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Hugo Award Winners, 1953-1995

Hugo Award Winners, 1953-1995

1995 Nominees Added 5/1/95

[This file is mostly from the Sf-Lovers Archives at Rutgers University. It is provided as part of a free service in connection with distribution of Sf-Lovers Digest. This file is currently maintained by the moderator of the Digest. It may be freely copied or redistributed in whole or in part as long as this notice and any copyright notices or other identifying headers or trailers remain intact. If you would like to know more about Sf-Lovers Digest, send mail to SF-LOVERS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.EDU. It also contains information downloaded from the Internet.]

The Science Fiction Achievement Award™, also known as the Hugo Award®, is given annually by the World Science Fiction Society™ (WSFS®).

This HTML version is maintained by Laurie Mann (lmann@telerama.lm.com). I'd like to collect and maintain the nominees for each year, and any additional information on Hugo winners, including reprint info.

ClariNET collected all the Hugo-nominated stories for 1993 and published them on CD.

Click here for brief information about the Hugos and other science fiction awards. Click here for the official and complete Hugo Award rules.

You can access the Hugo Lists by selecting a decade to display, or by scrolling down the year list and selecting a specific year. As they are available, Hugo Nominees will be added to each year.

Hugo Awards, Listed by the Decade

Hugo Awards, Listed by the Year

Hugo Awards from the 1950s

Hugo Awards from the 1960s

Hugo Awards from the 1970s

Hugo Awards from the 1980s

Hugo Awards from the 1990s

To the Hugo Awards, Listed by the Decade.
To the Hugo Awards, Listed by the Year.
To the AwardWeb Home Page.

This page is maintained by Laurie Mann (lmann@telerama.lm.com).