(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
The Constitution of the United States of America - The authoritative document under which
a nation grew strong, including its amendments.
Declaration of Independence - A declaration by the Second Continental Congress of the
United States of America enumerating grievances with the British crown and asserting
dissociation from Great Britain
The Constitution of the United States of America
The authoritative document under which a nation grew strong, including its amendments.
The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln - The world will long remember what he said
Magna Carta - The Great Charter establishing the rights of citizens under a monarchy.
[643] From: Andre Sharp 1/27/95 2:17PM (1136 bytes: 6 ln, 1 fl)
To: Gary Rich
Subject: history repeated
------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
Text item 1:
Found another great source for historic documents - although
this is a gopher site at cwru Case Western U.
The attached file tells you what they have there.
File item 2: HISTORY 1/27/95 12:50PM