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Quarterdeck Internet Product Information

In the coming months, Quarterdeck will introduce a complete line of Internet products, including:

Quarterdeck Mosaic The next generation World Wide Web navigation tool featuring a high performance multi-threading data engine for retrieving and displaying multiple documents at a time, multiple hotlist folders for categorizing URL's, a drag and drop interface for adding URL's to folders, and much, much, more.

The Quarterdeck Internet Toolbox A complete suite of software that includes everything you need to get up and running on the 'Net.

HTML Authoring Tools for Word for Windows 6.0 The fast, easy, WYSIWYG tool for creating HTML documents for the Internet's World Wide Web, with no knowledge of HTML, using Word for Windows 6.0.

Web Server for Windows An easy to set up, run, and maintain Web server for the Windows platform. A great tool for small businesses, departments within corporations, and as a Web development platform.