For the latest information, click here to get the PS Gopher.
Click here for a neat paleontologically related cartoon.
Here is the Society's Code for Fossil Collecting
Names and addresses of officers
International Research Program
An online version of Priscum, the society's newsletter
The homepage of the Field Museum of Natural History" features a multimedia exhibit on dinosaurs!
The Florida Museum of Natural History is pleased to announce the third searchable database has been added to its web site. The Florida Geological Survey collection joins the Pierce Brodkorb fossil bird collection, and the Invertebrate Paleontology type collection as multi-parametered searchable on-line databases.
Homepage for the The Hunterian Museum in Glsgow.
The homepages of the American Geophysical Union
and the Ecological Society of America.
The home page of the Morrison Research Initiative
The Web site of the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists is now online. The site has information about the Association, its publications, its activities, and how to join. It also includes the issues of the AASP Newsletter.
Information on SEPM Special Publications
A homepage maintained by the International Organisation of Palaeobotany. Contains copies of their newsletter, a plant fossil record database, and a place for discussions.
Overall Knowledge Company, Inc. has launched the Museum Online Resource Review ( MORR) on the World Wide Web. MORR is an annotated directory of museum online resources and activities on the World Wide Web and other areas of the Internet. MORR also includes a searchable listing of companies that supply products and services to museums.
The Gulf of St. Lawrence Microfossil Catalogue contains images of Late Quaternary foraminifers and ostracods from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Links to 380 images are now available.
Information on field opportunities, as well as other paleontological links, can be found on Russ Jacobson's Earthnet Info Server
A 3-D cynodont reconstruction by Tim Rowe!
Send comments, questions, and information to:Roy E. Plotnick
Geological Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago