM     
Sweden           Yes     Gov. Syrian Arab Rep. Yes  NAM     
Tajikistan       No           Thailand       Yes    NAM     
Macedonia        No           Togo           Yes    NAM     
Trinidad and Tobago Yes  NAM  Tunisia        Yes    NAM     
Turkey           No           Turkmenistan   No             
Uganda           Yes     NAM  Ukraine        Yes    Gov.   United
Arab Emirates Yes NAM  United Kingdom No
UR of Tanzania   Yes     NAM  USA            Yes    Gov.
Uruguay          Yes     OPA  Uzbekistan     No             
Vanuatu          Yes     NAM  Venezuela      Yes    NAM    Viet
Nam         Yes     NAM  Yemen          Yes    NAM
[Yugoslavia       Yes     NAM] Zaire          Yes     NAM Zambia 
         Yes     NAM  Zimbabwe       Yes     NAM



* The group of 21 is extremely disappointed and fully shares the concern expressed by the international community at the decisions recently taken by nuclear weapon state to suspend its moratorium and resume nuclear weapon testing soon, as well as at the nuclear test recently conducted by another nuclear weapon state.... this is a serious step back to the ongoing negotiations for a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty and undermines its successful conclusion. [Presented by India on behalf of G21, 29/06/95]. Argentina, Algeria, Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Sri Lanka, Venezuela and Zaire.

Non-aligned Movement (NAM).

* The Movement of Non-Aligned Countries condemns the recent tests conducted by a nuclear weapons state as well as the decision by another State to suspend its moratorium and to resume testing soon. The Movement remains unequivocally opposed to nuclear tests of any kind in all environments, particularly in light of consistent efforts by the international community to further promote measures for nuclear disarmament and non- proliferation of nuclear weapon in all its aspects as well as to preserve the global environment. [Statement by the Movement of Non-Aligned countries on the Testing of Nuclear Weapons, July 1995]

NAM includes ;-

Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brunei Darusalaam, Burkina, Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Rep, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Cyprus, D.P.R.Korea, Djibouti Ecuador, Egypt, Eq. Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao.P.D.R, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libyan Arab J., Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines. Qatar, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Rep., Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Rep. of Tanzania, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe,

Nordic Countries.

* Denmark, on behalf of the five Nordic countries, issued a statement at the NPT Review and Extension Conference, calling for a continued moratorium: "The negotiations on a comprehensive test-ban treaty should be concluded as soon as possible. Until that has been accomplished all nuclear-weapon States, including China, must refrain from nuclear testing." (NPT/Conf. 1995/31, May 9th 1995].


* The Council of OPANAL firmly exhorts the Governments of France to reconsider such decision and refrain from making future essays. Such decision may, inclusive, affect the favorable atmosphere for the development of the negotiations environment on the Treaty for the Total Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons being held in the Conference of Disarmament at Geneva, as well as to endanger the important achievements reached in nuclear disarmament matters. - Declaration of the Council of Opanal on the Resumption, by France, of Nuclear Essays in the South Pacific, June 16th 1995. [Antigua y Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Bolivaia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guymala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Rep. Dominicana, PSan Kitts y Nevis, San Vicente y Las Granadiag, Santa Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad y Tobado, Uruguay, Venezuela.]

South Pacific Forum

* A statement made by Australia at the Conference of Disarmament in Geneva on the 20th June 1995, "On behalf of the South Pacific Forum Heads of Government as current Chair of the Forum, I condemn France's decision to resume nuclear testing in the South Pacific.

Individual Forum Governments have already statements and protests that reflect the depth of their disappointment. The immediate widerspread public antagonism to France's decision right across the South Pacific reflects the resentment felt by our peoples. Forum Heads of Government understand and share these feelings. On their behalf, I express our unequivocal, opposition to France's decision."

On behalf of the South Pacific Forum, who include. Austrialia, Cook Islands, Federation of States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribatai, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa.