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QuickDraw GX Typography

QuickDraw GX provides a very rich set of typography primitives, allowing applications to show text with kerning, tracking, ligatures and swashes, automatic fractions, and many other features. To give you an example, here is the title of this page when rendered using a nice GX font (Apple Chancery):

A GX "Hello, World" example

This page shows the simple lines of code needed to get quite complex typographic effects. It takes off from the classic "C" starter program.

The QuickDraw GX Font Quality Specification

This is a document that describes how QuickDraw GX fonts should behave. Its intended audience is font developers.

The QuickDraw GX Font Feature Registry

This document describes the currently defined set of typographic and design features supported by Quickdraw GX line layout. It is a dynamic document, as new kinds of features are being added by font developers.

The Quickdraw GX Font Formats Book

This is the up-to-date reference source for the detailed formats of all the font tables that make up a QuickDraw GX font.

Change Log

3 May 1995
Cleaned up some relative reference problems.
Dave Opstad (opstad@apple.com)

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