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VOV and Gitanes


Upon reaching Paris very early in the morning, Adora and I stumbled around wearily with our suitcases and backpacks (actually, I was carrying her suitcase; very heavy!) trying to find a place to crash. We ended up at a hotel that was too expensive, and we had to share a room even though Adora didn't like the idea too much. We actually shared the bed as well, but I was too tired to roll over, let alone try anything.

That night we found the house of friends of our American mime friend living in Paris. It was late and everyone was asleep. We had to call up to a voice from a second-story window and explain who we were. Finally, we were let in and welcomed, somewhat. I guess our host was ticked off because we woke her, demanded separate beds, and I didn't speak French. "Oh, la la," I thought she said, rolling her eyes, "you travel together to Paris and you are not lovers?" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes even more. Americans! Go figure!

Our female hosts claimed to be newspaper or magazine reporters who sometimes engaged in prostitution when they really needed the money for rent. I thought that was an exotic attitude, but never questioned it. They had a very nice Parisian house/apartment with antique-like furniture, a bidet in the bathroom, and other French stuff that was new to me. Like the stuff on the table in this photograph.

Can you help me identify some of the unknowns here?

  1. What is VOV? Is it some kind of orange liqueur?
    VOV is a kind of liqueur of italian origin. It's made with egg and marsala, a sicilian wine. It's yellow, dense and... you are missing something about life if you don't try it...!

    Thanks to Paolo Tanga

  2. Is Gitanes a popular brand of cigarettes in France?
    Yes, Gitanes is the most popular brand of french cigarettes.

    Thanks to Paolo Tanga

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