The purpose of the Flora is to provide a comprehensive, electronic and a synoptic printed account of the vascular plants of Mesoamerica. Flora Mesoamericana will summarize existing information and incorporate much new research. The Flora will comprise a database for the floristics and taxonomy of the area. From such a firm taxonomic framework it will be possible more effectively to plan conservation and land use programs, as well as more detailed taxonomic studies in the area. We foresee that the production of local and special purpose Floras, covering such topics as economic or medicinal uses, will be a major spin-off from the Flora Mesoamericana. It is especially with this in view that publication is in Spanish. Examples of conventions used in the Flora will be given here with reference to the page number of Vol. 6 where they occur.
2. Groups to be covered
The Flora will cover vascular plants including ferns and fern allies. In addition to native species, naturalized aliens, crop weeds and ruderals will be included. Conspicuous cultivated plants, including crops planted on field scale, street trees and extensively planted decorative species will be included. Hybrids will be treated more (see Crocosmia, p. 80, vol. 6) or less (see Lilium, p. 32 or Gladiolus, p. 80, vol. 6) fully depending on their frequency of occurrence.
3. Areas to be covered
The Flora will cover the following 12 politically defined regions
The northern boundary in México is close to but not coincident with a reasonably well-defined phytogeographical boundary, any additional taxa occurring in the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz up to a line drawn from the Gulf of Tehuantepec along the Río Tehuantepec, to the Sierra Mixe at the 300m contour, along this level through the isthmus westwards along the Sierra Mixe and the Sierra de Juárez to the Río Papaloapan and down this river to the Gulf of México, should be included at the discretion of the author if they comprise part of the Mesoamerican element. Similarly, taxa so far known only from the southern or northern borders but expected in Mesoamerica with more thorough collection may be included. Comments on taxa occurring in these areas can be accommodated in the discussion paragraph after the main descriptions.
4. Language
Manuscripts should be submitted in whatever language the author can write most effectively. The Flora will be published in Spanish. The editors have expert translation facilities available for English/Spanish, and will greatly prefer a manuscript in well-written English to a less well-written one in Spanish.
5. Authorship
The authorship of all accounts will be clearly indicated in the text. The editors will retain final responsibility for all the contents, and the editor for each family will also be indicated if necessary. (see Vol. 6 for examples)
6. Order of taxa
The Flora will be arranged using the Melchior/Engler system, although in certain instances this has been modified at the discretion of the editors. Genera and species will be arranged taxonomically (although in a some cases an alphabetical arrangement may turn out to be as useful as any other and may be adopted at the descretion of the author, see treatments of Bromeliaceae versus Poaceae in Vol. 6).
7. General style
Volume 6 illustrates most of the stylistic features that have been adopted. Sections 12-25 explain the style and content of the various items in the order in which they appear in the Flora text. Where applicable, examples from Vol. 6 are cited using the page number.
8. Numbering
Families, genera, species, subspecies, etc. will be numbered in sequence.
9. Keys
Keys will be included for all groups of taxa. They will be dichotomous, indented and artificial as a rule, although multi-entry keys may be used in special cases. As the aim of the Flora is to be practical, in a few cases it may be useful to subdivide keys. The two halves of a dichotomy should always be clearly contrasted and when more than one character is used, the more important one should come first but measurements of dimensions should always directly follow the noun that they modify, as in the descriptions (Láminas 4-5 cm, lanceoladas). The shorter half of the dichotomous key should come first. In keys and descriptions the terms plants, annuals, perennials, epiphytes, terrestrials etc. should always be in the plural. Since geographical information is explicitly cited for each species, contrasting geographical distributions in the keys is discouraged. Exceptions to this are most useful in the case of well-known, narrow endemics. In keys where ranges are given the entire range should be given in both halves of the couplet.
When keys are excessively long, keys to keys may be used. These will be indicated as follows: Key 1. (e.g. Dioscorea, p. 54, Vol. 6, Tillandsia, p. 100, Vol. 6). Short diagnostic subheadings may be used as headings to subkeys.
Double space between each numbered entry in the key
In keys use one space instead of two after lead numbers and species numbers:
1. Aquenios hasta 20 1. E. tenellus 1. Aquenios más de 20 2. E. berteroiWhen species are keyed out in generic keys the following format applies: 3. Etc. etc. 5. Cyperus (30. C. inactivus)
10. Citation of literature
Published literature on families or genera (or exceptionally even species) should be cited after the description; it should be literature which is helpful for identification, which provides significant additional information, and/or which was extensively used in writing the account. It should not, except in exceptional cases, be treatments in other Floras. Flora Neotropica, however, should always be cited as literature under the family concerned, if the family has been treated. Literature citations should be abbreviated following BPH/S and TL2 (see section 16).
Fl. Neotrop. = Flora Neotropica Pflanzenr. = Das Pflanzenreich Fl. Novo-Galiciana = Flora Novo-GalicianaPublication titles should be italics, except for the names of genera and lower ranks (i.e. example 6 below). Multiple citations are arranged alphabetically by author and are separated by periods (full stops). Multiple entries by the same author are arranged chronologically by date of publication and are separated by semicolons. Volume numbers are normally in Arabic numerals, never in Roman numerals. Only in certain bibliographically complex publications are Roman numerals used, notably Das Pflanzenreich (see example 3 below).
For multiple authors cite all the names.
Common examples:
1. Single authors: Conert, H.J. Die Syst. Anat. Arundinae 79-122 (1962). Davidse, G. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 65: 1133-1254 (1978); 66: 359-360 (1979); Brittonia 36: 402-405 (1985). 2. Multiple authors: Smith, L.B. y Ayensu, E.S. Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 30: 1-172 (1976). 3. In format: Buchenau, F. in Engler, A. Pflanzenr. IV. 25(Heft 36): 98-284 (1906). 4. Books without volume: Ravenna, P. en Prance, G.T. y Elias, T.S. Extinction Is Forever 257-259 (1976). 5. Flora Neotropica citations: Smith, L.B. y Downs, R.J. Fl. Neotrop. 14: 1493-2142 (1979). 6. Theses: Verhoek-Williams, S.E. A Study of the Tribe Poliantheae (Including Manfreda) and Revisions of Manfreda and Prochnyanthes (Agavaceae). Ph. D. thesis, Cornell University, N.Y. (1975). 7. In press or preparation format: Gómez P., L.D. Triuridaceae. Fieldiana, Bot. (en prensa). 8. Publication date problems: Dicksonia dissecta Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 91 (1801[1802]).11. Terminology
The terminology to be used must be kept as simple as accuracy permits. A Spanish-English glossary by Sousa and Zárate and the Glosario Inglés-Español, Español-Inglés by Chiang, Sousa S. & Sousa P. are available free of charge to all authors, and no term should be used in a sense that contradicts the meaning given in those publications. In certain cases it will be helpful to explain unfamiliar terms in special notes under the taxa. A glossary will be included in Vol. 1 of the Flora.
12. Families
The name of the family, without author, and a concise description will be given, followed by a statement about the number of genera and the general distribution. Categories between families and genera are centered, numbered, and may have a description (see Volume 6 for examples: e.g. p. 193: I. Subfam. Bambusoideae/ A. Tribus Bambuseae/ a. Subtribus Bambusineae).
13. Genera
The name of the genus will be followed by the author and description. A brief statement concerning the number of species (can be approximated) and the general distribution of the genus will be given. Synonyms (followed by the author) should be cited using the same guidelines as for species, but should also include generally familiar names which are no longer acceptable. The abbreviation nom. cons. should be used fro conserved names (see below under Species). Subgenera and sections are treated as in Agave (Agavaceae) in Volume 6, p. 40: I. Subgen. Littaea (Tagliabue) Baker
14. Species
The name of the species will be followed by the author and place of publication (abbreviated as in section 16). Although the generic name has been abbreviated in Volumes 1 & 6, it will fully written out in future volumes (e.g. [a hypothetical case!] in Vol. 6 -- 12. S. lanceolatum Ruiz et Pavón, for future volumes -- 12. Solanum lanceolatum Ruiz et Pavón). If the accepted name is a combination the basionym will follow, also with author and place of publication, as a sentence on the same line. This is immediately followed by the type citation for the accepted name. Conventions used in Flora Mesoamericana for the citation of scientific names:
15. Types
Please refer to the Introduction to Volume 6 for a discussion of the special usage of types employed in Flora Mesoamericana (Notas Acerca del Formato: p. XVI). Types should be indicated whenever possible, even if not seen by the contributor, in the form:
16. Synonyms
Synonyms, comprising all accepted names in any cited literature (see section 10) and in the Floras listed in section 36 as well as any nomenclaturally essential synonyms, should then be cited without places of publication or types, in a separate paragraph. Names accepted in other current taxonomic literature (especially South America) may sometimes be usefully cited at the author's discretion, especially when names used in the Flora are based on new taxonomic judgements not previously published. Generic names of synonyms should be written out in full, then abbreviated until another generic name intervenes (see Torulinum odoratum, p. 442, Vol. 6) and below:
Because of financial constraints, illustrations are not used in the synoptic, printed version of Flora
Mesoamericana. However, since the majority of species have been illustrated in other publications,
authors are requested to supply a reference to an accurate illustration, especially one that occurs in a
readily available publication. The illustration citation should come directly after the type citation, in the
following format: Ilustr.: Telléz, Novon 3: 343, t. 2 (1993). Authors are requested to supply the
complete bibliographic citation which will be included in the Bibliography by the Editors.
18. Common names
Following the illustration citation, in the case of cultivated species, and, at the author's discretion, of
well-known or distinctive native species, well established common names widely used in Mesoamerica
may be given. If the names are local in use, the letters used in the geographical distributions may be
used to indicate this. Common names for whole genera can often usefully be given after the generic
name. Format is as follows:
Authors of plant names should be abbreviated according to R.K. Brummitt & C.E. Powell, Authors of
Plant Names (APN), Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1992); books according to F.A. Stafleu & R.S.
Cowan, Taxonomic Literature (TL2), but capitalizing all major words in the title (using their principles
for books not dealt with by them); periodicals according to G.D.R. Bridson & E.R. Smith (1991)
Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum/Supplementum (BPH/S). The terms loc.cit. and op.cit. should not be
20. Descriptions
(i) General. Descriptions should be of the taxon as it occurs in the area of the Flora, although in the
case of families and genera an indication should be given whenever this is misleading as a description
of the family or genus on a world scale. If Mesoamerican material is misleading in this manner, use the
format character (Mesoamerica) (see Eragrostis, p. 263, Vol. 6 and Puya, p. 90, Vol. 6). Descriptions
should be concise and diagnostic, but descriptive enough both to confirm identifications made with the
keys and to provide basic information for a database for the flora. Descriptions of related taxa should
be as directly parallel as possible, and diagnostic characters used in the keys should in general be
repeated in the descriptions. In keys and descriptions the terms plants, annuals, perennials, epiphytes,
terrestrial, etc. ( as well as stems, roots, leaves) should always be in the plural.
(ii) Length. Descriptions of genera and species should be complete and parallel and should not be
limited to any particular length. Authors should aim for the minimum length that still allows the
objectives above to be fully met. Characters in common to all species in a genus should not be
repeated in the species descriptions.
(iii) Order. The conventional order of characters from base to apex should be followed. For the plant
the order in general is from habit through roots, rhizomes or other underground organs, stems, leaves,
inflorescences, bracts, flowers, fruits, seeds, seedlings. In the case of leaves the order should be
dimensions, arrangement, sessile or stalked, shape, texture, color, venation, indumentum (upper surface
then lower), base characters, margin characters, apex characters, stipules; dimensions, shape, etc.,
petiole; dimensions, shape etc., . For flowers the order in general is: general characters, calyx
characters, corolla characetrs, androecium characters, gynoecium characters.
(iv) Sentences. The description of each major character should form a separate sentence, subsidiary
characters being separated by semicolons; for further divisions each major noun is preceded by an
article (usually "the").
(v) Abbreviations. These should not be used except in a few conventional, non-botanical cases (see
section 37). See Notas acerca del Formato, p. XV, Vol. 6 for a complete list.
(vi) Measurements and numbers. These should always follow immediately after the noun they qualify.
The only exception to this is for multiple organs, e.g. Bracts 5-7, 6.5-3 x 1-1.5 cm. A single
measurement or range of measurements indicates length, e.g., sepals 6-10 mm; sepals 6-10 x 3-4 mm
indicates length times width. Length times width dimensions should always be converted to this format.
Exceptional limits of measurement should be indicated in the form: sepals (5-)6-10(-12) mm, and of
number in the form: stamens 5(10) or 5 or 10 (not 5,10) if a simple alternative is meant or 5(-10) if a
range is meant.
Convert L/W ratios as follows: L/W ratio 3:1 = 2-3 times as long as wide.
Maintain the same units of measurement of the same structure in all species descriptions in a genus.
Do not use dm in descriptions: convert to cm or m.
(vii) Miscellaneous: When shapes are described in the shape of letters express as follows: Seed in the
shape of an "S" (with the letter in double quotes).
21. Flowering time
If reliably known for the Flora area this may be indicated at the end of the morphological description
and before the chromosome number.
22. Chromosome number
This should be given for species or infraspecific taxa in the form 2n = whenever a reliable count has
been made on material from the area covered by the Flora.
23. Ecology
This should be indicated using the simplest and briefest terms possible (see Glosario Inglés-Español,
Español-Inglés, p. 56, p. 40). If habitat is unknown, use the phrase (Hábitat desconocido).
24. Distribution within Mesoamerica and specimen citation
This should be indicated by using initials in the following sequence: T (Tabasco state), Ch (Chiapas
state), Y (Yucatán state), C (Campeche state), QR (Quintana Roo state), B (Belice), G (Guatemala),
H (Honduras), ES (El Salvador), N (Nicaragua), CR (Costa Rica), P (Panamá). For each territory
one specimen seen by the author should be cited in parentheses giving collector's name and number
and one herbarium acronym (see format below). In distribution statements the state of México is
abbreviated as Edo. México to distinguish it from the country's name. Other state names for México
are used without the abbreviation Edo., including Distrito Federal. For Brazilian states add the country
name. When the only specimen cited is from the phytogeographical area (outside of strict FM area)
give this form: Veracruz (Sousa 653, MEXU) or Oaxaca (Standley 1642, MEXU). If only from
Chiapas and Oaxaca, for example, cite only the Chiapas specimen and mention Oaxaca in the general
distribution. Question marks under this heading, as elsewhere in the Flora, should always follow, not
precede, the item being queried. The terms naturalized or cultivated should be added, as appropriate,
after the Mesoamerican distribution.
Actually state the distribution of subsp. or var., even if it is the same as the species as a whole.
Format for specimen citations: Ch (Chavelas ES-3060, MEXU); G (Smith 8549, MO).
Never use first name initials in citations even for common names such as Goméz, Ortega, Gentry or
Smith. However, the mother's initials are used (if given) for Spanish surnames: Molina R., Martínez
S., Sousa S.
Date of collection is not used in specimen citations where the collector did not use numbered
collections: Y (Hahn s.n., NY).
Format for pro parte in specimen citations: N (Chater 100 en parte, BM).
If a contributor believes a species to occur in a country solely on the basis of a literature report, a
reference to this should be used in place of a specimen, e.g., CR (Jones, 1979: 312). The full citation of
the literature reference must be supplied separately to the editors who will incorporate it into the
general bibliography.
25. Altitude
Where appropriate and available this should be indicated after the Mesoamerican distribution in the
form xx-xxx m, rounded off to the nearest 100 m (provided it does not exceed the highest point, see
below). Do not use symbols in elevational statements, use: por arriba de 1000 m; por debajo de 1000
m; c. 3500 m (for single collections); if in sea or sea level, use 0 m, 0-10 m. If the altitude is known
below 100m, round off to the nearest 10 m: e.g. 0-80 m. If altitudinal distribution is not known, use the
expression Altitud desconocido. Only the elevational distribution in Mesoamerica should be used.
Highest elevations in Mesoamerica are as follows:
26. General distribution
Whenever possible and definitely known this should always be indicated by citing individual countries
for the Americas in the following order: Canada, Estados Unidos, México, Mesoamérica, Colombia,
Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam, Guayana Francesa, Ecuador, Galapagos, Perú, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay,
Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Antillas. Islands of the West Indies should be cited in the general order of
the Greater Antilles, Leeward Islands, Windward Islands, Bermuda. If a taxon occurs in Guyana,
Surinam and Guayana Francesa, this should be cited as Guayanas. Continents should be cited in the
following order: North America, Mesoamerica, Sudamerica, Europa, Asia, África, Australia, Islas del
Pacifico. The Galapagos Islands may be cited separately as Galapagos, next to Ecuador in the general
distribution statement.
For introduced taxa, the native range should be indicated first, followed by the naturalized or cultivated
range, as follows: (Nativa de China; cultivada en los tropicos).
When a taxon is endemic, i.e., confined within the area of the Flora, this should be indicated by the
word endemic in parentheses following the specimen citations. Format: CR ( Jones 123, MEXU); P
(Knapp 5664, MO). 1000-1500 m. (Endémica.).
27. Discussion
At the end of the account of any taxon, a note may be included explaining or commenting upon any
points of special interest; these notes should contain any information that will aid identification and
distinction for closely related species, information on relationships or ecology (not too lengthy) and/or
references to taxonomic, nomenclatural or distributional problems. These notes should be written in
complete sentences. In family descriptions, this discussion paragraph should precede the bibliographic
28. Infraspecific taxa
Subspecies and varieties should be used as appropriate. They should be treated in the same way as
species, but with shorter descriptions. In cases where the typical element does not occur in the area of
the Flora, the type, distribution, etc. of the species itself should always also be given (in case the user
of the Flora prefers to ignore the infraspecific category).
Format for treatment of infraspecific taxa:
A. Two or more varieties including the type variety (see Lasiacis, pp. 318-321, Vol. 6)
29. Excluded taxa
Excluded taxa should be listed alphabetically at the end of the generic treatment with complete
bibliographic citations, type, and brief reasons for exclusion. For an example see Tillandsia, p. 121,
Vol. 6.
30. Monotypic families and genera
Family, generic and specific descriptions should be used even in cases where the family or genus is
monotypic. General characters most useful at the family and generic levesl should be included in the
family and genus descriptions. Precise character states should be included in the species descriptions.
31. Novitates
New taxa, combinations, etc. should be validated before publication in the Flora, and it may often be
useful to do the same with significant novelties of taxonomy or nomenclature. Novon, Bulletin of the
British Museum (Natural History), Botany Series, and Anales del Instituto de Biología de la
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Serie Botánica will be open to authors for this purpose if
they have no easier means of publication.
32. Index
A complete index to names and synonyms will be included in each volume. Manuscripts should be
submitted complete with indices, synonyms underlined, and each name referred to the relevant species
or genus number using a combination of the numbers used for each rank e.g., Axonopus; caryae 129-
33. Major herbaria
Section 38 is a very selective annotated list of some of the herbaria with especially important
Mesoamerican collections. Many other important Mesoamerican collections, of course, exist in other
34. Availability of literature
The editors will attempt to make available as copies or on loan literature which is not easily accessible
to authors. It would be helpful if authors could indicate to the editors any references they cite which
they have not been able to check personally.
35. Annotation of specimens
Annotation of specimens is an important part of preparation of accounts for the Flora, as specimen
citations are in no way exhaustive. Authors are therefore strongly urged to annotate material seen by
them in the course of preparation of accounts for Flora Mesoamericana. The editors will gladly
receive extensive lists of exsiccatae for inclusion in the computerized Mesoamerica database. Please
contact any one of the editors for details concerning this.
36. Sources of Synonyms
The names accepted in the following (mostly relatively recent and widely available) works should be
cited in synonymy or included in the discussion paragraphs if based on misidentifications or if they
differ from those accepted in Flora Mesoamericana. All names based on Mesoamerican types should
be included in the treatment.
Burger, W. 1971-. Flora Costaricensis. Fieldiana, Bot. 35 and subsequent volumes.
Dwyer, J. D. & D. L. Spellman. 1981. A list of the Dicotyledoneae of Belize. Rhodora 83: 161-236.
Flora Neotropica. 1968-. Various authors. New York, etc.
Molina R., A. 1975. Enumeracion de las plantas de Honduras. Ceiba 19:1-118.
Spellman, D. L., J. D. Dwyer & G. Davidse. 1975. A list of the Monocotyledoneae of Belize. Rhodora
Standley, P. C. 1920-1926. Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 23.
Standley, P. C. 1930. Flora of Yucatan. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 3:157-492.
Standley, P. C. 1937-1938. Flora of Costa Rica. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser.18. (Except
where superseded by Burger 1971- .)
Standley, P.C. & S. Calderón. 1941. Lista preliminar de las plantas de El Salvador. Ed.2. San
Standley, P. C., J. A. Steyermark & L. O. Williams. 1946-1977. Flora of Guatemala. Fieldiana, Bot..
Woodson, R. E. & R. W. Schery. 1943-1980. Flora of Panamá. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 30 and
subsequent volumes.
37. Abbreviations
a. Conventional abbrevations to be used in the Flora, see also Notas acerca del Formato, p.XV, Vol. 6.
38. Herbaria
a. The eleven herbaria with the most important holdings of Mesoamerican material, with special
strengths indicated:
b. The most important herbaria in Mesoamerican countries:
c. Many historically important collections are in major herbaria such as BM, GH, K, P. Specialized
collections, such as Gramineae in ISC, occur in many others
Geogr. unit Mountain Elevation
Tabasco Cerro Madrigal ca. 900 m
Chiapas Tacaná 4093 m
Campeche ? 310 m
Yucatán ? 250 m
Quintana Roo ? 250 m
Belice Doyle's Delight 1140 m
Guatemala Tajumulco 4220 m
Honduras Celaque 2849 m
El Salvador Santa Ana 2365 m
Nicaragua Mogotón 2107 m
Costa Rica Chirripó Grande 3819 m
Panamá Volcán Barú (Chiriquí) 3475 m
(source: National Geographic Society, Central America Map, 1986, and México and Central America
Map, 1961).