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European Media Art Festival

General Information

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EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL - that means five days of films, videos, performances, installations, CD-ROMs and internet projects.

At different venues in Osnabrück international media-art will be presented and discussed. The art gallery Dominikanerkirche offers the fascinating environment for the exhibition due to it´s gothic ambience.

Various approaches in the production of moving images apart from convential narration and standerized contents, show the innovative power and vitality of media arts, also and because of the anniversary of cinematography.

``Arts and Body'' are the topical frames of this years festival programme. Many artists deal with the human body as the main focus in their work and ask which influence the interactive media might have on the individual.

We invite you to take part on a journey of images from the beginning of the film avantgarde to the future of the cybernauts in the global village.

Alfred Rotert, Ralf Sausmikat, Hermann Nöring

(c) 1995 EMAF by umi / JK