(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
TOXNET® (TOXicology Data NETwork)
is a computerized system of files oriented to toxicology and related areas.
It is managed by NLM's Toxicology Information Program and runs on a
series of micro-computers in a networked client/server architecture.
TOXNET is an integrated system containing modules for
building and reviewing records as well as providing sophisticated
search and retrieval features for NLM online users.
The following files are available on the TOXNET system.
- HSDB® (Hazardous Substances Data Bank)
- HSDB is a factual data bank focusing upon the toxicology of
over 4300 potentially hazardous chemicals.
In addition to toxicity data,
the file carries information in the areas of emergency handling procedures,
environmental fate, human exposure, detection methods,
and regulatory requirements.
The file is fully
referenced and peer-reviewed by a Scientific Review Panel composed
of expert toxicologists and other scientists.
HSDB is co-sponsored
by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR).
- TRI (Toxic Chemical Release Inventory)
- TRI contains information on the annual estimated releases of toxic
chemicals to the environment.
It is mandated by the Emergency Planning Community
and is based upon data submitted to the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
from industrial facilities around the country.
These data include names and addresses of the
facilities, and the amounts of certain toxic chemicals
they release to the air, water, or land or transfer to waste sites.
There is information on over 300 chemicals and chemical categories.
Pollution Prevention data exists for each chemical.
- IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System)
- IRIS is an online database built by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
It contains EPA carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic
health risk and regulatory information on over 600 chemicals.
The risk assessment data have been scientifically reviewed by groups of
EPA scientists and represent EPA consensus.
IRIS also contains EPA Drinking Water Health Advisories,
chemical and physical properties, and references.
- RTECS® (Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances)
- RTECS contains toxic effects data on over 117,000 chemicals.
Both acute and chronic effects are covered, including data on skin/eye
irritation, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and reproductive consequences.
The file is built and maintained by the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
- CCRIS (Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System)
- Sponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), CCRIS contains
scientifically evaluated data derived from carcinogenicity,
mutagenicity, tumor promotion and tumor inhibition tests on some
4,000 chemicals.
- GENE-TOX (GENEtic TOXicology)
- GENE-TOX is an online data bank created by EPA with genetic
toxicology test results on over 4,000 chemicals.
In the field of assay systems and the source literature
are reviewed by work panels of scientific experts
for each of the test systems under evaluation,
and the TENE-TOX data bank is the product of these data review activities.
Each test system in GENE-TOX has been peer reviewed and is referenced.
- DART (Development And Reproductive Toxicology)
- DART is a bibliographic database covering literature on teratology
and other aspects of develpmental toxicology.
It is produced by NLM and funded by EPA
and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
DART contains 14,000 citations to literature published since 1989.
Dart is a continuation of ETICBACK.
- ETICBACK (Environmental Teratology Information Center BACKfile)
- ETICBACK is a bibliographic database covering teratology literature.
It was produced by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
and funded by ATSDR, EPA, and NIEHS.
ETICBACK contains over 49,000 citations to literature
published from 1950-1989.
It is continued by DART.
- EMIC (Environmental Mutagen Information Center)
- EMIC is a bibliographic database containing citations to
literature on chemical, biological, and physical agents that have
been tested for genotoxic activity.
EMIC covers literature published since 1991.
- EMICBACK (Environmental Mutagen Information Center BACKfile)
- EMICBACK is a bibliographic database on chemical, biological, and
physical agents that have been tested for genotoxic activity.
This database is produced by ORNL and funced by EPA and NIEHS.
EMICBACK contains over 75,000 citations to literature published from 1950-1990.
- TRIFACTS (Toxic chemical Release Inventory FACTS)
- TRIFACTS supplements the environmental release data of chemicals
in the TRI series of files, with information related to the
health and ecological effects, and safety and handling of these chemicals.
- TOXNET Searching
- TOXNET was designed to be user-friendly.
Built into the system is a high degree of flexibility in search, print,
and other commands.
Users can easily extract data on known chemicals or identify unknown chemicals
based upon their characteristics, through free text searching.
A wide variety of online user assistance is available.
The TOXNET Gateway allows ready access between TOXNET and ELHILL files,
such as MEDLINE and TOXLINE.
Cross-file capability permits users to simultaneously search
and print from multiple files.
A special sequence of menus for
the novice user without prior computer experience exists for
the HSDB and TRI files and is being designed for other files.
- TOXNET Access
- TOXNET is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Registered NLM online services users can access these files by
direct dial or through the TYMNET, SPRINTNET, or COMPUSERVE
telecommunication networks.
TOXNET is also available to
registered users via INTERNET at the following address:
All TOXNET files are also accessible via the GRATEFUL MED Software.
User-friendly menu seaching built into Grateful Med
is available for several of these files.
For more information on Grateful Med,
contact the MEDLARS® Management Section (see below).
- TOXNET Contact
- For detailed information on TOXNET contact:
- Specialized Information Services
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Telephone: (301) 496-6531
- Internet Address:
- For information on MEDLARS services contact:
- MEDLARS Management Section
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Telephone: 1-800-638-8480
- Internet Address:
NLM HyperDOC / TOXNET FactSheet / March 1994