Friday 30-JUN-95 03:01:35 GMT
Steamy Friday 30 June, Papeete:
1100 hours: We held a packed press conference in the mess with Monsigneur Gaillot (Catholic Bishop from France), Oscar Temaru (leader of Tavini Huiraatira), Pastor Temarama Apatari of the Eglise Evangelique (protestant church) representing Te Ihutai No te Hau (the peace flottilla coalition.)
The High Commission has invited us, via our shipping agent (!) to meet with him. We submitted a delegation list of Jean-luc Thierry, I and Philip Pupuka (Greenpeace Pacific). However, he has refused to lift the expulsion orders against Philip and me preventing us go ashore for the meeting, so we are going to ask him to meet us on board the Rainbow Warrior. Jean-Luc and I wish to hold the meeting jointly with him. We may not receive an answer until tomorrow, who knows. It is unclear how productive a meeting would be anyway, as if the only substance of the meeting is to repeat the offer of a tourist trip to Moruroa for a day, which we have already rejected as a public relations exercise, not the comprehensive scientific investigation which is required.
or 24KB JPG. ©Greenpeace/Morgan
or 24KB JPG. ©Greenpeace/Morgan
Meanwhile, the demonstrators are still blocking the eastern and western access roads into Papeete. The leaders of the demonstration - the coalition Ihutai No te Hau - met today to reaffirm their determination to act together in a unified way; they will decide this afternoon how or whether the protest will continue. The word from is that President Chirac's decision is irrevocable, and that no referendum is possible. However, no official answer has been conveyed back to the marchers yet. The blockades may run until Monday. After that further demonstrations are being planned.
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or 26KB JPG. ©Greenpeace/Morgan
Jean-Luc and Monsigneur Galliot are writing messages for the demonstration in Paris tomorrow (Saturday). A demonstration of coffins outside the CEA (Atomic Energy Commission, runs the test programme) will occur on Sunday morning, and Greenpeace crew will join it.
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1500 hours: We have just been moved to the quai de cabotage, a commercial dock on the opposite side of the harbour from the city (the quay they wanted to put us on yesterday). We had no choice if we were to take on fresh water, fuel and supplies. It is possible that some of the demonstrators may come around here, according to a local journalist who has just visited. We have a couple of police cars parked within 20 yards of the boat observing us all the time, which makes it rather difficult to keep private in the cabins on the port side of the ship.
or 23KB JPG. ©Greenpeace/Morgan
Gaston Bernandino who was on the Rainbow Warrior in 1990 has just visited. He is very active in local ecological struggles, including the 104 day occupation of a valley threatened by a large hydro-dam development.
1700 hours: The awning has gone up on the bridge deck which has cut the blinding heat. Our last minute supplies and stores are being loaded, and our departure time for Monday from Papeete is now set for 4.30pm in the afternoon (Monday, July 3).
Cheers, Stephanie