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WebAuthor Fact Sheet

In the past, creating documents for the World Wide Web required knowledge of HyperText Markup Language (HTML). This procedure was difficult and error prone due to the complex codes and rules required to construct valid Web documents.

WebAuthor, Quarterdeck Corporation's HTML add-in to Word for Windows 6.0, introduces a new standard in ease-of-use for creating hypertext-linked multimedia documents, such as home pages, for the World Wide Web. If you have a World Wide Web browser such as Quarterdeck's Mosaic, you should have WebAuthor.

Using WebAuthor, no HTML experience is required to create complex Web documents in HTML 2.0 format. If you know Word, you know all you need to know to start developing your own Web pages. You get true WYSIWYG editing with no cryptic HTML codes displayed. WebAuthor provides a total authoring solution!

WebAuthor is designed to create new Web documents or to import existing pages. Documents are automatically converted between HTML and Word formats. You are guaranteed that your document will be properly formatted with WebAuthor's built-in HTML validation. Since the HTML documents are saved as plain text, the final documents can be displayed on virtually any World Wide Web platform, including Microsoft Windows and Windows NT, Macintosh, and UNIX.

How would you prefer to do your work?

The old-fashioned way?

Good luck figuring this out!

Or the WebAuthor way?

WebAuthor makes it easy to create home pages!

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