(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
R.E.M. Video Clips
HEREIN Find a number of
video clips of R.E.M. video and film projects!
"Crush with Eyeliner", 39 seconds, 2.6MB
This video pays tribute
to kareoke machines around the world. The video was directed by Spike Jones.
See the full length video plus 10 other tracks, short vignettes, and outtakes
on their home video PARALLEL (release 5/30/95).
Copyright ©1995 Warner Bros. Records.
R.E.M., "Parallel", 30 seconds, 2MB
Taken from PARALLEL (release 5/30/95).
On tour, R.E.M. augments the live show with films shown on 35mm projectors
which were commisioned by R.E.M. from several independent film makers. This
is an excerpt from one of these films which are interspersed between the music
videos on PARALLEL.
See the full length video plus 10 other tracks, short vignettes, and outtakes
on their home video PARALLEL (release 5/30/95).
Copyright ©1995 Warner Bros. Records.
R.E.M., "Nightswimming," 30 seconds, 2.1MB
This is taken from the extended version of the video. The video was
directed by Jem Cohen.
See the full length video plus 10 other tracks, short vignettes, and outtakes
on their home video PARALLEL (release 5/30/95).
Copyright ©1995 Warner Bros. Records.
R.E.M., "Star 69," 30 seconds, 2.1MB
This is footage taken live from
their Feb. 7th, 1995 show in Singapore. The video was directed by Jonathan
Dayton and Valerie Faris.
See the full length video plus 10 other tracks, short vignettes, and outtakes
on their home video PARALLEL (release 5/30/95).
Copyright ©1995 Warner Bros. Records.
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