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Mathematics Education

Mathematics Education

Steve's Dump
This is the best place to look for mathematics education links. It is maintained by Steve Weimar at Swarthmore College, home of the Geometer's SketchPad forum.

MathMagic is a K-12 telecommunications project developed in El Paso, Texas in which teams of students pair up to solve problems. communication is via e-mail. MathMagic posts challenges in each of four categories (k-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12).

Mathematics Archives WWW Server
The Mathematics Archives Software Page includes reviews, abstracts, references and the software itself.

Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota
The Geometry Center is a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Research Center. Its mission is to develop, support, and promote computational tools for visualizing geometric structures, for facilitating communication among mathematicians and between mathematicians and the public at large, and for stimulating research in geometry.

Some Courses and Tutorials on the Web

This is an experiment at San Joaquin Delta College, CA. An ambitious attempt at collecting calculus resources and documents made available via the Internet's World Wide Web (WWW).
Interactive Learning in Calculus and Differential Equations with Applications
Indiana U. of Pennsylvania - Mathematica based
Interdisciplinary course in math, chemistry, and physics
Univ. of Pennsylvania - uses Maple
Calculus and Mathematica
University of Illinois - through Vector Calculus
Introduction to 21st Century Problem Solving
Howard McAllister - U of Hawaii - Algebra and Physics story problems

Histories of Mathematics

Vatican Exhibit materials on Greek Mathematics (Library of Congress)
Clark Univ. - David Joyce
MacTutor History of Mathematics archive - Univ. of St. Andrews (Scotland)

Curriculum ideas

The purpose of MathMol is to provide the K-12 educational community with information and materials dealing with the rapidly growing fields of molecular modeling and 3-D visualization.
The MegaMath project is intended to bring unusual and important mathematical ideas to elementary school classrooms so that young people and their teachers can think about them together.
ERIC lesson plans
Geometry Forum (not just Geometry)
Explorer (University of Kansas)
Science Education Programs Office (UC Irvine)
Listing of math and science teaching materials on the Internet using the California Science Framework Categories - Math is heavily under construction

100,000 pieces of pi

Curriculum debate

Honest Open Logical Debate (HOLD)
Group of parents concerned with the move from traditional mathematics instruction to the methods and sequence proposed by the California Mathematics Framework. This is their side. Unfortunately the counter to their position is not represented. If you know a site, let me know.

Other places to look for math goodies:

Unofficial TI Calculator Home Page
E-Math - American Mathematical Society gopher
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Mathematics
Mathematica Home Page (Wolfram Research Institute)
MathSource - notebooks and packages
Graphics, sound, and animation library
Mathematica as a Tool
Mathematica World - Victoria Univ of Technology - heavy use of graphics
MathSoft, Inc.

SciEd: Science and Mathematics Education Resources
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Maintained by alan cairns - cairns@astro.washington.edu