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Establishing an Online Account with NLM

Outside of the USA

Contact the International MEDLARS® Center nearest to your country. NLM does not currently support non-U.S. users via direct access, but plans to do so in the future. Access via the Internet, and payment by International credit card will be required. Access will likely be made via our user-friendly software Grateful Med® (available for IBM PC and Macintosh computers).

You may be interested in direct access to NLM if there is no MEDLARS center in your country, or you prefer not to use the MEDLARS center in your country. To receive information about direct international access when plans become more definite, send an e-mail message to the MEDLARS Management Section (mms@nlm.nih.gov).

Within the USA

Currently, you must complete and return traditional paper-based forms to initiate NLM accounts. Three types of accounts are offered: MEDLARS/TOXNET®/PDQ®, Free AIDS Databases, and Grateful Med:

Where to Send Completed Application Materials

MEDLARS Management Section
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Fax: (301)496-0822

e-mail: mms@nlm.nih.gov
Phone: (800)638-8480

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NLM HyperDOC / Online Information Services / April 1994