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SideBar v. 1.0

The Quick and Easy Way to Organize Microsoft Windows.

Suggested Retail Price: $59.95

Windows Users, Relax and Read This

What is SideBar?

SideBar is a program launcher and desktop organizer for Microsoft Windows. In a nutshell: SideBar helps you work more efficiently in Windows. It helps you organize your programs and files in a completely logical manner, and makes launching and managing applications faster and easier. Simple and intuitive, SideBar provides alternatives to the Microsoft Windows Program Manager and File Manager.

Furthermore, SideBar was designed to use as little of your display screen as possible, thus minimizing the problems of managing multiple overlapping windows.

Why is SideBar better?

The idea of pointing at icons and clicking with a mouse may seem simple enough. After the tedium of command line prompts, it is easy to allow the unstructured approach of the Windows Program manager to result in a messed-up desktop.

SideBar places every desktop management tool you'll ever need under your control, in a logical and intuitive manner. By introducing the concept of objects into desktop management, SideBar establishes and maintains a consistent theme that will soon become second nature.

Each program or file on your computer is an object in SideBar. You can place each object right on the desktop, or on a narrow "SideBar" along the edge of your screen. To launch a program or access a file, you just click on the icon and you have instant access to the program or file.

Power Users, Fasten your Seatbelts

What is SideBar?

SideBar is a small, fast Windows shell: it provides object oriented foldering and file management in a way that makes best use of your screen area.

SideBar helps you manage objects within folders and directory views. Folder views allow you organize your objects any way you please. Directory views allow you to examine and change the contents of your disk drive(s), including networked drives.

There are many kinds of objects within SideBar. Files, documents, programs, folders, drives and printers are all examples of objects. You can copy and move these objects between folders and directories by dragging and dropping. You can also perform actions on objects by clicking to pop up an object menu. Object menus let you choose from all the actions possible for the selected object. Some examples of actions you can perform are open, copy, move, delete, rename and print.

Each object is defined by properties such as its description, file name, working directory and icon. You can use the Properties Notebook to look at and change an object's properties.

System Requirements

IBM PC or compatible with Intel processor; Windows 3.1; 3.5" disk drive.

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