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World-Wide Web Access Statistics for www.urz.uni-heidelberg.de

Last updated: Tue, 07 Mar 1995 09:36:52 (GMT +0100)

Totals for Summary Period: Feb 2 1995 to Mar 2 1995

Files Transmitted During Summary Period           59582
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       338170189
Average Files Transmitted Daily                    2055
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                11661041

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 1.21  1.91      6460304      718 | Feb  2 1995
 4.18  3.04     10269253     2490 | Feb  3 1995
 1.11  1.25      4213546      661 | Feb  4 1995
 1.01  1.31      4415374      603 | Feb  5 1995
 3.74  4.36     14759323     2227 | Feb  6 1995
 3.66  3.38     11439695     2180 | Feb  7 1995
 4.45  4.88     16499665     2650 | Feb  8 1995
 4.41  5.02     16986838     2625 | Feb  9 1995
 6.02  3.83     12946183     3587 | Feb 10 1995
 1.30  1.50      5061632      774 | Feb 11 1995
 0.95  0.63      2139178      568 | Feb 12 1995
 4.54  3.05     10303845     2708 | Feb 13 1995
 4.92  4.32     14600390     2929 | Feb 14 1995
 4.93  5.11     17272783     2940 | Feb 15 1995
 5.64  5.67     19182401     3360 | Feb 16 1995
 4.70  5.58     18877029     2800 | Feb 17 1995
 1.33  1.01      3426002      794 | Feb 18 1995
 1.71  1.01      3418578     1021 | Feb 19 1995
 3.90  3.27     11052745     2321 | Feb 20 1995
 4.03  4.40     14874811     2404 | Feb 21 1995
 4.49  5.02     16991345     2674 | Feb 22 1995
 4.64  5.63     19033259     2762 | Feb 23 1995
 5.17  5.66     19126957     3079 | Feb 24 1995
 1.71  1.68      5675222     1017 | Feb 25 1995
 1.78  3.03     10233858     1063 | Feb 26 1995
 5.13  5.62     19007662     3056 | Feb 27 1995
 3.47  4.54     15347850     2066 | Feb 28 1995
 4.25  2.63      8882272     2532 | Mar  1 1995
 1.63  1.68      5672189      973 | Mar  2 1995

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 1.49  1.61      5448307      886 |  00
 1.39  1.32      4464187      829 |  01
 1.32  1.67      5633713      785 |  02
 1.00  1.17      3959200      598 |  03
 0.61  0.78      2640300      366 |  04
 0.57  0.57      1919719      341 |  05
 0.45  0.22       744593      268 |  06
 0.90  0.80      2706525      534 |  07
 1.92  1.88      6348947     1146 |  08
 3.91  3.70     12501418     2332 |  09
 5.75  5.18     17518651     3425 |  10
 6.59  6.58     22242571     3925 |  11
 7.67  7.75     26210889     4571 |  12
 8.06  6.72     22741203     4804 |  13
10.18  8.71     29438881     6063 |  14
 8.48  8.17     27617928     5054 |  15
 8.48 10.11     34176512     5050 |  16
 7.84  9.42     31848480     4670 |  17
 5.93  6.54     22116863     3531 |  18
 5.25  5.76     19471516     3129 |  19
 4.41  3.69     12495297     2626 |  20
 3.51  3.22     10873693     2089 |  21
 2.35  3.16     10683187     1399 |  22
 1.95  1.29      4367609     1161 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.19  0.09       300193      116 | at    Austria
 0.23  0.06       207115      137 | au    Australia
 0.14  0.16       546752       82 | be    Belgium
 0.72  0.34      1133454      430 | ca    Canada
 0.67  0.59      1998581      397 | ch    Switzerland
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | cl    Chile
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | cr    Costa Rica
 0.01  0.00        10887        5 | cz    Czech Republic
14.78 27.58     93280380     8807 | de    Germany
 0.14  0.14       482894       82 | dk    Denmark
 0.15  0.43      1448498       92 | es    Spain
 0.21  0.62      2090525      124 | fi    Finland
 0.31  0.60      2026065      186 | fr    France
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | gr    Greece
 0.01  0.00         3061        3 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.01  0.00        13751        6 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.02  0.11       379560       10 | hu    Hungary
 0.07  0.02        50828       43 | ie    Ireland
 0.06  0.13       435327       35 | il    Israel
 0.03  0.01        40970       20 | is    Iceland
 0.12  0.04       142390       74 | it    Italy
 0.17  0.85      2881435      104 | jp    Japan
 0.01  0.00         6754        3 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.00  0.00          360        1 | lt    Lithuania
 0.02  0.01        34023       12 | lu    Luxembourg
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | lv    Latvia
 0.05  0.44      1493741       27 | mx    Mexico
 0.01  0.00         2821        5 | my    Malaysia
 0.53  1.29      4361195      313 | nl    Netherlands
 0.16  0.37      1262165       97 | no    Norway
 0.03  0.01        30661       15 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | pe    Peru
 0.01  0.00         8321        5 | pl    Poland
 0.01  0.00         5343        5 | pt    Portugal
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.53  1.05      3564597      316 | se    Sweden
 0.01  0.00         8325        4 | sg    Singapore
 0.01  0.00         7479        5 | si    Slovenia
 0.02  0.00        12906       11 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.08  0.02        68826       46 | su    USSR (former)
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | th    Thailand
 0.01  0.00        16549        8 | tr    Turkey
 0.02  0.25       859586       10 | tw    Taiwan
 0.00  0.00         3679        2 | ua    Ukraine
 1.40  2.20      7456177      836 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.12  0.04       127218       74 | us    United States
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | za    South Africa
 2.19  2.97     10057494     1302 | com   US Commercial
 3.88  4.36     14737036     2313 | edu   US Educational
 0.19  0.18       625291      112 | gov   US Government
 0.01  0.00         4908        5 | int   International
 0.01  0.35      1187642        8 | mgm   
 0.09  0.13       441623       52 | mil   US Military
 0.97  1.46      4938360      578 | net   Network
 0.22  0.23       787965      130 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.01  0.11       381982        8 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 6.37  7.48     25282745     3798 | unresolved 
64.98 45.21    152882503    38714 | uni-heidelberg.de 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.01  0.00         6934        4 |
 0.01  0.00         7129        3 |
 0.01  0.00         8027        4 |
 0.01  0.00         8083        6 |
 0.01  0.00         5247        8 |
 0.01  0.01        27736        3 |
 0.00  0.00          835        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.01        34655        5 |
 0.01  0.00         8406        4 |
 0.00  0.00         2295        2 |
 0.01  0.00         7096        4 |
 0.01  0.00         9413        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3589        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4276        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1217        1 |
 0.01  0.00         6181        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 |
 0.03  0.01        22413       15 |
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 |
 0.01  0.00         2811        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1073        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.00  0.00          843        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.01  0.00         6479        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.03  0.00        13782       19 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00         9316        5 |
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 |
 0.01  0.00        11910        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3372        2 |
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3123        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00         9497        8 |
 0.00  0.00          852        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.04  0.01        47405       21 |
 0.01  0.00         7211        3 |
 0.01  0.00        13507        6 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.01  0.01        31403        4 |
 0.01  0.00         2542        3 |
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 |
 0.04  0.02        60780       23 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.01  0.00         5626        3 |
 0.01  0.00        13062        7 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 |
 0.01  0.00        12487        8 |
 0.02  0.01        35056       13 |
 0.00  0.00          529        1 |
 0.00  0.00          681        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.01  0.01        19286        6 |
 0.06  0.03       112762       37 |
 0.00  0.00          876        2 |
 0.02  0.01        19209       10 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.01        27630        3 |
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00        11928        7 |
 0.01  0.00         1920        3 |
 0.01  0.01        28868        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1073        1 |
 0.01  0.00        11052        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.01        43475        6 |
 0.03  0.01        35380       18 |
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 |
 0.01  0.00        10951        8 |
 0.00  0.00          528        1 |
 0.02  0.19       634324       10 |
 0.02  0.00         8580       11 |
 0.00  0.00          800        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3465        2 |
 0.01  0.00         8221        3 |
 0.02  0.00        10583       14 |
 0.00  0.00         3770        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00          852        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2410        2 |
 0.02  0.01        25995        9 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.02  0.02        55881       14 |
 0.02  0.01        17641        9 |
 0.01  0.01        28176        4 |
 0.01  0.00         9162        5 |
 0.00  0.00          451        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6631        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6813        8 |
 0.01  0.00         2235        4 |
 0.08  0.04       143067       49 |
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 |
 0.01  0.01        40385        5 |
 0.01  0.11       370286        4 |
 0.01  0.00         5257        7 |
 0.01  0.00         4473        4 |
 0.01  0.00        11774        4 |
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.02  0.00        11898       10 |
 0.01  0.00         7721        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.01  0.00        15075        5 |
 0.00  0.00         1294        2 |
 0.01  0.00         7502        7 |
 0.04  0.01        30189       23 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.11       375146        6 |
 0.04  0.01        47757       23 |
 0.01  0.01        35292        3 |
 0.00  0.00          843        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9720        4 |
 0.01  0.01        25077        8 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 |
 0.01  0.00        14898        8 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1369        2 |
 0.05  0.01        27483       27 |
 0.01  0.00         3855        7 |
 0.02  0.00         9645       12 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1001        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2152        2 |
 0.02  0.00        15194       10 |
 0.00  0.11       360357        1 |
 0.00  0.00          463        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 |
 0.01  0.00        10489        4 |
 0.00  0.00          528        1 |
 0.01  0.11       370061        5 |
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3107        4 |
 0.01  0.00         6479        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.02        64966        7 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3113        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3940        5 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 |
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 |
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 |
 0.01  0.00         6510        3 |
 0.01  0.00        13753        6 |
 0.00  0.00          529        1 |
 0.01  0.01        27838        4 |
 0.03  0.12       410582       18 |
 0.01  0.00         3851        3 |
 0.01  0.00         9791        6 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         2515        3 |
 0.01  0.00         9056        4 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.11       370295        4 |
 0.01  0.00         6005        5 |
 0.01  0.00         6514        3 |
 0.03  0.01        20429       15 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00         2964        3 |
 0.01  0.01        29010        4 |
 0.01  0.00         5605        4 |
 0.01  0.00         7179        5 |
 0.01  0.00         7721        4 |
 0.01  0.11       365652        5 |
 0.01  0.00         7092        6 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3648        5 |
 0.01  0.24       825367        8 |
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00        15959        5 |
 0.01  0.00         2872        3 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.01        27973        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1683        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4678        2 |
 0.02  0.00        10328        9 |
 0.01  0.00         4814        3 |
 0.01  0.01        19956        7 |
 0.01  0.01        28577        3 |
 0.00  0.00          843        1 |
 0.01  0.00        12810        5 |
 0.05  0.13       425855       29 |
 0.01  0.00         4595        3 |
 0.02  0.01        22986       10 |
 0.00  0.00         8149        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 |
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 0.01  0.00         2517        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.01  0.00        14193        5 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6526        5 |
 0.02  0.01        19717       10 |
 0.01  0.11       371840        8 |
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 |
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 |
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 |
 0.01  0.00         5790        3 |
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.02  0.00        10639       11 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.01  0.00         4234        4 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.01  0.00         1969        3 |
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 0.01  0.00         3209        5 |
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
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 0.03  0.00        16744       19 |
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 0.00  0.00          535        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3520        6 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         6324        5 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00          527        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 |
 0.01  0.00         6265        5 |
 0.01  0.00         6529        8 |
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.01  0.00         4643        5 |
 0.07  0.01        47689       39 |
 0.00  0.00         3113        2 |
 0.01  0.00         5795        5 |
 0.01  0.00         6937        3 |
 0.01  0.00         5019        5 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.02  0.01        23857       12 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.01  0.00        15959        5 |
 0.01  0.00        15946        5 |
 0.01  0.00         8005        6 |
 0.06  0.02        74700       34 |
 0.01  0.00        10118        5 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.02  0.01        33873       12 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1813        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00          852        1 |
 0.01  0.01        23463        8 |
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 |
 0.01  0.11       370295        4 |
 0.01  0.00         8934        7 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.01  0.00         5339        5 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00          506        1 |
 0.00  0.00          849        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1452        2 |
 0.01  0.00        10733        6 |
 0.01  0.00         4147        3 |
 0.01  0.00         4429        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1822        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00        10821        4 |
 0.01  0.00        13007        6 |
 0.01  0.00         7820        6 |
 0.01  0.00         7354        3 |
 0.01  0.00         3777        3 |
 0.00  0.00          548        1 |
 0.01  0.00         5026        5 |
 0.01  0.00         6405        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1166        1 |
 0.02  0.01        48409       10 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.02  0.01        23715        9 |
 0.01  0.00        15711        6 |
 0.00  0.00          374        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.01  0.00         5384        6 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00          562        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3629        3 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.01  0.00        11610        5 |
 0.01  0.01        27628        3 |
 0.01  0.01        28565        3 |
 0.01  0.00         7718        4 |
 0.04  0.01        27222       23 |
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3337        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1704        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6278        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00        15660        8 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00          547        1 |
 0.01  0.00        12493        7 |
 0.01  0.00         5175        8 |
 0.01  0.01        29746        5 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.00  0.00          681        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00          744        1 |
 0.00  0.00          766        1 |
 0.00  0.00         7330        2 |
 0.01  0.12       397652        5 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.00  0.00          744        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.03  0.01        25784       16 |
 0.02  0.00        16714        9 |
 0.00  0.00          681        1 |
 0.01  0.01        27936        3 |
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 |
 0.01  0.01        28160        4 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.01  0.00        11044        5 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.15  0.20       668988       88 |
 0.00  0.00          852        1 |
 0.01  0.00         4834        3 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.01  0.00         2486        3 |
 0.01  0.00        13496        8 |
 0.00  0.00          374        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 |
 0.00  0.00          524        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 |
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         6275        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.02  0.00         6214       10 |
 0.01  0.00        16221        7 |
 0.01  0.00        14687        8 |
 0.00  0.00         1369        2 |
 0.00  0.00          374        1 |
 0.03  0.05       174669       17 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.01  0.00         4447        5 |
 0.01  0.00         1827        3 |
 0.00  0.00          744        1 |
 0.01  0.01        31664        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         6948        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.04  0.01        49679       22 |
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.01  0.00         9730        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3237        2 |
 0.00  0.00         2410        2 |
 0.01  0.00         2804        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3592        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1369        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 |
 0.01  0.00         7109        5 |
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 |
 0.01  0.00         4953        6 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.01  0.11       370286        4 |
 0.01  0.00        14785        5 |
 0.01  0.00         6843        6 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3628        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1166        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4453        2 |
 0.01  0.00         7502        5 |
 0.01  0.00         4814        3 |
 0.01  0.00         8845        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1369        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 |
 0.01  0.00        11039        6 |
 0.01  0.00         6279        3 |
 0.01  0.00         4081        5 |
 0.01  0.00         5827        3 |
 0.01  0.00         3510        4 |
 0.01  0.11       367243        3 |
 0.00  0.00          801        1 |
 0.01  0.00        13019        4 |
 0.01  0.00        11839        5 |
 0.00  0.00          833        1 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.00  0.00         4935        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 |
 0.00  0.00          793        1 |
 0.00  0.00          852        1 |
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 |
 0.01  0.00         5661        7 |
 0.00  0.00         1614        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9246        5 |
 0.01  0.00         6499        4 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.02  0.01        29961       10 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00          681        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00        14175        6 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00        13000        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1708        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6681        3 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.02  0.01        23095       12 |
 0.01  0.01        46136        8 |
 0.01  0.00         6022        5 |
 0.02  0.01        23430        9 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.06  0.13       443658       36 |
 0.04  0.01        18230       26 |
 0.00  0.00         3113        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.01  0.00         8325        4 |
 0.00  0.00          562        1 |
 0.01  0.00         5753        6 |
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 |
 0.02  0.01        22551       10 |
 0.00  0.00          374        1 |
 0.01  0.12       398024        6 |
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6930        4 |
 0.01  0.12       397652        5 |
 0.01  0.00         6394        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.02  0.00        11272        9 |
 0.01  0.00         5827        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         2621        2 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1729        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6087        4 |
 0.01  0.01        16964        7 |
 0.01  0.00        10959        3 |
 0.00  0.00          526        1 |
 0.01  0.07       239662        5 |
 0.00  0.00          775        1 |
 0.21  0.89      2992828      123 |
 0.00  0.00          547        1 |
 0.01  0.00         9248        5 |
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 |
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.18  0.37      1250552      105 |
 0.04  0.01        17591       21 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         6868        6 |
 0.00  0.00          852        1 |
 0.02  0.01        22343       11 |
 0.01  0.00        12135        4 |
 0.01  0.00        11833        3 |
 0.01  0.00        13928        8 |
 0.01  0.00         3991        3 |
 0.01  0.00         6539        5 |
 0.00  0.00         1441        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1063        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00         5034        4 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3119        2 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00         2492        3 |
 0.05  0.01        23665       32 |
 0.01  0.00         9590        5 |
 0.01  0.11       380215        7 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6737        5 |
 0.02  0.01        20568       10 |
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 |
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 |
 0.01  0.00         7360        5 |
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 |
 0.01  0.01        27678        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3295        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 |
 0.02  0.02        51816       13 |
 0.00  0.00         3581        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6541        3 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9357        3 |
 0.16  0.18       624013       93 |
 0.01  0.00         8096        7 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3996        4 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6278        2 |
 0.01  0.00         9045        3 |
 0.01  0.01        28565        3 |
 0.01  0.01        27628        3 |
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 |
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 |
 0.01  0.00        13140        6 |
 0.01  0.00         3991        3 |
 0.00  0.00          533        1 |
 0.01  0.01        27644        3 |
 0.04  0.01        23576       24 |
 0.04  0.01        30721       23 |
 0.02  0.00         8691        9 |
 0.01  0.00         4849        3 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 |
 0.01  0.11       374519        7 |
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 |
 0.00  0.00          374        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.00  0.00          657        1 |
 0.00  0.00          849        1 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.00  0.00          518        1 |
 0.01  0.00         4047        8 |
 0.01  0.00         2179        3 |
 0.00  0.00         8941        1 |
 0.01  0.00        10649        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1219        2 |
 0.00  0.00          744        1 |
 0.00  0.00         8540        2 |
 0.00  0.00          540        1 |
 0.01  0.00        14191        4 |
 0.01  0.00        15025        6 |
 0.02  0.00        12554        9 |
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 |
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 |
 0.01  0.12       397652        5 |
 0.00  0.00         2954        1 |
 0.01  0.00        14150        6 |
 0.00  0.00         1707        2 |
 0.01  0.00         8960        4 |
 0.00  0.00          528        1 |
 0.03  0.01        17889       16 |
 0.02  0.00         8071       10 |
 0.01  0.00         3716        6 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00        12195        5 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         8349        7 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6403        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         6539        3 |
 0.01  0.00         2804        4 |
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.00  0.00         1138        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00        13399        5 |
 0.01  0.00        16899        7 |
 0.01  0.01        27642        3 |
 0.00  0.00          529        1 |
 0.46  0.07       232083      274 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         1971        2 |
 0.36  0.16       556957      216 |
 0.01  0.01        19858        6 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.16  0.04       126239       93 |
 0.01  0.00         6161        6 |
 0.01  0.01        21685        8 |
 0.00  0.00          852        1 |
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 |
 0.00  0.00          374        1 |
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 |
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 |
 0.01  0.01        20084        8 |
 0.00  0.00          519        1 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.01  0.00         3141        5 |
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3469        2 |
 0.02  0.01        48502        9 |
 0.00  0.00          535        1 |
 0.01  0.00         5605        4 |
 0.01  0.00         4473        3 |
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 |
 0.02  0.00        14132       11 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.04  0.01        21833       21 |
 0.01  0.00         5985        7 |
 0.01  0.00         5000        3 |
 0.05  0.02        77490       29 |
 0.00  0.00         3518        2 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 |
 0.01  0.00         6748        4 |
 0.01  0.00         7895        4 |
 0.01  0.00         3524        6 |
 0.02  0.00         5343        9 |
 0.01  0.00         2885        4 |
 0.00  0.00         1219        2 |
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 |
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | arpa.in-addr.130.132.60.edu.yale.med.colburn
 0.01  0.00         7947        3 | arpa.in-addr.137.229.17.edu.alaska.sled
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | arpa.in-addr.de.uni-stuttgart.mpa.mpafz712
 0.00  0.00          518        1 | at.ac.akh-wien.derma.adta
 0.00  0.00         1258        1 | at.ac.akh-wien.persabt.mpersgm
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | at.ac.akh-wien.unisurg.et
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | at.ac.boku.oeh1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | at.ac.iiasa.guru
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | at.ac.kfunigraz.beur03
 0.01  0.00         4830        3 | at.ac.kfunigraz.bgsz07
 0.01  0.00         6282        4 | at.ac.kfunigraz.bgsz34
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | at.ac.kfunigraz.bgsz37
 0.01  0.00         4814        3 | at.ac.kfunigraz.bgsz39
 0.00  0.00         1155        2 | at.ac.kfunigraz.brom15
 0.01  0.00         6191        3 | at.ac.kfunigraz.bzw075
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | at.ac.oeaw.iinform.iimac
 0.01  0.01        19281        6 | at.ac.sbg.eor.deor03
 0.00  0.00         3469        2 | at.ac.sbg.ges.dges15
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | at.ac.tu-graz.fiicmsg01
 0.01  0.00         5461        3 | at.ac.tu-graz.fiwf02
 0.01  0.01        42015        5 | at.ac.tu-graz.freelove
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | at.ac.tu-graz.freewill
 0.01  0.00         1684        3 | at.ac.tuwien.dbai.mizar
 0.01  0.00         3612        3 | at.ac.tuwien.info
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | at.ac.tuwien.theochem.pauli
 0.01  0.01        28565        3 | at.ac.tuwien.ub.schreiner
 0.01  0.00         4860        4 | at.ac.uni-klu.edu.cs5002
 0.01  0.00         7069        4 | at.ac.uni-linz.risc.nettle
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | at.ac.unileoben.g1702a
 0.00  0.00          518        1 | at.ac.unileoben.g2101a
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | at.ac.univie.cancer.krumfusz
 0.01  0.00         5834        4 | at.ac.univie.cc.homer-slip-127
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | at.ac.univie.cc.homer-slip-128
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | at.ac.wu-wien.j075012
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | at.ac.wu-wien.mz-ps2-95
 0.00  0.00         4380        2 | at.ac.wu-wien.osiris
 0.00  0.00          518        1 | at.ac.wu-wien.u302
 0.01  0.00         7644        8 | at.co.siemens
 0.00  0.00         2134        2 | at.co.siemens.proxy
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | at.gv.bmwf.r26041
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | at.gv95.rathaus.sun
 0.01  0.00         4592        4 | at.or.iaea.nesi314a
 0.02  0.01        47793        9 | at.ping.pong
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | at.ping.r071
 0.01  0.01        17951        7 | at.via.ns1
 0.00  0.00          561        1 | at.wifi.iic.mc8
 0.00  0.00         1371        2 | au.com.geko.zonk
 0.01  0.00         2948        5 | au.com.ozemail.slnew1p08
 0.01  0.00         8651        5 | au.com.ozemail.slsyd2p04
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | au.com.ozemail.slsyd2p11
 0.00  0.00          744        1 | au.csiro.chem.mac-40146
 0.00  0.00          744        1 | au.csiro.chem.mac-40155
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | au.edu.adelaide.arch.pasiphae
 0.01  0.00         7395        5 | au.edu.adelaide.itd.quandong
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | au.edu.adelaide.library
 0.01  0.00         5605        4 | au.edu.adelaide.science.pene
 0.01  0.01        28574        3 | au.edu.anu.charlotte
 0.02  0.00        10883       14 | au.edu.anu.slipr15
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | au.edu.anu.slipr4
 0.01  0.00         2992        3 | au.edu.bond.its.kirra
 0.02  0.00         5838        9 | au.edu.gu.hum.hum7
 0.02  0.01        24897       12 | au.edu.gu.sci.rastus
 0.00  0.00          775        1 | au.edu.monash.earth.athena
 0.02  0.00         9637       12 | au.edu.newcastle.alinga
 0.01  0.00         5827        3 | au.edu.scu.alsvid
 0.01  0.00         3643        5 | au.edu.su.arts.antiquity.saturn
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | au.edu.su.arts.lang2
 0.01  0.00         3145        5 | au.edu.une.cwpr1-08
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | au.edu.unimelb.its.miriworld
 0.01  0.00        11178        3 | au.edu.utas.med.mg2_68
 0.00  0.00         1219        2 | au.gov.bmr.zircon
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | au.gov.dsto.aod.njord
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | au.gov.sa.systems.pisces
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | au.net.ausnet.sydney2
 0.00  0.00         3090        1 | au.net.iinet.reggae
 0.01  0.00         8428        6 | au.net.mira.eplet
 0.01  0.00         2910        4 | au.org.apana.gco
 0.01  0.00         6431        4 | au.org.apana.insane
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | au.org.apana.posgate
 0.01  0.00         3951        4 | au.oz.dialix.sydney
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | au.oz.su.arts.atalk.mac_1_net_78-122
 0.00  0.00          876        2 | au.oz.su.arts.atalk.mac_20_net_78-102
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | au.oz.su.arts.atalk.mac_7_net_78-102
 0.01  0.00         3128        3 | au.oz.su.fisher.systems94
 0.00  0.00         1813        2 | be.ac.kuleuven.cc.ipv13156
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | be.ac.kuleuven.cc.ipv13170
 0.01  0.00         8903        5 | be.ac.kuleuven.cc.ipv13178
 0.01  0.00         8402        5 | be.ac.kuleuven.cc.ipv13217
 0.01  0.00         7754        4 | be.ac.kuleuven.fys.tfdec2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | be.ac.rma.foucault
 0.02  0.00        11072       14 | be.ac.rug.cybele
 0.02  0.00        10070        9 | be.ac.rug.elis.chimay
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | be.ac.rug.inchem02
 0.01  0.00         2798        3 | be.ac.rug.vgng4010
 0.01  0.00        11648        5 | be.ac.ucl.stat.stat1ux
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | be.ac.ulb.rggrmac1
 0.01  0.00         8566        3 | be.ac.vub.hwepc1
 0.03  0.13       440944       19 | be.ac.vub.igwe1
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | be.ac.vub.twepc31
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | be.eunet.brussels2.dialup01
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | be.eunet.filtronix
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | be.innet.shahn
 0.03  0.00        16445       16 | ca.ab.calgary.freenet.srv1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ca.ab.cuug.ppp5
 0.03  0.01        32147       20 | ca.ab.edmonton.freenet
 0.00  0.00          736        1 | ca.ab.sas.dns
 0.01  0.00         6478        4 | ca.ab.tic.bud
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | ca.acadiau.uh108-3
 0.00  0.00         1148        1 | ca.aecl.crl.cu66
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ca.bc.bcit.se12labs.l325s11
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | ca.bc.gov.venus
 0.00  0.00         1965        2 | ca.bc.vcc.vcc10
 0.00  0.00         1392        2 | ca.bc.victoria.freenet.vifa1
 0.03  0.02        65000       18 | ca.brocku.ac.badger
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ca.brocku.ac.spartan
 0.00  0.00          775        1 | ca.carleton.arena
 0.01  0.00         3375        5 | ca.carleton.ccs.superior
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | ca.carleton.chat
 0.00  0.00         4159        2 | ca.carleton.freenet2
 0.01  0.00         2623        3 | ca.cbc
 0.00  0.00         2038        2 | ca.concordia.pavo6
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ca.cyberstore.yvr-ppp-31
 0.01  0.00        11351        8 | ca.dal.cs.cfn
 0.01  0.00         7836        4 | ca.dal.cs.ug
 0.01  0.00         3991        3 | ca.direct.dyn-43
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | ca.direct.dyn-48
 0.01  0.00         5887        7 | ca.direct.dyn-50
 0.02  0.00        10624       14 | ca.direct.dyn-84
 0.01  0.00         7998        4 | ca.dnd.dreo.ewd.condor
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | ca.doc.chin.trn236005
 0.01  0.00         2762        3 | ca.doe.ab.edm.ar-ha
 0.00  0.00          506        1 | ca.gc.fin.mail
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | ca.hec.cc.hecmtl
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ca.mb.mbnet.access
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | ca.mb.mbnet.dial038
 0.00  0.00         1219        2 | ca.mcmaster.geography.columbus
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | ca.mun.remote.three136
 0.01  0.00         6853        7 | ca.mun.ucs.plato
 0.00  0.00         2403        1 | ca.nb.nbnet.dynam02
 0.00  0.00         4944        2 | ca.nb.nbnet.lesliewi
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | ca.nlc-bnc.pc040044
 0.01  0.00         5703        5 | ca.nstn.antigonish-ts-15
 0.01  0.00         8960        4 | ca.nstn.halifax-ts1-34
 0.02  0.00         7590        9 | ca.nstn.moncton-ts-10
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | ca.nstn.moncton-ts-12
 0.01  0.00         7215        8 | ca.nstn.wolfville-ts-16
 0.01  0.00        15128        6 | ca.nt.gov.inukshuk
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ca.on.london.vichosp.lrcc.eng2
 0.02  0.00        11022        9 | ca.on.netaccess.slipb05
 0.01  0.00        12008        7 | ca.on.wchat
 0.01  0.00         3635        5 | ca.polymtl.step
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ca.qc.riq.slip56
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ca.queensu.n142.u51
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ca.queensu.n80.u100
 0.02  0.00         9744       10 | ca.rmc.d2
 0.01  0.00         6087        4 | ca.ryerson.acs.turing
 0.02  0.00        16530       14 | ca.stfx.juliet
 0.01  0.00         6087        4 | ca.stmarys.husky1
 0.00  0.00         1818        2 | ca.stmarys.mnewcombe
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ca.stmarys.ransell
 0.01  0.00         7273        5 | ca.trentu
 0.01  0.00         6514        3 | ca.triumf.reg
 0.01  0.00        13904        6 | ca.ualberta.biology.gmslab
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | ca.ualberta.remote.ipietras
 0.01  0.00         6677        4 | ca.ualberta.remote.ppierce
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ca.ubc.iam.dogwood
 0.00  0.00         1249        1 | ca.ubc.interchg
 0.01  0.00        14427        7 | ca.ubc.nce.goodsi
 0.00  0.00         1320        1 | ca.ubc.net.annex2.port26
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | ca.ubc.net.annex2.port31
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | ca.ubc.net.annex2.port33
 0.01  0.00         5216        4 | ca.ubc.net.annex2.port38
 0.00  0.00         4705        2 | ca.ubc.net.annex2.port41
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ca.ucalgary.cssg.lab22
 0.01  0.01        27682        3 | ca.ulaval.fse.rescol
 0.00  0.00          196        2 | ca.umanitoba.cc.dyn1-093
 0.00  0.00          196        2 | ca.umanitoba.cc.dyn2-079
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | ca.umanitoba.cc.dyn2-116
 0.00  0.00         4114        2 | ca.umanitoba.phpl.kohut
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ca.umontreal.cerca.brecht
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | ca.umontreal.ere.mistral
 0.02  0.01        34920       14 | ca.umontreal.ere.tornade
 0.00  0.00         3724        2 | ca.uoguelph.cis.spock
 0.00  0.00         3543        2 | ca.uottawa.aix1
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | ca.uregina.usec.robinsonr
 0.00  0.00         3113        2 | ca.usask.wcvm7686
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ca.utoronto.astro.moonray
 0.01  0.01        28265        5 | ca.utoronto.chem.slip1
 0.00  0.00         4128        2 | ca.utoronto.epas.blues
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | ca.utoronto.epas.ppp04
 0.01  0.00         5573        3 | ca.utoronto.epas.ppp23
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ca.utoronto.library.utl
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | ca.utoronto.library.utl_126_204
 0.01  0.00         6635        4 | ca.utoronto.med.csdanxp10
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | ca.uvic.bb.an2cled023p13
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | ca.uvic.casshsd.class3.heron
 0.01  0.00         4481        6 | ca.uvic.comp.maclab.stn2-14
 0.02  0.00        10703       10 | ca.uvic.phys.uvphys
 0.01  0.01        34357        5 | ca.uwaterloo.cnts1p20
 0.01  0.00         5972        4 | ca.uwaterloo.cnts1p28
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | ca.uwaterloo.cnts1p36
 0.01  0.00         4890        7 | ca.uwaterloo.cnts1p57
 0.01  0.00         5000        3 | ca.uwaterloo.watstar.aphid
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | ca.uwaterloo.watstar.earth2-01
 0.01  0.00         5573        3 | ca.uwindsor.server
 0.01  0.00         3639        3 | ca.uwindsor.ucce4.ioclerk
 0.00  0.00         1377        2 | ca.uwinnipeg.rkingsley
 0.02  0.00         7080        9 | ca.uwo.csd.gaul.obelix
 0.01  0.00         6754        3 | ca.uwo.slip.ts3-17
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 | ca.uwo.slis.wk_14
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ca.uwo.sscl.6312aa
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | ca.village.villtor
 0.01  0.00         6216        5 | ca.wlu.mach1
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | ca.yorku.afep
 0.02  0.00         7005        9 | ca.yorku.cs.ariel.red
 0.01  0.01        32631        5 | ca.yorku.glendon.delphi
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ca.yorku.yucc
 0.01  0.00         6358        4 | ch.admin.gatekeeper
 0.01  0.00         6101        3 | ch.cern.hpatl01
 0.02  0.00        10601        9 | ch.cern.hpmoose2
 0.01  0.00        11169        8 | ch.cern.hpslz7
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ch.cern.hpsnake
 0.01  0.00         5827        3 | ch.cern.mac-225-23
 0.01  0.12       397652        5 | ch.cern.mac-225-243
 0.01  0.00        12210        4 | ch.cern.mac-225-85
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | ch.cern.misb203
 0.01  0.00         7150        3 | ch.cern.nxth19
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | ch.cern.pcmt129
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | ch.cern.ptsun00
 0.02  0.01        17251        9 | ch.cern.sundoc1
 0.01  0.00         6583        3 | ch.cern.sunom6
 0.02  0.00        14778        9 | ch.cern.vsnhd2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ch.cern.vsnhd3
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | ch.cern.vsnhd4
 0.00  0.00         5850        2 | ch.cern.vsnhd9
 0.02  0.11       355695       14 | ch.cern.vsnhdg
 0.03  0.01        38635       20 | ch.cern.www0
 0.00  0.00          505        1 | ch.cern.wwwlab
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | ch.cim.cimsi.ppp1
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | ch.epfl.imhfsg5
 0.03  0.03       108230       15 | ch.epfl.masg32
 0.02  0.00        10076        9 | ch.ethz.bourne33
 0.01  0.01        24705        3 | ch.ethz.ezinfo
 0.01  0.01        27780        3 | ch.ethz.fi03
 0.02  0.02        71044        9 | ch.ethz.iiic.raf12
 0.00  0.00         1017        2 | ch.ethz.miami
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | ch.ethz.naegeli
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | ch.ethz.nariwork15
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | ch.ethz.paris
 0.03  0.02        56236       17 | ch.ethz.pcnoname
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | ch.ethz.tur-mac2
 0.03  0.01        28982       16 | ch.ethz.zimbal
 0.01  0.00         7424        6 | ch.eunet.dial.weissen
 0.02  0.01        18351       12 | ch.eunet.dial.zaech
 0.01  0.00        11751        8 | ch.eunet.pax
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ch.ibm.zurich.internet-gw
 0.01  0.00        10036        4 | ch.idsia.fava
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ch.isbe.ibep312
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | ch.isbiel.info.atlas
 0.01  0.01        28457        4 | ch.itr.sky
 0.03  0.08       275891       17 | ch.itu.fw
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ch.mcnet.mail
 0.01  0.00        11783        4 | ch.naz.igate
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | ch.ping.tribe-brn-line1
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | ch.ping.tribe-brn-line3
 0.02  0.01        43146        9 | ch.ping.tribe-met-line1
 0.01  0.00        15213        6 | ch.psi.psicla
 0.01  0.01        45220        7 | ch.psi.pss068
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | ch.psi.psw263
 0.01  0.01        31866        5 | ch.unibas.urz.yogi
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | ch.unibe.aae67
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | ch.unibe.callback0
 0.01  0.00         8634        8 | ch.unibe.shkkealin
 0.01  0.01        18342        6 | ch.unibe.stub156
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | ch.unifr.cripc02
 0.01  0.00         3539        3 | ch.unifr.histoirepc00
 0.04  0.01        33367       23 | ch.unifr.iiufpc13
 0.01  0.00         5976        3 | ch.unifr.mt1-rep2-rm-a13
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | ch.unige.cuilim10
 0.01  0.00        11360        5 | ch.unine.nechii
 0.03  0.01        18555       15 | ch.unisg.studpws122
 0.01  0.00         8221        3 | ch.unisg.studpws200
 0.01  0.00         9335        5 | ch.unizh.ifi.claude
 0.02  0.00        15100       13 | ch.unizh.rzurs10
 0.00  0.00         1653        2 | ch.unizh.rzurs3
 0.00  0.00         1707        2 | ch.unizh.rzuslip2-5
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | ch.unizh.rzuslip3-1
 0.01  0.00        10151        8 | ch.unizh.rzuslip3-2
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | cl.ucv.aix1
 0.01  0.01        27682        3 | com.ab.cle.csss250
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | com.ab.mke.jcmerr
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 | com.ainet
 0.01  0.00         3786        7 | com.ajs.vorlon
 0.01  0.00        10640        4 | com.allied.atsc.slrp27
 0.01  0.01        31546        5 | com.aloha.dialup24
 0.02  0.00         7740       14 | com.aloha.mango
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | com.amd.amdext
 0.02  0.00        14827       14 | com.amdahl
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.amsinc.jbailey
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | com.apple.afsg.kip3-4
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | com.apple.cambridge.dyn245
 0.01  0.00         8184        7 | com.atext.mas
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | com.atria.gw
 0.04  0.01        33613       23 | com.att.gw2
 0.01  0.00         4890        7 | com.att.research.proxy0
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.bah.usae.dialin
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.bellcore.backyard.backyard
 0.00  0.00         1204        1 | com.best.vip.osama
 0.00  0.00         1971        2 | com.best.vip.rotor
 0.01  0.00         5010        3 | com.bms.synapse
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.bna.dogwood
 0.01  0.00         7143        7 | com.bnr.iss.e006855
 0.03  0.01        32688       17 | com.boeing.atc
 0.01  0.00        15000        5 | com.cadvision.cad41
 0.01  0.00         5058        6 | com.cadvision.cad61
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.cais.ablum
 0.01  0.00        10640        4 | com.cat.gw1
 0.00  0.00         4276        2 | com.cch.chrivb01
 0.01  0.00         2735        5 | com.ccnet.ccnet3
 0.01  0.00         3435        4 | com.ccnet.h98-157
 0.01  0.00         6752        7 | com.cerfnet.palto.default3
 0.02  0.00        11592       13 | com.cerfnet.ucla.default4
 0.00  0.00         3357        2 | com.cerfnet.ucla.default8
 0.00  0.00         2196        2 | com.cerfnet.usa.default76
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.cerritos.cerritos
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | com.cibadiag.brixton
 0.01  0.00         6336        4 | com.cloudnet.magellan
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.comnet.d182
 0.00  0.00         3532        2 | com.compaq.heimdallp2
 0.01  0.00        11478        4 | com.connectsoft.ppp1
 0.01  0.00         9005        4 | com.crawford.tmurphy
 0.01  0.00         3142        4 | com.cris.crc1
 0.04  0.01        26221       22 | com.cris.crc3
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | com.crl.crl6
 0.00  0.00          506        1 | com.csc.rliptrap
 0.01  0.00         7829        8 | com.cts.ghaun
 0.01  0.00         2985        5 | com.cts.midge
 0.01  0.00         4308        4 | com.cts.n6xxf
 0.01  0.00         2393        3 | com.cts.sjeaton
 0.01  0.00        13004        5 | com.cybergate.emerald
 0.01  0.00         9045        3 | com.cyberspace.wage
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | com.datapoint.sat.dr1
 0.01  0.00        13309        7 | com.dec.pa-x.www-relay
 0.01  0.00        12588        8 | com.deepcove.p03
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | com.deepcove.p07
 0.01  0.00        10272        6 | com.deepcove.p08
 0.00  0.00         3520        2 | com.delphi.bos1a
 0.00  0.00         3774        2 | com.delphi.bos1f
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.delphi.bos1g
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 | com.deltanet.pconnect
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | com.deltanet.pfrode
 0.01  0.00         2428        4 | com.deshaw.cs1
 0.01  0.00         5020        3 | com.dgsys.dgs
 0.02  0.00        13006       13 | com.dgsys.savio
 0.03  0.02        58816       15 | com.digital.research.crl.klothos
 0.02  0.12       406575       12 | com.digital.research.crl.www-proxy
 0.00  0.00         1971        2 | com.disney.wdi.is.ford
 0.01  0.00         2673        4 | com.dnai.dynamic-206
 0.01  0.00         6853        5 | com.dow.na2
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | com.dupont.es.gatekeeper
 0.00  0.00          685        2 | com.easynet.easyr
 0.00  0.00         1164        2 | com.eb.wcleveland
 0.01  0.11       371208        6 | com.ericsson.gwa
 0.02  0.11       383970       11 | com.erinet.eri
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.eskimo
 0.01  0.00         2592        4 | com.eskimo.tia1
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 | com.execpc.iapetus
 0.00  0.00         1683        1 | com.fairfield.washport3
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.ford.internet-gw
 0.01  0.00         6038        3 | com.gene.genie-open
 0.01  0.00         7148        4 | com.getnet.gn1
 0.00  0.01        41987        2 | com.gstone.mxcrowe486
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.gte.h132_197_64_4
 0.01  0.00         5617        4 | com.hadco.owego15
 0.01  0.01        24372        6 | com.hal.hal-alt
 0.00  0.00         2038        2 | com.halcyon.blv-pm3-ip20
 0.01  0.00          294        3 | com.halcyon.blv-pm3-ip24
 0.01  0.11       369606        5 | com.halcyon.blv-pm3-ip6
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.halcyon.blv-pm4-ip29
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.harris.ess.p101ee
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.hcc.gatekeeper
 0.00  0.00         1219        2 | com.hitc.lo-pc2109c
 0.01  0.00         6148        5 | com.holli.holli1-16
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | com.hp.corp.hpccoa
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | com.hp.cv.hpcvsop
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | com.hp.hpl.hplabs
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | com.hp.hpl.hplb
 0.00  0.00         3226        2 | com.hp.sdd.hpsdlo
 0.01  0.01        38189        7 | com.hp.socks-server
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.hybrid.cas.pcn16ah
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | com.ibm.hursley.mersey
 0.01  0.01        41746        4 | com.ibm.torolab.fw1
 0.01  0.18       600644        5 | com.ibm.vnet.advantis
 0.00  0.00         1707        2 | com.ictv.delicious
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | com.idirect
 0.01  0.00         8966        4 | com.iglou
 0.01  0.00         5106        5 | com.infinet.ns
 0.01  0.00         3242        4 | com.infohwy.tty06
 0.01  0.00        13678        4 | com.infonaut.remote10
 0.12  0.03        95568       74 | com.infoseek.corp
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.ingr.munich.xaka05
 0.01  0.00         6399        5 | com.inlink.slip05
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 | com.inlink.slip12
 0.01  0.00        11474        8 | com.inlink.slip27
 0.00  0.00          766        1 | com.inlink.vulcan
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.inmet.camb.presario
 0.00  0.00         1707        2 | com.insignia.isltd.c1macdyn239
 0.00  0.00         3548        2 | com.inst.ppp35
 0.01  0.00         4795        3 | com.intel.fnugget
 0.02  0.00        15173        9 | com.intel.sc.czerny
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | com.intellinet.dialup-004
 0.01  0.00        10758        4 | com.interaccess.nb-dyna82
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.interaccess.nb-dyna87
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.interramp.dc.washington.ip211
 0.01  0.00         2334        3 | com.interramp.pa.philadelphia.ip202
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | com.interramp.tx.houston.ip234
 0.01  0.01        26195        8 | com.interramp.va.herndon2.ip51
 0.01  0.01        47649        4 | com.ios
 0.00  0.00         2038        2 | com.ios.ppp-hpk-2
 0.01  0.00         4894        3 | com.iquest.intel
 0.01  0.00         1586        3 | com.islandnet.valdes
 0.02  0.01        32867        9 | com.isocor.dublin
 0.01  0.00         3421        6 | com.jpmorgan.jpmorgan
 0.02  0.00         8612        9 | com.kaiwan.kaiwan009
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | com.lainet.a1p2r
 0.00  0.00         1884        2 | com.lmig.merlin
 0.01  0.00         2505        3 | com.lockheed.lmsc.rdd.enterprise
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.loral.lfs.inetgw
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | com.lsil.logic
 0.00  0.00         4944        2 | com.magi.1magip06
 0.01  0.00         5310        3 | com.mathsoft.market1
 0.00  0.00          506        1 | com.maui.mrtc.mr2-102
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | com.mcs.mercury
 0.01  0.00         5020        3 | com.mdc.crossett-tricia
 0.01  0.02        72508        5 | com.mdc.deirdre
 0.00  0.00         1392        2 | com.mdc.q1167354
 0.00  0.00         1971        2 | com.mdc.ws2368
 0.01  0.07       237247        6 | com.meaddata.aries
 0.00  0.00         1204        1 | com.medtronic.global.nd074249
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | com.metrobbs.metrix
 0.01  0.00         3620        3 | com.metronet.net208
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.metronet.net234
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | com.microserve.sutekh
 0.01  0.12       400751        6 | com.microsoft.netops
 0.01  0.00        14972        7 | com.milacron.wehmeyer
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | com.mindspring.loudness
 0.04  0.23       775679       21 | com.mmc.vf.vagrant
 0.00  0.00         3586        2 | com.mmm.atlas
 0.01  0.00         5383        6 | com.mnsinc.mindy
 0.01  0.11       368048        4 | com.morgan.gateway-test
 0.00  0.00         1334        1 | com.moscow.ppp108
 0.05  0.34      1140798       30 | com.mot.testgate
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | com.msen.pnet.ghidra
 0.01  0.00         8858        6 | com.mtjeff.ip-aa
 0.00  0.00         1408        1 | com.multiverse.broadkey
 0.00  0.00          506        1 | com.mv.mv
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | com.neosoft.scooter-slip-b2
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | com.neosoft.uuneo
 0.00  0.00         6114        2 | com.netaxis.eliza
 0.01  0.00         4050        5 | com.netcom.ix.ix-al3-22
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | com.netcom.ix.ix-atl3-01
 0.00  0.00         2410        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-clv1-07
 0.01  0.00         6297        5 | com.netcom.ix.ix-dc3-10
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | com.netcom.ix.ix-dc5-05
 0.01  0.00         8298        7 | com.netcom.ix.ix-dc6-29
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | com.netcom.ix.ix-det2-06
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-har2-11
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-ir5-02
 0.01  0.00         4834        3 | com.netcom.ix.ix-mia2-09
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-min2-06
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-min2-15
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-nwk1-22
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.netcom.ix.ix-nwk4-30
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | com.netcom.ix.ix-nwk7-02
 0.00  0.00         1371        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-orl1-20
 0.00  0.00         3419        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-pas5-07
 0.01  0.00         3860        5 | com.netcom.ix.ix-phi2-17
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | com.netcom.ix.ix-prn1-17
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-sac3-07
 0.01  0.00         4383        8 | com.netcom.ix.ix-sac4-09
 0.01  0.00         5941        4 | com.netcom.ix.ix-sac5-13
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-sac6-19
 0.00  0.00         1707        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-sf2-19
 0.01  0.00         4001        6 | com.netcom.ix.ix-sf8-08
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.netcom.ix.ix-sj19-12
 0.00  0.00         3820        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-stl1-08
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-stm1-16
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | com.netcom.ix.ix-stm1-19
 0.01  0.00         4832        7 | com.netcom.ix.ix-tam2-08
 0.02  0.00        11825       14 | com.netcom.ix.ix-wc2-06
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.netcom.ix.ix-wp1-15
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | com.netcom.netcom11
 0.01  0.00         5323        3 | com.netcom.netcom15
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.netcom.netcom16
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.netcom.netcom2
 0.00  0.00          672        1 | com.netcom.netcom20
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.netcom.netcom22
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | com.netcom.netcom3
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.netcom.netcom5
 0.07  0.01        41120       43 | com.netcom.netcom9
 0.01  0.00         8983        4 | com.nets.slip2
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.nokia.ntc.pc-43-64
 0.01  0.00        12302        5 | com.nokia.ntc.pc-43-96
 0.01  0.00         1626        3 | com.novalink.sutr
 0.00  0.00         1316        2 | com.nt.corpgate
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | com.nynexst.cree
 0.01  0.01        27780        3 | com.onr.onramp2-15
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | com.oracle.us.gatekeeper
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | com.panix
 0.00  0.00         4456        2 | com.picker.whqvax
 0.01  0.00         3098        4 | com.pipeline.pipe3
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.pipex.du.aa048
 0.01  0.01        27644        3 | com.pipex.du.ac046
 0.02  0.00         6495        9 | com.pipex.du.ac053
 0.00  0.00         1408        1 | com.pipex.du.ac054
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.pixi.dip053
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | com.pond.pirahna
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.primenet.lax.ip018
 0.01  0.02        65514        8 | com.primenet.phx.ip004
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.primenet.phx.ip010
 0.02  0.00         7662       10 | com.primenet.phx.ip013
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.primenet.phx.ip059
 0.01  0.00         4763        3 | com.primenet.phx.ip138
 0.04  0.02        53927       26 | com.prodigy.alyssa
 0.04  0.01        30570       21 | com.prodigy.antares
 0.02  0.00        13675       11 | com.prodigy.ashlar
 0.01  0.01        17282        6 | com.promus.stargate
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.pscu.cuix2
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.psyber.jasmine
 0.01  0.00         6306        4 | com.ptltd.jmoder
 0.01  0.00         4440        4 | com.rbdc.rbdc
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.rmii.slip155
 0.01  0.00        11354        6 | com.rns.nirvana
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 | com.roche.gatekeeper
 0.01  0.00        11098        5 | com.rockwell.cacd.wizard
 0.01  0.00         2828        3 | com.rogers.janus
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.rrnet
 0.01  0.01        39953        6 | com.sciatl.gatekeeper
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | com.sdrc
 0.01  0.00         4117        5 | com.seanet.kisa
 0.00  0.00         2038        2 | com.seatimes
 0.00  0.00          685        2 | com.sensor.king
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | com.sequent.ftp
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.sgi.sgigate
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | com.sirius.slip171
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | com.sirius.slip194
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | com.sirius.slip229
 0.03  0.01        28194       17 | com.slb.wireline.houston.zoppe-pc
 0.01  0.00         7596        4 | com.spry.shammah
 0.01  0.00         4706        3 | com.stortek.gateway
 0.01  0.11       379837        8 | com.sun.koriel
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.swcp.ppp8
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.sybase.halon
 0.01  0.00         6534        4 | com.synopsys.chronos
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | com.taligent.evolving-slowly
 0.00  0.00         1439        1 | com.taligent.incunabula
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | com.tandem.ffm.friedhelme
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 | com.tasc.read.rrblais
 0.01  0.00         7969        6 | com.tek.tekgate
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.telebit.sunnyvale.ron_pc
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | com.teleport.ip-pdx1-07
 0.01  0.00         5874        3 | com.teleport.ip-pdx2-01
 0.01  0.00         9747        4 | com.teleport.ip-pdx2-07
 0.02  0.00         7524       14 | com.teleport.ip-pdx4-03
 0.01  0.00         2520        4 | com.teleport.ip-pdx6-07
 0.01  0.00         9590        7 | com.teleport.ip-vanc-12
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | com.tfn.zuul
 0.02  0.00        10627        9 | com.ti.news
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | com.timken.gateway
 0.01  0.00         4749        3 | com.tpp.gateway
 0.01  0.00        10910        6 | com.trw.sp.sffink
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.trw.svl.m62009
 0.00  0.00         2114        1 | com.uiag.ebzh.ax001
 0.01  0.00         3057        5 | com.ultranet.chameleon
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.unisysgsg.eag.dagger
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | com.uswest.igate
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.utc.res.hsdwww
 0.00  0.00          514        1 | com.vdospk.ubd1
 0.01  0.00         6519        4 | com.virgil.colossus
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | com.wdni.interlock
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | com.wec.bwi.csd382
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | com.wec.bwi.e1na1g
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | com.wec.bwi.tinman1
 0.01  0.01        29969        4 | com.westend.ppp-1
 0.00  0.00         3530        2 | com.westend.ppp-2
 0.01  0.00         4685        3 | com.westlaw.research
 0.02  0.00        13353       11 | com.wildpark.lcpgw
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | com.wizard.snark
 0.01  0.01        17199        5 | com.wln.hera2
 0.01  0.01        27907        3 | com.xenologics.slip-113
 0.00  0.00         6278        2 | com.xenologics.slip-136
 0.01  0.00         7225        4 | com.xenologics.slip-140
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | com.xenologics.slip-47
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 | com.xensei.wvw
 0.01  0.00        16080        8 | com.xerox.beta
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | com.xerox.spectrum
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | com.xmission.slc29
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | cr.ac.ucr.ci.bribri
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 | cz.anet.tad2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | cz.nkp.slunicko
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | cz.vse.vse470
 0.00  0.00          561        1 | de.aball.frodo
 0.00  0.00         1218        2 | de.aball.nieder
 0.01  0.00         5112        4 | de.abb.decrc
 0.01  0.00        15971        7 | de.alcatel.sel.stgl.slspu2
 0.01  0.00         7955        3 | de.augusta.black
 0.02  0.01        30098       12 | de.awi-bremerhaven.www
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.ba-freiberg.hrz.iris
 0.00  0.00         1773        2 | de.ba-freiberg.mathe.dachs
 0.01  0.00         2012        3 | de.ba-freiberg.mathe.mm1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.ba-karlsruhe.ti.ti01kl
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | de.ba-mannheim.bama9
 0.01  0.00         9045        3 | de.ba-mannheim.pc4
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.ba-mannheim.penel-8
 0.01  0.00         8232        4 | de.ba-mosbach.rs1_slip
 0.01  0.00         9629        4 | de.ba-stuttgart.t-informatik.gold
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.ba-stuttgart.t-informatik.grey
 0.06  0.04       125465       34 | de.basf-ag.basfegw
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.bawue.bb.aragon
 0.01  0.01        19858        6 | de.bawue.bb.marvin
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.bawue.wn.someday
 0.01  0.00         2547        3 | de.belwue.zew-mannheim
 0.00  0.00         2582        2 | de.bruker.bam
 0.01  0.00        11488        4 | de.cadlab.teefix
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.contrib.movado
 0.02  0.01        16909       12 | de.contrib.terz
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.decus.decus
 0.01  0.00         6593        3 | de.desy.albers
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.desy.crystal
 0.01  0.00        14438        7 | de.desy.hathi
 0.01  0.00         4311        4 | de.desy.ips111
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.desy.x4u1
 0.01  0.00        14394        8 | de.desy.x4u2
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.dfn.rigel
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.dimdi.unix01
 0.06  0.03       104592       35 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.embnet.genius
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.atv-pc50
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.borneo
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.heavy
 0.04  0.02        72360       24 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.ikrek
 0.02  0.00        15142       11 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.iris02a
 0.04  0.13       427945       25 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.iris02g
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.opws
 0.02  0.11       383403       12 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.orfeo
 0.01  0.00         7807        4 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.parv01
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.radsy1
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.radxw2
 0.08  0.03        91014       46 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.scan-pc
 0.01  0.18       596911        5 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.stra-pc7
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.sumatra
 0.01  0.00         9206        4 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.waldeck
 0.03  0.29       997134       16 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.inet.whws
 0.11  0.16       530651       68 | de.dkfz-heidelberg.ns
 0.01  0.00        12212        7 | de.dkrz.blitz
 0.01  0.00         7773        4 | de.dkrz.grobi
 0.01  0.00        12953        4 | de.dkrz.lop
 0.00  0.00         1997        2 | de.dlr.go.dv
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.dlr.go.es.khan
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.dlr.go.es.pille
 0.01  0.00        16034        5 | de.dlr.la.dv
 0.01  0.01        27676        3 | de.dlr.op.df.jagst
 0.01  0.00         2632        3 | de.dlr.op.dv
 0.01  0.00        12569        5 | de.dlr.st.cv.julia
 0.01  0.00         7829        4 | de.dlr.st.cv.sascha
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.dunkel.pm1-10
 0.01  0.00         7662        4 | de.embl-hamburg.nelson
 0.02  0.02        51042        9 | de.embl-heidelberg.cygnet
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.embl-heidelberg.mac-graf3
 0.01  0.00         8086        3 | de.embl-heidelberg.mac-simons3
 0.00  0.00         1334        1 | de.embl-heidelberg.nmr.albatross
 0.04  0.13       429939       21 | de.embl-heidelberg.nmr.koala
 0.01  0.00         6902        4 | de.embl-heidelberg.nmr.monk
 0.01  0.00        16062        6 | de.embl-heidelberg.nmr.polar
 0.01  0.18       600758        7 | de.embl-heidelberg.pc-stettner2
 0.01  0.00        13678        4 | de.embl-heidelberg.pc-stettner3
 0.01  0.00        10036        4 | de.embl-heidelberg.pc-stettner5
 0.08  0.25       839545       47 | de.embl-heidelberg.pc-stettner7
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.embl-heidelberg.pc-stettner8
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.embl-heidelberg.phenix
 0.03  0.01        39447       20 | de.embl-heidelberg.pi.anna
 0.01  0.00        14326        5 | de.embl-heidelberg.pi.heaven
 0.02  0.00        15700       12 | de.embl-heidelberg.pppdos4
 0.05  0.87      2948032       28 | de.embl-heidelberg.stettner-pc1
 0.04  0.45      1506544       23 | de.embl-heidelberg.stettner-pc2
 0.02  0.01        17644        9 | de.esa.esoc.dev.uscpc2
 0.01  0.00         6342        3 | de.eunet.bm.datacom
 0.01  0.00         7225        3 | de.fernuni-hagen.amundsen
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | de.fernuni-hagen.bonsai
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fernuni-hagen.magellan
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fh-anhalt.mi.info10
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.fh-anhalt.mi.info5
 0.01  0.00         9733        4 | de.fh-brandenburg.fhbsun02
 0.00  0.00         4500        2 | de.fh-furtwangen.alpha.alux01
 0.01  0.00         7546        3 | de.fh-furtwangen.alpha.alux03
 0.01  0.00        11103        5 | de.fh-furtwangen.alpha.alux05
 0.01  0.00         9511        3 | de.fh-furtwangen.alpha.alux13
 0.02  0.01        45507       13 | de.fh-hannover.bid.bidnix
 0.01  0.00         9730        3 | de.fh-heilbronn.cim.cimlab12
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.fh-heilbronn.mi.mtlab
 0.01  0.00        12631        5 | de.fh-heilbronn.rz.xyplex_09
 0.01  0.00        14806        5 | de.fh-heilbronn.rz.xyplex_10
 0.00  0.00         3511        2 | de.fh-heilbronn.rz.xyplex_11
 0.03  0.02        71252       20 | de.fh-heilbronn.stud.hermes
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.fh-heilbronn.stud.kebap
 0.01  0.00         9103        4 | de.fh-heilbronn.stud.pommes
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fh-heilbronn.stud.twix
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fh-heilbronn.stud.wodka
 0.02  0.01        33489       13 | de.fh-karlsruhe.rz03
 0.01  0.01        29081        4 | de.fh-koeln.fo.gauss
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | de.fh-lueneburg.rzserv5
 0.01  0.00        11394        4 | de.fh-lueneburg.www
 0.01  0.01        31424        5 | de.fh-mgladbach.hp710_02
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fh-nuertingen.n00601j
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fh-nuertingen.n00603j
 0.00  0.00         4471        2 | de.fh-nuertingen.n01029r
 0.01  0.00        12224        4 | de.fh-offenburg.rz.test128
 0.01  0.00         9389        3 | de.fh-pforzheim.rz.hprz7
 0.01  0.01        37342        4 | de.fh-reutlingen.rz.bvlab02
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fh-reutlingen.rz.csline01
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fh-ulm.rz.asta1
 0.01  0.00         6879        4 | de.fh-ulm.rz.asta2
 0.01  0.00         7797        3 | de.fh-ulm.rz.asta3
 0.01  0.00         8566        3 | de.fh-ulm.rz.nora
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.fh-ulm.rz.platz_40
 0.01  0.00        13931        5 | de.fh-ulm.rz.snake
 0.01  0.00        14315        6 | de.fh-wolfenbuettel.rz.thorin
 0.00  0.00         2177        2 | de.fhb-stuttgart.hp02
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fhb-stuttgart.hp05
 0.01  0.00        14398        5 | de.fhb-stuttgart.hp06
 0.02  0.00        16691       10 | de.fhg.fhginfo
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 | de.fhg.iao.ergo.spock
 0.01  0.00        16740        5 | de.fhg.iao.miks3.aseptix
 0.01  0.00        14957        7 | de.fhg.ilt.iltx064
 0.01  0.01        29194        4 | de.fhg.int.alpha
 0.02  0.01        20425       14 | de.fhg.ise
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.fhg.isit.murmel
 0.01  0.00        12446        6 | de.fho-emden.et-inf.ds008
 0.00  0.00         1030        2 | de.fho-emden.perseus
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.fht-mannheim.et.at05
 0.02  0.01        20628       10 | de.fht-mannheim.et.at08
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fht-mannheim.ng.pc01
 0.01  0.00        11114        5 | de.fht-mannheim.rz.pc44
 0.01  0.12       402135        8 | de.fht-mannheim.rz.roxi
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.fht-mannheim.sr.biv6
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fht-stuttgart.rz.mimas
 0.01  0.00         6213        4 | de.fhtw-berlin.rz.rw420b01
 0.01  0.00         8845        3 | de.fhtw-berlin.rz.rw420b20
 0.01  0.00         9279        3 | de.fiz-karlsruhe.pc25
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.fiz-karlsruhe.pc30
 0.00  0.00         5445        2 | de.franken.don1
 0.01  0.00         6487        3 | de.franken.zivserv
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.freinet.kima
 0.00  0.00         1997        2 | de.fta-berlin.tsv1-p14r
 0.00  0.00          180        1 | de.fu-berlin.chemie.bragg
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.fu-berlin.chemie.dodecan
 0.00  0.00          518        1 | de.fu-berlin.chemie.ewald
 0.00  0.00          711        1 | de.fu-berlin.chemie.leucin
 0.00  0.00         1075        1 | de.fu-berlin.chemie.lysin
 0.00  0.00          823        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.1909manu
 0.01  0.00        13616        7 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.axelsch
 0.01  0.00         6514        3 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.benedict
 0.01  0.00         7718        4 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.guitar
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.gysser
 0.01  0.00         3962        3 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.hitzler
 0.01  0.00         6681        3 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.hlang
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.huette
 0.01  0.00         9590        5 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.ilthieme
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.jayray
 0.01  0.01        20469        3 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.karstenw
 0.00  0.00         2134        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.kea
 0.00  0.00          463        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.madmax
 0.00  0.00         3345        2 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.pieps
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.pietsch
 0.00  0.00          524        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.polzer
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.robertoo
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.stebo
 0.01  0.00         5538        4 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.tollmann
 0.01  0.00         1725        3 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.zieglerm
 0.00  0.00         3389        2 | de.fu-berlin.dialup.zseby
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.fu-berlin.inf.inka
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.fu-berlin.inf.merlin
 0.01  0.00         3846        3 | de.fu-berlin.math.kowalewsky
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.fu-berlin.met.grobi
 0.00  0.00         1719        2 | de.fu-berlin.met.hamrun
 0.01  0.00         7970        5 | de.fu-berlin.physik.omega
 0.01  0.00        10930        6 | de.fu-berlin.physik.sirius
 0.01  0.00         9797        7 | de.fu-berlin.physik.spin
 0.00  0.00          823        1 | de.fu-berlin.router.banserv
 0.02  0.01        32065       14 | de.fu-berlin.zedat.fub46
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.fu-berlin.zedat.mac_iifx3
 0.02  0.01        46709       10 | de.fu-berlin.zedat.pollux
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.fzi.gate
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.fzi.spanien
 0.02  0.01        45072       10 | de.gfz-potsdam.zrt7a
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.gkss.aragorn
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.gmd.darmstadt.lahn
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | de.gmd.darmstadt.langen
 0.02  0.01        28115       14 | de.gmd.darmstadt.stecknitz
 0.01  0.00         9292        6 | de.gmd.darmstadt.volme
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.gmd.darmstadt.weschnitz
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.gmd.omega
 0.00  0.00         1234        1 | de.gmd.scope6
 0.01  0.18       595666        5 | de.gmd.teheran
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.gmd.wmb
 0.04  0.08       278556       23 | de.gsf.cony
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.gsf.pc5558
 0.01  0.00        16766        6 | de.gsi.alice
 0.01  0.07       241414        8 | de.gsi.axp615
 0.02  0.01        21645        9 | de.gsi.clri6a
 0.01  0.00         7754        4 | de.gsi.clri6b
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.gsi.rzhp9a
 0.04  0.02        54789       25 | de.gsi.rzri6f
 0.00  0.00          984        2 | de.gsi.vsbc
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.gsi.vsca
 0.01  0.00        10736        5 | de.gsi.vscf
 0.01  0.00         8737        4 | de.gsi.vsck
 0.03  0.08       267129       17 | de.gsi.vscn
 0.05  0.03        93465       28 | de.gun.picalon
 0.01  0.01        32004        8 | de.gwdg.gwdu19
 0.03  0.02        66214       20 | de.gwdg.gwdu20
 0.01  0.00         6681        3 | de.gwdg.mdv.colorsun
 0.05  0.02        63534       30 | de.gwdg.med-stat.amsu01
 0.01  0.00        10205        3 | de.gwdg.mpae.osf1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.gwdg.mpibpc.haktic
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.gwdg.mpibpc.mpc16189
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.gwdg.mpibpc.mpc707
 0.00  0.00          823        1 | de.gwdg.mpibpc.wolf2
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.gwdg.ukps.deep_thought
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.gwdg.ukps.macptp
 0.02  0.12       416817       12 | de.gwdg.uni-mki.silly
 0.00  0.00         1052        2 | de.gwdg.uni-psych.cyan
 0.00  0.00         1154        1 | de.gwdg.up2p80
 0.01  0.00         5696        3 | de.gwdg.wiso.wv23r117
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.gwdg.wiso.wvw150hiwi
 0.01  0.00         5394        4 | de.hab-weimar.informatik.erny
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | de.hirschmann.hamster
 0.01  0.00        14491        6 | de.hmi.dsun2
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | de.hn-net.tonne
 0.01  0.11       377134        6 | de.htw-dresden.rz.rpc1
 0.01  0.01        27383        3 | de.htw-dresden.vkw.vini23
 0.00  0.00          518        1 | de.htw-zittau.a-technik.pc2
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.htw-zittau.hrz.pc_z205_2
 0.04  0.01        41442       22 | de.htw-zittau.inf-gr.diplom-02
 0.01  0.00        10895        5 | de.htw-zittau.inf-gr.diplom-04
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.htw-zittau.inf-gr.r156-09
 0.01  0.00         6109        3 | de.htw-zittau.inf-gr.r156-10
 0.01  0.00         6424        4 | de.htw-zittau.inf-gr.r156-11
 0.01  0.00         5304        3 | de.htw-zittau.inf-gr.r156-12
 0.02  0.01        45777        9 | de.htwm.minic
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.htwm.mpi.kappa
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.htwm.mpi.lambda
 0.01  0.00         5190        3 | de.htwm.mpi.my
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.htwm.mpi.sirius
 0.01  0.00         5190        3 | de.htwm.mpi.zeta
 0.01  0.00         2720        4 | de.hu-berlin.chemie.bernd
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | de.hu-berlin.chemie.kirk
 0.01  0.01        35012        3 | de.hu-berlin.chemie.quax
 0.02  0.01        21025        9 | de.hu-berlin.compling.zeus
 0.02  0.02        62145       10 | de.hu-berlin.educat.ahorn
 0.01  0.01        27499        3 | de.hu-berlin.educat.bonsai
 0.02  0.01        22961       11 | de.hu-berlin.informatik.epsilon1
 0.01  0.00         3811        4 | de.hu-berlin.mathematik.compu
 0.01  0.01        28521        4 | de.hu-berlin.mathematik.deneb
 0.01  0.00         6970        4 | de.hu-berlin.mathematik.prandtl
 0.01  0.00         6649        4 | de.hu-berlin.rewi.pool04
 0.01  0.00         9643        5 | de.hu-berlin.rz.daniel
 0.00  0.00         1005        2 | de.hu-berlin.rz.hppool4
 0.00  0.00         1155        2 | de.hu-berlin.rz.hppool5
 0.01  0.00         5856        5 | de.hu-berlin.rz.pc154
 0.01  0.00         5929        3 | de.hub.fri6
 0.20  0.92      3099851      122 | de.ibm.hd.murx
 0.01  0.00         8399        4 | de.ibm.munich.prosecco
 0.01  0.00        10485        6 | de.ids-mannheim.av210a
 0.00  0.00          800        1 | de.imb-jena.degas
 0.01  0.01        35971        7 | de.imb-jena.kimura
 0.01  0.00         9238        6 | de.inka.sis.shakespear
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | de.itt-sc.lion
 0.01  0.00         9049        7 | de.ix.c64
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.ix.elrad.loco
 0.01  0.00         2756        3 | de.ix.hugo
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.kfa-juelich.cc.plisch
 0.00  0.00         9847        2 | de.kfa-juelich.ikp.ikp211
 0.01  0.00         8002        4 | de.kfa-juelich.isi.isi139
 0.03  0.01        47391       17 | de.kfa-juelich.isi.isi160
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.kfa-juelich.sp.zam226-c02
 0.02  0.29       983338        9 | de.kfa-juelich.sp.zam226-c04
 0.00  0.00         4369        2 | de.kfa-juelich.sp.zam226-c07
 0.01  0.01        27642        3 | de.kfa-juelich.sp.zam226-c08
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.kfa-juelich.zam.zam171-b
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.kfk.hbk9695
 0.02  0.12       409814        9 | de.kfk.hdirisc9
 0.01  0.00        10769        5 | de.kfk.hdislip221
 0.01  0.01        27675        3 | de.kfk.hit_pc_151
 0.01  0.00         9121        5 | de.kfk.hpesun3
 0.01  0.08       263920        5 | de.kfk.hsus048083
 0.01  0.00         6401        3 | de.kfk.htl-slip1
 0.01  0.00        16586        8 | de.kfk.htlsun1
 0.03  0.01        22015       15 | de.kfk.htlsun2
 0.01  0.01        23548        8 | de.kfk.iaivs8
 0.01  0.00        15293        7 | de.kfk.ik1-frigg
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.kfk.ine.schubert
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.kfk.infp126pc
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.kfk.infp131pc
 0.00  0.00         5273        2 | de.kfk.irspc142
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.kfk.itc-tab.hp725-al
 0.01  0.00        11894        5 | de.kfk.itpgsl51
 0.03  0.05       170560       16 | de.kfk.itpgsl52
 0.01  0.00         3310        4 | de.kfk.miserv1
 0.01  0.00         9885        3 | de.kfk.resy2
 0.01  0.00         7579        5 | de.ku-eichstaett.eo-sun-info
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.lif.nameserver
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | de.lipsia.sem
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.lrz-muenchen.cd1
 0.02  0.00        10912        9 | de.lrz-muenchen.ibm1
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | de.lrz-muenchen.office
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.ks111aa
 0.01  0.01        21191        6 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line53
 0.01  0.01        26754        7 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line54
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line55
 0.00  0.00         1234        1 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line56
 0.00  0.00         1234        1 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line57
 0.01  0.01        29743        4 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line58
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line59
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line5b
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line62
 0.01  0.00        10240        4 | de.lrz-muenchen.ppp.line64
 0.01  0.00        12376        4 | de.lrz-muenchen.sun1
 0.01  0.00         4394        7 | de.lrz-muenchen.sun3
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.lrz-muenchen.sun4
 0.02  0.02        55772       14 | de.lrz-muenchen.sun7
 0.01  0.00         9818        8 | de.lrz-muenchen.wd-175
 0.01  0.00        11377        7 | de.materna.osix
 0.00  0.00         1017        2 | de.mdc-berlin.bioinf.java
 0.01  0.11       378733        7 | de.mpg.biochem.mango
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.ipp-garching.aug.slcuis
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.mpg.ipp-garching.ibmr3e
 0.01  0.01        28542        3 | de.mpg.ipp-garching.semic.cato
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | de.mpg.ipp-garching.uts
 0.01  0.00         7797        3 | de.mpg.ipp-garching.w7.das1
 0.00  0.00         1215        1 | de.mpg.ipp-garching.w7.das2
 0.01  0.11       370286        4 | de.mpg.mpa-garching.hethp
 0.00  0.00         6114        2 | de.mpg.mpa-garching.ibm-2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.mpa-garching.maniac
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.mpg.mpe-garching.rosat.o08
 0.03  0.01        35159       18 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.dxnhd1
 0.03  0.01        35100       17 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.dxnhd2
 0.02  0.01        23910       13 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.dxnhd5
 0.01  0.11       370211        4 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.dxnhda
 0.01  0.00        15392        8 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.dxnhdc
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.dxnhdf
 0.01  0.00         7682        3 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.eu11
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.eu6
 0.03  0.01        36463       16 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.eu8
 0.01  0.00        13678        4 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.eu9
 0.01  0.00        11314        5 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.goanna
 0.03  0.01        37665       16 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.goofy
 0.05  0.21       706027       30 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.mickey
 0.02  0.12       413847       11 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.minnie
 0.02  0.01        20037       11 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.pc3
 0.05  0.12       393586       27 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.pc4
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.pc6
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.pc7
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.pluto
 0.01  0.00         7754        4 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.tick
 0.01  0.11       374950        7 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.trick
 0.01  0.00        11101        4 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.truck
 0.01  0.00        14060        5 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.vampi2
 0.02  0.01        23471        9 | de.mpg.mpi-hd.vampi3
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.mpg.mpi-msp-halle.psh
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.mpg.mpi-stuttgart.pc5m23
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.mpi-stuttgart.physx6
 0.01  0.01        40533        7 | de.mpg.mpi-stuttgart.vscs1
 0.08  0.37      1247287       45 | de.mpg.mpia-hd.conica
 0.03  0.11       379610       16 | de.mpg.mpia-hd.salm
 0.03  0.01        46996       17 | de.mpg.mpia-hd.sun14
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.mpia-hd.sun15
 0.01  0.18       596911        5 | de.mpg.mpia-hd.sun20
 0.01  0.00        12544        5 | de.mpg.mpib-tuebingen.p37135
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.mpg.mpib-tuebingen.p3772
 0.02  0.01        33104       11 | de.mpg.mpifr-bonn.hp30
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.mpg.mpifr-bonn.hp31
 0.01  0.00         8284        5 | de.mpg.mpifr-bonn.hp62
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.mpg.mpifr-bonn.sun46
 0.01  0.00         9554        5 | de.mpg.mpim-bonn.alkmene
 0.01  0.00        15225        5 | de.mpg.mpimf-heidelberg.alf
 0.04  0.02        52571       22 | de.mpg.mpimf-heidelberg.laue
 0.01  0.00         9917        5 | de.mpg.mpimf-heidelberg.mac2
 0.01  0.00         5350        3 | de.mpg.mpimf-heidelberg.molly
 0.07  0.17       559976       40 | de.mpg.mpimf-heidelberg.rock
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.mpimf-heidelberg.xr3
 0.01  0.00        13588        6 | de.mpg.mppmu.dws23
 0.00  0.00         1813        2 | de.mpg.mppmu.iws104
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | de.mpg.mppmu.iws109a2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.mpg.mppmu.iwsrz
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | de.mpg.rz-berlin.crick
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.mpg.rz-berlin.watson
 0.01  0.00         6949        3 | de.mu-luebeck.zuv.pc1
 0.01  0.01        27338        3 | de.muc.mn
 0.01  0.01        40017        7 | de.mwf-bw.iris4
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.n-e-t.msh.mshpc3
 0.00  0.00          935        1 | de.noris.smurf.mac
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.oche.mike
 0.00  0.00         1050        2 | de.pallas.sun5
 0.01  0.01        27499        3 | de.ph-ludwigsburg.a208g
 0.00  0.00         2134        1 | de.philips.scax18
 0.01  0.00         9570        7 | de.pik-potsdam.climate
 0.01  0.00         5574        3 | de.ping.fosi
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.ping.harlie
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.ping.kato
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.ping.keltic
 0.00  0.00          660        2 | de.ping.oskar
 0.00  0.00          523        1 | de.ppp.gordon
 0.01  0.00         5874        3 | de.provi.hh.lhinrichs
 0.01  0.00        13516        5 | de.psyres-stuttgart.doca486
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.ptb.berlin.athene
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.rhein-main.wave
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | de.rhein-main.weicht
 0.02  0.00        15679       12 | de.rhein-neckar.carnivor
 0.01  0.00         9345        4 | de.rhein-neckar.guinan
 0.01  0.00        12953        4 | de.rhein-neckar.informix
 0.03  0.01        27883       16 | de.rhein-neckar.lina
 0.01  0.00         2697        3 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.et.picard
 0.01  0.00         3867        3 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.mez.gandalf
 0.01  0.00         5954        5 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.mez.saruman
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.orch.pc-4
 0.01  0.02        58915        8 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-19
 0.01  0.00        11874        4 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-20
 0.01  0.01        36111        7 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-21
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-22
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-23
 0.01  0.00         7288        3 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-25
 0.01  0.00         6071        4 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-26
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.dialslip-28
 0.02  0.00        15152       10 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.rubc
 0.03  0.01        21620       16 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.rz.sun579
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.sth.triade
 0.01  0.00         4674        4 | de.ruhr-uni-bochum.tp1.phoenix
 0.01  0.00         4584        3 | de.ruhr.exit
 0.00  0.00          499        1 | de.ruhr.pet
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.rwth-aachen.basl.luna
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.rwth-aachen.extra.extra03
 0.01  0.00        15847        8 | de.rwth-aachen.gi.indy3
 0.01  0.00        13220        4 | de.rwth-aachen.gi.pc2
 0.01  0.00         2185        4 | de.rwth-aachen.idg.hp720
 0.02  0.01        50154       12 | de.rwth-aachen.igpm.numa4
 0.01  0.07       236554        4 | de.rwth-aachen.igpm.numa5
 0.01  0.00        13012        4 | de.rwth-aachen.ime.venn
 0.00  0.00         2835        1 | de.rwth-aachen.ind.artemis
 0.11  0.27       913986       64 | de.rwth-aachen.informatik.bombasto
 0.01  0.00        12686        6 | de.rwth-aachen.informatik.dvorak
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.rwth-aachen.informatik.unite
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.rwth-aachen.iww.kaplan
 0.01  0.00         7754        4 | de.rwth-aachen.physik.axpwb
 0.01  0.00         2515        3 | de.rwth-aachen.rz.cip07
 0.01  0.00         6858        4 | de.rwth-aachen.technikgeschichte.pc3
 0.01  0.00         4927        5 | de.saar.wg.bellona
 0.02  0.01        47245       14 | de.saarlink.marx
 0.01  0.00         5888        4 | de.schering.be1200
 0.01  0.00         4233        3 | de.schule.bw.lbw.dp1
 0.01  0.00        12953        4 | de.schwaben.rt.weiher
 0.01  0.00        16904        7 | de.schwaben.stgt.someday
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.scn.wall
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.she.shegw01
 0.01  0.00         5110        4 | de.siemens.zfe.ztivax
 0.02  0.11       386489       13 | de.snafu.berlin
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | de.snafu.videoweb.videoweb001
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.snafu.videoweb.videoweb003
 0.02  0.23       765066       11 | de.sni.mch.thoth
 0.06  0.25       850121       37 | de.sni.news
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.spacenet.mlm.maja
 0.01  0.00         6970        4 | de.springer.mmmp0
 0.05  0.02        56915       27 | de.springer.mmmp1
 0.01  0.00         8704        4 | de.springer.ntp.pc17
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.sub.pf.pf900
 0.01  0.00         9709        3 | de.swb.brewhq
 0.03  0.01        43424       15 | de.swb.garfield
 0.01  0.00        15234        5 | de.swb.plinma
 0.00  0.00         1215        1 | de.tfh-berlin.gor1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tfh-berlin.idy39
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.tfh-berlin.idy81
 0.01  0.00        15998        7 | de.th-darmstadt.chemie.pc.ws02
 0.02  0.00        13829        9 | de.th-darmstadt.e-technik.emk.skuhn
 0.05  0.14       486984       32 | de.th-darmstadt.e-technik.microelectronic.obelix
 0.02  0.00        13442        9 | de.th-darmstadt.e-technik.nesi.grusun1
 0.01  0.01        47543        7 | de.th-darmstadt.hrz.dec2
 0.01  0.01        49599        8 | de.th-darmstadt.hrz.df1
 0.09  0.21       712249       55 | de.th-darmstadt.hrz.rs1
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.th-darmstadt.hrz.sun2
 0.08  0.24       812347       49 | de.th-darmstadt.hrz.sun8
 0.01  0.00         3678        7 | de.th-darmstadt.informatik.gris.www
 0.01  0.00        10394        4 | de.th-darmstadt.informatik.isa.sun45
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | de.th-darmstadt.informatik.isa.sun47
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.th-darmstadt.maschinenbau.ifp.ifp_1610a
 0.01  0.01        19440        8 | de.th-darmstadt.maschinenbau.ifp.ifp_344b
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | de.th-darmstadt.maschinenbau.mug.baerbel
 0.01  0.00         7416        6 | de.th-darmstadt.maschinenbau.muk.venus
 0.01  0.01        29897        4 | de.th-darmstadt.materie.marvin
 0.01  0.14       463179        5 | de.th-darmstadt.mathematik.fb0431
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | de.th-darmstadt.mathematik.fb0448
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.th-darmstadt.mechanik.euklid
 0.01  0.00        10648        6 | de.th-darmstadt.verm.geosat.geopc01
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.th-darmstadt.verm.geosat.geopc02
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.th-darmstadt.verm.geosat.geopc04
 0.00  0.00          624        2 | de.th-darmstadt.zit.asta
 0.01  0.02        80670        5 | de.th-leipzig.e-technik.proton14
 0.00  0.00         4408        2 | de.th-leipzig.imn.abraham
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.th-leipzig.imn.johannes
 0.00  0.00         3690        2 | de.th-leipzig.rz.zeus
 0.01  0.00        10515        7 | de.th-merseburg.hrz.fserv
 0.00  0.00         1813        2 | de.th-merseburg.hrz.iris
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.th-merseburg.vt.iris-vt
 0.01  0.11       368589        5 | de.th-zwickau.hrz.twin1
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.tiho-hannover.win
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.tools.fred
 0.01  0.00        14996        6 | de.tu-berlin.cs.clasma
 0.01  0.00         9529        4 | de.tu-berlin.cs.curie
 0.01  0.25       850902        7 | de.tu-berlin.cs.frieda
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-berlin.cs.gustav
 0.01  0.01        27447        3 | de.tu-berlin.cs.hombre
 0.01  0.00         7546        3 | de.tu-berlin.cs.isdn.peanuts
 0.01  0.00        10169        6 | de.tu-berlin.cs.mimas
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-berlin.cs.navajo
 0.02  0.01        49876       13 | de.tu-berlin.cs.quepasa
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.tu-berlin.ee.empc2
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.tu-berlin.ee.ftat90
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-berlin.ee.ftsu03
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-berlin.ee.sun6hft
 0.00  0.00         1052        2 | de.tu-berlin.gp.ifpdo219
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.tu-berlin.kf.adudant
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-berlin.math.piglet
 0.01  0.01        42230        6 | de.tu-berlin.physik.gift
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-berlin.physik.lise
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.tu-berlin.physik.marie
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.tu-berlin.physik.pn607
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | de.tu-berlin.physik.polly
 0.00  0.00         4935        2 | de.tu-berlin.tk.markv
 0.01  0.00         2656        3 | de.tu-berlin.ut.fourier
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.bronto
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.hydra
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.w206zrz
 0.01  0.00         6109        3 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.w208zrz
 0.01  0.00        12971        6 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.w214zrz
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 | de.tu-berlin.zrz.w250zrz
 0.01  0.00        11042        5 | de.tu-bs.nat.org-chem.sgi1
 0.00  0.00          739        1 | de.tu-bs.nat.org-chem.sgi2
 0.02  0.18       609334       13 | de.tu-bs.nat.phatox.vgg
 0.01  0.00         5941        4 | de.tu-bs.nat.techphys.tphws1
 0.03  0.19       628034       18 | de.tu-bs.rz.rzis1
 0.02  0.02        59150        9 | de.tu-chemnitz.csn.mischka
 0.01  0.01        34602        5 | de.tu-chemnitz.csn.pitti
 0.00  0.11       360357        1 | de.tu-chemnitz.csn.torture
 0.01  0.00         5464        8 | de.tu-chemnitz.hrz.atlas-f
 0.05  0.13       444979       31 | de.tu-chemnitz.hrz.hollerith
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.tu-chemnitz.infotech.sensor1
 0.01  0.00         7812        4 | de.tu-chemnitz.mb2.juni
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-clausthal.in.colodri
 0.01  0.02        80036        6 | de.tu-clausthal.inggeo.camel
 0.02  0.11       378398       10 | de.tu-clausthal.inggeo.hamster
 0.03  0.01        50321       15 | de.tu-clausthal.rz.oblong
 0.01  0.00         8343        5 | de.tu-clausthal.slip.remote1
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | de.tu-cottbus.archinf.pueckler
 0.00  0.00         3668        2 | de.tu-dresden.inf.iis350
 0.03  0.02        56052       19 | de.tu-dresden.inf.irz401
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.tu-dresden.math.nbtw02
 0.01  0.01        39264        8 | de.tu-dresden.mpgfk.tmf05
 0.01  0.01        35420        7 | de.tu-dresden.urz.rcs1
 0.01  0.00        12732        7 | de.tu-dresden.urz.rp16
 0.01  0.00        16441        5 | de.tu-dresden.urz.rp177
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-harburg.rz.indi2
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | de.tu-harburg.rz.rzorg
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-harburg.rz.rzorg01
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.tu-ilmenau.physik.ph8
 0.00  0.00         3889        2 | de.tu-ilmenau.prakinf.prakinf2
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.tu-ilmenau.wirtschaft.boole
 0.01  0.00        12218        6 | de.tu-ilmenau.wirtschaft.galilei
 0.03  0.08       263646       16 | de.tu-magdeburg.cs.csmd39
 0.01  0.01        27776        3 | de.tu-magdeburg.cs.isis
 0.00  0.00         3090        1 | de.tu-muenchen.e-technik.ldv.ldvgpi04
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 | de.tu-muenchen.e-technik.ldv.ldvgpi24
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | de.tu-muenchen.e-technik.ldv.ldvgpi25
 0.01  0.14       463104        5 | de.tu-muenchen.e-technik.ldv.ldvgpi26
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.tu-muenchen.e-technik.ldv.ldvhp33
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.tu-muenchen.e-technik.regent.redamoi
 0.05  0.19       642228       28 | de.tu-muenchen.informatik.hpsystem5
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.tu-muenchen.informatik.nextzenger1
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | de.tu-muenchen.informatik.sunbode20
 0.02  0.01        19056       14 | de.tu-muenchen.mw.fgb.haegar
 0.03  0.03        91897       19 | de.tu-muenchen.physik.cip.graphit
 0.01  0.01        27493        3 | de.uka.ira.i10s12
 0.01  0.12       397652        5 | de.uka.ira.i12pc2
 0.01  0.01        21323        8 | de.uka.ira.i12s3
 0.01  0.00         7133        5 | de.uka.ira.i12s5
 0.02  0.02        56829       13 | de.uka.ira.i31s14
 0.00  0.00          524        1 | de.uka.ira.i31s24
 0.01  0.00         9753        6 | de.uka.ira.i40d13
 0.02  0.01        40074       11 | de.uka.ira.i81m8
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uka.ira.i90fs3
 0.08  0.13       435943       48 | de.uka.ira.irafs1
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uka.ira.szspc9
 0.01  0.00         8382        4 | de.uni-augsburg.asta.pc21y0
 0.01  0.00         4782        3 | de.uni-augsburg.bibliothek.ubpc21
 0.00  0.00         2615        2 | de.uni-augsburg.cc.infoserv
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.uni-augsburg.informatik.ls2cip01
 0.01  0.00        11393        6 | de.uni-augsburg.informatik.ls2cip02
 0.01  0.00        12845        5 | de.uni-augsburg.rz.ibm12m
 0.01  0.00         1567        3 | de.uni-bamberg.ppp.pppcip004
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-bamberg.sowi.sowicip166
 0.01  0.00         2469        3 | de.uni-bamberg.sowi.sowicip193
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-bamberg.sowi.sowicip210
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.uni-bayreuth.bio.btb3d2
 0.01  0.00        11165        5 | de.uni-bayreuth.che.btc1x2
 0.03  0.01        37065       18 | de.uni-bayreuth.hrz.btr0xf
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-bayreuth.hrz.btrtx3
 0.02  0.01        22668        9 | de.uni-bayreuth.jur.btjcd1
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | de.uni-bayreuth.mat.btm2d2
 0.00  0.00         1627        2 | de.uni-bayreuth.oec.bts483
 0.01  0.00         6681        3 | de.uni-bayreuth.oec.bts485
 0.03  0.02        62477       19 | de.uni-bayreuth.oec.bts486
 0.00  0.00          800        1 | de.uni-bayreuth.phy.btp4xh
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.uni-bayreuth.phy.btp8x4
 0.01  0.00         3809        3 | de.uni-bielefeld.geschichte.pc59
 0.02  0.00        16748        9 | de.uni-bielefeld.geschichte.pc63
 0.03  0.02        81459       15 | de.uni-bielefeld.hrz.dave
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-bielefeld.hrz.dee
 0.01  0.07       236554        4 | de.uni-bielefeld.hrz.dozy
 0.00  0.00         1215        1 | de.uni-bielefeld.phyd3pc02
 0.01  0.00         6342        3 | de.uni-bielefeld.phyhe
 0.02  0.01        18971        9 | de.uni-bielefeld.techfak.lavendel
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-bielefeld.wiwi13
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.uni-bonn.astro.aibn53
 0.01  0.01        36457        6 | de.uni-bonn.astro.aibn70
 0.00  0.00         1075        1 | de.uni-bonn.geo.iris
 0.01  0.00         4288        5 | de.uni-bonn.iam.cip16
 0.01  0.00         7946        3 | de.uni-bonn.iam.fraise
 0.02  0.01        49700       13 | de.uni-bonn.iam.sfb256
 0.02  0.02        53619       11 | de.uni-bonn.iap.iap-router
 0.01  0.01        25888        8 | de.uni-bonn.informatik.gelb
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | de.uni-bonn.informatik.leto
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-bonn.informatik.orange
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-bonn.ipb.ipb1
 0.01  0.00        10170        6 | de.uni-bonn.itkp.pythia
 0.01  0.01        35046        3 | de.uni-bonn.meb.quade
 0.01  0.01        31599        6 | de.uni-bonn.or.unitas
 0.02  0.01        26529       13 | de.uni-bonn.physik.work71
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | de.uni-bonn.physik.zart2
 0.01  0.00         4659        3 | de.uni-bonn.physik.zr1
 0.01  0.01        27736        3 | de.uni-bonn.psychologie.curio
 0.01  0.00         7529        3 | de.uni-bonn.psychologie.duncker
 0.01  0.01        27481        3 | de.uni-bonn.psychologie.selz
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-bonn.psychologie.skinner
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | de.uni-bonn.rhrz.rhrz-ts1-p5
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-bonn.thch.sunc
 0.00  0.00         1215        1 | de.uni-bremen.informatik.dater
 0.01  0.00         9985        3 | de.uni-bremen.informatik.mac-lehre5
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-bremen.informatik.p233
 0.00  0.00         3113        2 | de.uni-bremen.informatik.roman
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-bremen.iuv.pc30
 0.01  0.00         9299        7 | de.uni-bremen.mathematik.europa
 0.02  0.00        12496        9 | de.uni-bremen.mathematik.godzillos
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-bremen.mathematik.hephaistos
 0.05  0.02        66963       32 | de.uni-bremen.pc-labor.duffy
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-bremen.pc-labor.rech2
 0.01  0.01        29074        4 | de.uni-bremen.zfn.alf
 0.01  0.01        28276        3 | de.uni-dortmund.chemie.ganter
 0.01  0.00        10426        4 | de.uni-dortmund.chemie.organometallix
 0.02  0.00        14280       13 | de.uni-dortmund.hrz.ux10
 0.05  0.02        76093       29 | de.uni-dortmund.informatik.fbi-news
 0.01  0.00         6949        3 | de.uni-dortmund.informatik.udo
 0.01  0.00        12671        5 | de.uni-dortmund.physik.einstein
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-dortmund.raumplanung.syssparc
 0.01  0.01        27956        3 | de.uni-duesseldorf.anphy.rose
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.uni-duesseldorf.bio.pc
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-duesseldorf.philis.phi04630
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.uni-duesseldorf.psycho.epikur
 0.01  0.00         7754        4 | de.uni-duesseldorf.rz.classic26
 0.12  0.05       152914       72 | de.uni-duesseldorf.rz.hermes
 0.00  0.00         3519        2 | de.uni-duesseldorf.rz.modem1
 0.01  0.00        10696        5 | de.uni-duesseldorf.rz.modem3
 0.00  0.00         1234        1 | de.uni-duesseldorf.rz.sunserver1
 0.02  0.02        50849       12 | de.uni-duisburg.02le314
 0.01  0.00         6182        4 | de.uni-duisburg.lk122
 0.01  0.00         2515        3 | de.uni-duisburg.math.pc-2
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-duisburg.p&o-4
 0.01  0.01        28720        5 | de.uni-duisburg.pegels
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-duisburg.rs1-hrz
 0.02  0.01        19656       10 | de.uni-duisburg.unidui
 0.01  0.00         8506        4 | de.uni-erlangen.e-technik.cip2
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | de.uni-erlangen.e-technik.nt39
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-erlangen.informatik.faui01
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | de.uni-erlangen.informatik.faui05a
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 | de.uni-erlangen.informatik.faui30c
 0.00  0.00         2527        2 | de.uni-erlangen.informatik.faui46a
 0.01  0.00        12726        6 | de.uni-erlangen.informatik.faui63
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-erlangen.informatik.faui8s4
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-erlangen.physik.pi2de1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-erlangen.physik.tp2aw1
 0.00  0.00         4877        2 | de.uni-erlangen.rrze.rzcip34
 0.00  0.00         1215        1 | de.uni-erlangen.wiso.rz202
 0.00  0.00         1075        1 | de.uni-erlangen.wiso.rz203
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.uni-erlangen.wiso.w1150
 0.00  0.00         7356        2 | de.uni-essen.extern.ott
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-essen.extern.render
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.uni-essen.extern.weidemann
 0.01  0.01        32713        5 | de.uni-essen.hrz.aixrs1
 0.01  0.01        27625        4 | de.uni-essen.hrz.dos04
 0.01  0.00         6128        3 | de.uni-frankfurt.chemie.org.ews1
 0.01  0.00         8881        4 | de.uni-frankfurt.chemie.org.styx
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-frankfurt.chemie.phys.spross
 0.02  0.01        18565        9 | de.uni-frankfurt.chemie.phys.trieb
 0.08  0.05       160806       47 | de.uni-frankfurt.informatik.rbi.zeus
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | de.uni-frankfurt.mzb.graphikpc
 0.01  0.00         7713        3 | de.uni-frankfurt.physik.iapzi27lx
 0.02  0.00        13997        9 | de.uni-frankfurt.physik.ikf.alpha
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | de.uni-frankfurt.physik.ikf.hpikf2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-frankfurt.physik.ikf.klauspc
 0.00  0.00         3099        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.physik.th.johanna
 0.01  0.00         3224        4 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.brion
 0.01  0.00        11110        4 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.grapool2
 0.01  0.00         4828        3 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.grapool22
 0.01  0.00         8582        5 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.grapool4
 0.01  0.00        16841        6 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.grapool7
 0.03  0.01        22602       20 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.grapool8
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.grapool9
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.rz.platon
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | de.uni-frankfurt.stub.stub25pc
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-frankfurt.stub.stub31pc
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | de.uni-frankfurt.stub.stub33pc
 0.02  0.01        44625        9 | de.uni-frankfurt.stub.stub35pc
 0.00  0.00         1350        2 | de.uni-frankfurt.stub.stub36pc
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.stub.stub38pc
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.wiwi.obelix
 0.01  0.00        13436        6 | de.uni-frankfurt.wiwi.pool17
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.wiwi.pool19
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.wiwi.sl0
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-frankfurt.zki.dirk
 0.01  0.01        17479        6 | de.uni-frankfurt.zki.stoffw-lab
 0.01  0.00         9608        4 | de.uni-freiburg.biologie.mole6
 0.01  0.00         7964        5 | de.uni-freiburg.biophysik.loop
 0.01  0.00         6718        3 | de.uni-freiburg.biophysik.pc44
 0.01  0.01        34438        6 | de.uni-freiburg.chemie.pcos2
 0.01  0.00        15150        5 | de.uni-freiburg.forst.pc1
 0.01  0.00        12060        4 | de.uni-freiburg.forst.pc2
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | de.uni-freiburg.home.isdn20
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-freiburg.home.isdn3
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.uni-freiburg.home.isdn6
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | de.uni-freiburg.home.slip100
 0.00  0.00         3261        2 | de.uni-freiburg.home.slip44
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-freiburg.informatik.pegasus
 0.03  0.01        40788       15 | de.uni-freiburg.jura.ipr5
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-freiburg.physik.frmeh2
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.uni-freiburg.physik.frsl06
 0.01  0.00         7262        3 | de.uni-freiburg.physik.frsl15
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | de.uni-freiburg.physik.hpfrs9
 0.02  0.01        22134       10 | de.uni-freiburg.physik.phyl1
 0.01  0.01        30657        4 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-33
 0.02  0.02        82926        9 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-43
 0.01  0.00         9045        3 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-44
 0.01  0.01        27642        3 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-47
 0.04  0.04       141010       25 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-48
 0.04  0.01        37995       22 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-49
 0.01  0.02        55284        6 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-51
 0.01  0.02        55284        6 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-52
 0.02  0.01        29688       14 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-57
 0.03  0.01        25546       15 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cip1-59
 0.01  0.00         9590        5 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cipsun2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cipsun4
 0.01  0.01        47433        8 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.cipsun5
 0.03  0.17       571403       19 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.ibm2
 0.04  0.02        69965       26 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.ipunkt-4
 0.35  0.17       585825      207 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.mibm
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.sun2
 0.00  0.00         2056        1 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.sun22
 0.01  0.00        15987        8 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.tibm1
 0.03  0.02        60447       15 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.tibm2
 0.01  0.22       736748        7 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.tibm3
 0.02  0.01        20115       10 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.tibm4
 0.01  0.00        10108        4 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.tibm6
 0.01  0.07       236554        4 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.tibm7
 0.02  0.18       605579        9 | de.uni-freiburg.ruf.tibm8
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-freiburg.tumorbio.sun1
 0.04  0.01        48944       23 | de.uni-freiburg.ukl.sun1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-freiburg.vwl.bwliii-1
 0.02  0.01        38607        9 | de.uni-freiburg.vwl.wi1
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.uni-giessen.anglistik.deleeuw
 0.00  0.00          524        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.d5
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.dali
 0.00  0.00          849        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.r22602
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.r22606
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.r22607
 0.01  0.01        17965        7 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.r22609
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.r22614
 0.01  0.00        10990        6 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.slip01
 0.00  0.00         1179        2 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.slip03
 0.01  0.00         6615        3 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.slip04
 0.01  0.00         9141        3 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.slip05
 0.00  0.00         5253        2 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.slip06
 0.00  0.00         3666        2 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.u02703
 0.01  0.00         9546        6 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.u02709
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-giessen.hrz.vision
 0.02  0.01        25950       10 | de.uni-giessen.med.medpoliklinik.maciifxsca
 0.01  0.00        11880        6 | de.uni-giessen.med.virologie.lib
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.uni-giessen.med.zahnheilkunde.assis-pa
 0.01  0.00         9357        3 | de.uni-giessen.physik.kolibri
 0.01  0.00         8797        4 | de.uni-giessen.ub.cip-ub-02
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | de.uni-giessen.ub.cip-ub-07
 0.01  0.00        11564        6 | de.uni-giessen.ub.cip-ub-19
 0.01  0.00        12668        5 | de.uni-giessen.ub.cip-ub-26
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | de.uni-giessen.ub.cip-ub-35
 0.01  0.00         9650        7 | de.uni-greifswald.math-inf.risc-1
 0.01  0.11       369041        4 | de.uni-halle.informatik.infpar
 0.01  0.01        29395        5 | de.uni-halle.urz.cluster1
 0.01  0.00         4307        3 | de.uni-halle.urz.cluster2
 0.01  0.00         9213        3 | de.uni-hamburg.botanik.egon
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-hamburg.dialup.orion
 0.01  0.00        14254        4 | de.uni-hamburg.informatik.dbis12
 0.01  0.00        10599        5 | de.uni-hamburg.jura1.james
 0.01  0.01        38618        7 | de.uni-hamburg.jura1.vwl102
 0.00  0.00          524        1 | de.uni-hamburg.kunst.immo
 0.00  0.00         1773        2 | de.uni-hamburg.math.amrisc05
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-hamburg.rrz.rzaixsrv2-fi
 0.07  0.14       459672       39 | de.uni-hamburg.rrz.rzsun01
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-hamburg.uke.fokus
 0.05  0.02        53478       27 | de.uni-hamburg.verwaltung.duechting
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-hannover.cip-bau.sun10
 0.00  0.00         1017        2 | de.uni-hannover.erib.hi
 0.01  0.00        12444        8 | de.uni-hannover.gih.hildebrandt
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-hannover.iqo.hektor
 0.01  0.00         5096        4 | de.uni-hannover.itp.pollux
 0.01  0.00         9720        4 | de.uni-hannover.ive.ives3
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.uni-hannover.ivh.pc65
 0.01  0.00         5832        3 | de.uni-hannover.math.exusit
 0.02  0.00         8303        9 | de.uni-hannover.math.ganymed
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-hannover.pmp.ajax
 0.00  0.00         1234        1 | de.uni-hannover.pmp.minoa
 0.01  0.00        10002        4 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn-user.s5b004
 0.01  0.00         9334        7 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn-user.s5b007
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn.gp1
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn.macb033
 0.01  0.01        24045        6 | de.uni-hannover.rrzn.sun1
 0.01  0.00        10223        6 | de.uni-hannover.stochastik.feller
 0.39  0.12       417281      232 | de.uni-heidelberg.aci
 0.09  0.07       220396       55 | de.uni-heidelberg.aphys
 0.27  0.21       707125      159 | de.uni-heidelberg.aphys2
 0.02  0.01        28347       14 | de.uni-heidelberg.ari
 0.23  0.03       114696      136 | de.uni-heidelberg.awi
 0.05  0.02        65459       29 | de.uni-heidelberg.exchi
 0.22  0.09       292682      129 | de.uni-heidelberg.gen
 0.14  0.59      2007735       84 | de.uni-heidelberg.geog
 0.04  0.25       852365       23 | de.uni-heidelberg.geol
 0.24  0.39      1325763      143 | de.uni-heidelberg.gs
 0.13  0.59      1999665       79 | de.uni-heidelberg.ihep
 0.20  0.09       307182      122 | de.uni-heidelberg.isdn
 0.58  0.65      2182280      347 | de.uni-heidelberg.ita
 0.46  1.09      3695515      272 | de.uni-heidelberg.iwr
 0.19  0.38      1278328      114 | de.uni-heidelberg.jurs
 0.28  0.42      1432345      165 | de.uni-heidelberg.lsw
 0.18  0.06       193797      106 | de.uni-heidelberg.math
 0.12  0.04       143673       70 | de.uni-heidelberg.mathi
 0.19  0.04       133044      116 | de.uni-heidelberg.mgen
 0.16  0.04       124494       97 | de.uni-heidelberg.nbio
 1.17  0.68      2287431      697 | de.uni-heidelberg.oci
 0.41  0.29       994850      243 | de.uni-heidelberg.pci
 0.09  0.04       136448       51 | de.uni-heidelberg.phak
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-heidelberg.phazb
 0.11  0.03       107647       63 | de.uni-heidelberg.phazc
 0.12  0.23       779381       74 | de.uni-heidelberg.physi
 0.01  0.00         9129        3 | de.uni-heidelberg.pio1
 0.01  0.00         6979        6 | de.uni-heidelberg.psi
 0.00  0.00          961        1 | de.uni-heidelberg.sino
 0.10  0.05       158910       59 | de.uni-heidelberg.statlab
 0.65  0.13       443492      385 | de.uni-heidelberg.thphys
 0.29  0.13       444368      175 | de.uni-heidelberg.tphys
 0.36  0.31      1044537      213 | de.uni-heidelberg.ub
 0.76  0.79      2665976      453 | de.uni-heidelberg.uphys
56.62 37.30    126127216    33738 | de.uni-heidelberg.urz
 0.09  0.04       141852       56 | de.uni-heidelberg.zbt
 0.01  0.00         8139        4 | de.uni-heidelberg.zuv
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.uni-hildesheim.rz.dhiurzm31
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | de.uni-hohenheim.agrartech.440-aix1
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | de.uni-hohenheim.agrartech.495-aix1
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | de.uni-hohenheim.biochemie.biesalski
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | de.uni-hohenheim.biochemie.pc2
 0.02  0.12       412626       12 | de.uni-hohenheim.bodenkunde.attar
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-hohenheim.bodenkunde.rs3101
 0.00  0.00         1360        2 | de.uni-hohenheim.chemie.eulenb
 0.01  0.00         3762        5 | de.uni-hohenheim.cip2.cip2-49
 0.02  0.02        54505       13 | de.uni-hohenheim.cip4.cip4-166
 0.02  0.02        67064       10 | de.uni-hohenheim.ldw-bwl.pc15
 0.04  0.01        37973       21 | de.uni-hohenheim.ldw-bwl.pc2
 0.01  0.00         8027        4 | de.uni-hohenheim.rz.install
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-hohenheim.rz.rs110gw
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-hohenheim.rz.rssmoking
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-hohenheim.ub.os2zb7
 0.01  0.00         8199        4 | de.uni-hohenheim.verw.hos
 0.01  0.00         8247        4 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs51
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs53
 0.01  0.01        38802        3 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs54
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs55
 0.03  0.12       392747       15 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs56
 0.03  0.01        46299       19 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs57
 0.01  0.00        11993        7 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs59
 0.01  0.01        28997        4 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs60
 0.00  0.00          849        1 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs62
 0.02  0.01        23474       10 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs63
 0.02  0.08       257918       10 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs64
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs65
 0.02  0.23       767938        9 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs68
 0.04  0.30      1007475       24 | de.uni-hohenheim.ws1.rs69
 0.01  0.01        40441        5 | de.uni-jena.mathematik.mav020
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-jena.physik.qepc02
 0.05  0.02        74225       30 | de.uni-jena.rz.fsuj34
 0.01  0.11       369041        4 | de.uni-karlsruhe.ask.askhp2
 0.01  0.00         7750        4 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bau-verm.bsws1a
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bau-verm.gik
 0.00  0.00          524        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bau-verm.ifh-hp1
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bau-verm.ifhparty
 0.01  0.00        11504        6 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bau-verm.ifvsfr
 0.01  0.00         5976        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bau-verm.ipfd
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bio-geo.agkpc5
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bio-geo.agkpc8
 0.00  0.00         2150        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.bio-geo.min-inst01
 0.01  0.00        11446        5 | de.uni-karlsruhe.chemie.achpc8
 0.00  0.00          739        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.chemie.ipc1ibm1
 0.01  0.00        14451        8 | de.uni-karlsruhe.chemie.ochiris
 0.01  0.00        15909        6 | de.uni-karlsruhe.chemie.tchibm7
 0.02  0.11       385080        9 | de.uni-karlsruhe.ciw.ebigek06
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.ciw.ebigek07
 0.01  0.00        15653        5 | de.uni-karlsruhe.ciw.lvt-jupiter
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.etec.iehpc21
 0.01  0.01        27642        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.informatik.telematik.manitu
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | de.uni-karlsruhe.informatik.telematik.sartre
 0.01  0.11       370774        5 | de.uni-karlsruhe.lod.lodsun5
 0.01  0.00        11970        5 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.fmc-aquarium
 0.01  0.00        10024        6 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.ifabu1
 0.01  0.01        27931        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.ifk3
 0.01  0.11       373877        6 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.rpkalf2
 0.01  0.00         9576        4 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.rpkhp8
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.rpksun5
 0.01  0.00         7397        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.wbkst1
 0.05  0.02        61434       28 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.wbkst6
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mach.wk1ws1
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.mathematik.iamk4526
 0.01  0.00        11879        7 | de.uni-karlsruhe.physik.ffphmac2
 0.01  0.00        12110        7 | de.uni-karlsruhe.physik.itpaxp1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.physik.krisal
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.physik.tfpmac6
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.physik.tkmhp12
 0.00  0.00         1773        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.ma42
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.micromac1
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.mv70
 0.01  0.00        10813        4 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick01
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick02
 0.01  0.00        11483        7 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick04
 0.06  0.09       302286       34 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick05
 0.01  0.12       407506        8 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick07
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick08
 0.05  0.31      1037278       30 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick09
 0.02  0.12       388946       10 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick10
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick11
 0.03  0.01        36768       16 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick13
 0.03  0.36      1205858       17 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick14
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick15
 0.04  0.19       639233       23 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nick17
 0.19  0.43      1461494      115 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.nz13
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.oberle
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.rz.waelde
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.ubka.ubkaps1
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.uni-karlsruhe.ubka.ubkaps16
 0.00  0.00         4935        2 | de.uni-karlsruhe.wiwi.andor4
 0.01  0.00        10142        4 | de.uni-karlsruhe.wiwi.iwwmac25
 0.01  0.00        10325        7 | de.uni-kassel.germanistik.lin-pc1
 0.01  0.00        11026        8 | de.uni-kassel.geschichte.hist-pc6
 0.01  0.01        29176        3 | de.uni-kassel.hrz.hrz-serv7
 0.06  0.20       689192       37 | de.uni-kassel.hrz.hrz-ws11
 0.00  0.00          670        2 | de.uni-kassel.informatik.theory.goedel
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-kassel.psychologie.psy-pc3
 0.01  0.00        12735        5 | de.uni-kassel.psychologie.psy-pc9
 0.02  0.00        13077        9 | de.uni-kassel.verwaltung.iib.iib-pc1
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-kiel.cs.wanderer
 0.01  0.01        18653        8 | de.uni-kiel.informatik.oscar
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.uni-kiel.pz-oekosys.johnny
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-kiel.rz.infosrv
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.uni-kl.biologie.histon
 0.01  0.00         4558        6 | de.uni-kl.cck.cckdemo
 0.00  0.00         1218        2 | de.uni-kl.cck.cckserver
 0.01  0.01        27652        3 | de.uni-kl.chemie.iris1
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 | de.uni-kl.dfki.serv-303
 0.01  0.32      1087910        5 | de.uni-kl.dfki.ws-309
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-kl.dfki.ws-326
 0.00  0.00         1030        2 | de.uni-kl.dfki.ws-423
 0.01  0.01        17593        7 | de.uni-kl.e-technik.heliko
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-kl.e-technik.pctet13
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-kl.e-technik.snail
 0.01  0.00        10497        7 | de.uni-kl.informatik.apis
 0.01  0.11       370393        5 | de.uni-kl.informatik.canis
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-kl.informatik.galway
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-kl.informatik.herakles
 0.01  0.00         7117        4 | de.uni-kl.informatik.irz1
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.uni-kl.informatik.numerics
 0.03  0.11       376331       15 | de.uni-kl.informatik.odysseus
 0.02  0.01        17325        9 | de.uni-kl.mathematik.helios
 0.01  0.00         9206        4 | de.uni-kl.mathematik.jupiter
 0.02  0.02        55713       10 | de.uni-kl.mathematik.mispaix1
 0.03  0.01        26129       15 | de.uni-kl.mathematik.tecmwb
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-kl.physik.efes
 0.01  0.00        11668        6 | de.uni-kl.physik.pamuk
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-kl.rhrk.aix3
 0.03  0.01        35090       18 | de.uni-kl.rhrk.aix5
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-kl.rhrk.aix6
 0.01  0.00        12653        6 | de.uni-kl.rhrk.aix7
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.uni-kl.rhrk.aix8
 0.02  0.01        33204       12 | de.uni-kl.rhrk.sun
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-kl.sozwi.brahms
 0.12  0.07       242501       71 | de.uni-kl.student.alma
 0.01  0.00         9808        4 | de.uni-kl.zbt.entw1
 0.01  0.00        11673        4 | de.uni-kl.zbt.entw2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-kl.zbt.maritim
 0.02  0.01        21639        9 | de.uni-koblenz.dahn
 0.00  0.00          561        1 | de.uni-koeln.ezw.kuenzel1
 0.01  0.00         6912        3 | de.uni-koeln.ikp.hamlet
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-koeln.informatik.thibault
 0.01  0.00        15075        5 | de.uni-koeln.kri.linux10
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.uni-koeln.mi.fileserv2
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | de.uni-koeln.ph1.apollo
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-koeln.rrz.hpw1
 0.14  0.06       213147       81 | de.uni-koeln.rrz.www
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-koeln.slip.agi18
 0.01  0.00         4506        4 | de.uni-koeln.slip.au029
 0.01  0.00         6744        4 | de.uni-koeln.za.pnmr
 0.04  0.03        98593       25 | de.uni-konstanz.chemie.dg4
 0.03  0.02        66190       19 | de.uni-konstanz.chemie.doom
 0.01  0.00         6069        4 | de.uni-konstanz.informatik.kempten
 0.04  0.01        42014       24 | de.uni-konstanz.ivp.inf-wiss.konstanz
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | de.uni-konstanz.physik.moeller
 0.00  0.00         1215        1 | de.uni-konstanz.physik.wu
 0.11  0.05       176370       68 | de.uni-konstanz.rz.theoris
 0.00  0.00         4935        2 | de.uni-konstanz.sprachwiss.shivaclient29
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | de.uni-konstanz.swbv.pc116
 0.01  0.01        38139        5 | de.uni-konstanz.swbv.sunws02
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-leipzig.informatik.aix520
 0.00  0.00         2527        2 | de.uni-leipzig.pfi.bieb
 0.04  0.01        39789       25 | de.uni-leipzig.rz.rzaix340
 0.02  0.05       169718       14 | de.uni-leipzig.rz.server1
 0.04  0.32      1098611       21 | de.uni-magdeburg.math.fanta
 0.03  0.78      2632011       17 | de.uni-magdeburg.math.tim
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.graf350
 0.05  0.24       797712       30 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.mayer2
 0.02  0.01        19025       10 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.mus
 0.01  0.00        13678        4 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.rtl211
 0.02  0.01        25285       12 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.rtl212
 0.01  0.00        13255        5 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.rtl217
 0.01  0.01        28090        3 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.rtl218
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-magdeburg.urz.rtl219
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-mainz.chemie.ipcsie
 0.01  0.00         4786        3 | de.uni-mainz.geo.caracol
 0.00  0.00         1075        1 | de.uni-mainz.geo.igemia
 0.01  0.00         8270        4 | de.uni-mainz.imm.pc006
 0.00  0.00          524        1 | de.uni-mainz.jura.horus
 0.01  0.01        30120        4 | de.uni-mainz.jura.ijpool05
 0.02  0.23       771687       10 | de.uni-mainz.klinik.1-med.p1mrjb
 0.01  0.01        21315        7 | de.uni-mainz.klinik.2-med.mediic
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | de.uni-mainz.klinik.kinder.iwin
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-mainz.medizin.gargamel
 0.01  0.00         9985        3 | de.uni-mainz.physik.dhemza
 0.01  0.00        15508        8 | de.uni-mainz.physik.dipmza
 0.01  0.00         7754        4 | de.uni-mainz.physik.iphcip4
 0.01  0.00         7529        3 | de.uni-mainz.politik.ipofa1
 0.02  0.01        21572       10 | de.uni-mainz.politik.ipofa2
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-mainz.sowi.camilla
 0.01  0.01        36420        5 | de.uni-mainz.sowi.ispp1
 0.03  0.01        29456       15 | de.uni-mainz.toxikologie.darc
 0.05  0.02        64060       32 | de.uni-mainz.toxikologie.toxdi
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-mainz.verwaltung.lucy
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-mainz.wirtschaftspaedagogik.ibeckb
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-mainz.zdv.balu
 0.01  0.00        13121        6 | de.uni-mainz.zdv.mogli
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | de.uni-mainz.zdv.vzdmzf
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-mainz.zdv.vzdmzh
 0.01  0.01        29797        5 | de.uni-mainz.zdv.vzdmzi
 0.01  0.00         4628        3 | de.uni-mainz.zdv.vzdmzj
 0.01  0.00        12174        6 | de.uni-mannheim.bib.edv3
 0.03  0.01        35744       16 | de.uni-mannheim.bib.edv4
 0.01  0.01        17087        7 | de.uni-mannheim.bib.fachref1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.bwl.afir
 0.02  0.25       847068       13 | de.uni-mannheim.bwl.infopoint1
 0.21  0.12       412643      124 | de.uni-mannheim.bwl.timpel
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.bwl.ufo230a
 0.01  0.00         9120        3 | de.uni-mannheim.bwl.ufos51ii
 0.00  0.00         4782        2 | de.uni-mannheim.ddz.wa3
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.archimedes
 0.01  0.00        10314        6 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.eratosthenes
 0.01  0.00        13264        5 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.mp-maciici2
 0.01  0.00         9686        4 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.mp-power1
 0.01  0.00        10299        6 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.mp-quadra4
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.mp-sun10
 0.01  0.00         8082        6 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.mp-sun6
 0.01  0.00         8162        4 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.mp-sun7
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.pinfo102
 0.03  0.13       429653       20 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.pips13
 0.02  0.11       360411       14 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.pips16
 0.04  0.11       386285       21 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.pips18
 0.03  0.01        42069       17 | de.uni-mannheim.informatik.q700litho
 0.03  0.01        41022       19 | de.uni-mannheim.jura.leviathan
 0.01  0.00        15959        5 | de.uni-mannheim.math.euklid
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.math.fourier
 0.01  0.00         7150        3 | de.uni-mannheim.psychologie.hoelzl-4
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.rummelplatz
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.abacus
 0.00  0.00         1148        1 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.mueller2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.pcrz1
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.pcrz141
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.pcrz144
 0.01  0.00         8282        5 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.slip1
 0.02  0.00        14368        9 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.slip2
 0.02  0.01        18331       14 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.slip3
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.slip4
 0.02  0.00        13277       11 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.slip6
 0.01  0.00         2293        5 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.slip7
 0.02  0.01        49795       13 | de.uni-mannheim.rz.slip8
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-mannheim.sowi.alle
 0.00  0.00         3113        2 | de.uni-mannheim.sowi.ml11
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | de.uni-mannheim.sowi.ml8
 0.01  0.00         8542        5 | de.uni-mannheim.sowi.quick
 0.02  0.01        23994       14 | de.uni-mannheim.sowi.schubert
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | de.uni-mannheim.sowi.zeus5
 0.01  0.18       596920        5 | de.uni-mannheim.statistik.obelix
 0.12  0.24       826157       73 | de.uni-mannheim.warum
 0.01  0.00         6754        3 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.koriander
 0.02  0.01        43082       13 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.methusalix2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.ozeanix
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.thymian
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.troubadix
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.umawihp0
 0.01  0.00         6109        3 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.wippc12
 0.01  0.00        11009        7 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.wippc19
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.wippc32
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.wippc47
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.uni-mannheim.wifo.wipux2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-marburg.fremdsprachen-literaturen.ps1010
 0.01  0.00         5374        3 | de.uni-marburg.geographie.ps1910
 0.01  0.00        14585        7 | de.uni-marburg.geowissenschaften.pc1812
 0.00  0.00         1124        2 | de.uni-marburg.hrz.papin
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-marburg.hrz.pcrz20
 0.01  0.01        27618        3 | de.uni-marburg.hrz.psrz39
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.pc12171
 0.03  0.02        79331       16 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.pc12191
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.pc12195
 0.01  0.00        11128        5 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.pc1293
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.su1210
 0.01  0.01        33855        5 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.su1213
 0.00  0.00         1075        1 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.su1216
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-marburg.mathematik.su1224
 0.00  0.00         1600        2 | de.uni-marburg.pharmazie.pc1601
 0.00  0.00          800        1 | de.uni-marburg.pharmazie.pc1611
 0.01  0.00        10861        5 | de.uni-marburg.ppp.nnex01
 0.00  0.00         3808        2 | de.uni-marburg.ppp.nnex02
 0.00  0.00         6590        2 | de.uni-marburg.ppp.nnex03
 0.00  0.00          823        1 | de.uni-marburg.ppp.nnex04
 0.01  0.00         6287        4 | de.uni-marburg.ppp.nnex05
 0.01  0.00         7181        4 | de.uni-marburg.ppp.nnex06
 0.01  0.00        10640        4 | de.uni-marburg.ppp.nnex07
 0.02  0.01        22587        9 | de.uni-marburg.psychologie.pc0467
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.uni-marburg.rechtswissenschaften.pc0106
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-marburg.rechtswissenschaften.pc0107
 0.01  0.00         7150        3 | de.uni-marburg.ub.pcub03
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-marburg.wiwi.ps0218
 0.01  0.11       375491        6 | de.uni-muenchen.biologie.zi.cip2
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.uni-muenchen.biologie.zi.wap14
 0.02  0.00         9297       12 | de.uni-muenchen.bwl.cip.pc27
 0.01  0.01        29452        4 | de.uni-muenchen.bwl.cip.pc99
 0.00  0.00         1627        2 | de.uni-muenchen.bwl.suf.pc162
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | de.uni-muenchen.chemie.anorg.cicum22
 0.00  0.00         6114        2 | de.uni-muenchen.chemie.phys.brauws02
 0.01  0.00         9629        4 | de.uni-muenchen.fak14.cip.mac130
 0.01  0.00        12401        7 | de.uni-muenchen.fak14.cip.mac139
 0.00  0.00         2299        2 | de.uni-muenchen.fak14.cip.pc65
 0.01  0.00        11966        6 | de.uni-muenchen.fak14.cip.pc77
 0.00  0.00          823        1 | de.uni-muenchen.ifkw.spu-034
 0.03  0.01        37536       17 | de.uni-muenchen.informatik.arcadia
 0.01  0.00         5605        4 | de.uni-muenchen.informatik.pst.nm1
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.uni-muenchen.informatik.pst.snoopy
 0.01  0.00        11469        6 | de.uni-muenchen.physik.sue.gsm
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | de.uni-muenchen.stat.pc7
 0.02  0.01        30977       14 | de.uni-muenchen.stat.pc8
 0.02  0.10       350280       13 | de.uni-muenchen.stat.toshiba
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.uni-muenster.biarritz
 0.01  0.00        16494        7 | de.uni-muenster.fb03w037
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.uni-muenster.fb03w038
 0.01  0.00         6681        3 | de.uni-muenster.fb03w043
 0.01  0.00        10722        5 | de.uni-muenster.fb03w049
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | de.uni-muenster.fb03w050
 0.00  0.00          849        1 | de.uni-muenster.fb4-0905
 0.01  0.00         9831        5 | de.uni-muenster.fb4-1001
 0.00  0.00          849        1 | de.uni-muenster.fb4-1425
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.uni-muenster.fb4-4128
 0.00  0.00         1377        2 | de.uni-muenster.lie
 0.11  0.17       565927       63 | de.uni-muenster.majestix
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | de.uni-muenster.medsun06
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | de.uni-muenster.p03w022
 0.01  0.00        12348        7 | de.uni-muenster.p03w025
 0.00  0.00         3469        2 | de.uni-muenster.p03w026
 0.01  0.01        17132        8 | de.uni-muenster.p03w028
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | de.uni-muenster.p03w029
 0.01  0.00        14073        5 | de.uni-muenster.urzw202
 0.01  0.01        25888        8 | de.uni-muenster.urzw207
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-muenster.urzw208
 0.01  0.00        11079        7 | de.uni-muenster.urzw211
 0.03  0.01        29806       15 | de.uni-muenster.urzw212
 0.01  0.00         5426        5 | de.uni-muenster.ves102
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | de.uni-muenster.vtp146
 0.00  0.00          823        1 | de.uni-oldenburg.bis.e3theke
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | de.uni-oldenburg.bis.lang
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.uni-oldenburg.bis.segers2
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-oldenburg.bis.z-info2
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-oldenburg.hrz.hpux04
 0.01  0.00        13587        8 | de.uni-oldenburg.hrz.slip3
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | de.uni-oldenburg.informatik.crane
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-oldenburg.informatik.slip-2
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | de.uni-oldenburg.informatik.theoretica
 0.01  0.00         4889        3 | de.uni-oldenburg.pcnet.wiso04
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | de.uni-oldenburg.pcnet.wiso17
 0.01  0.00         7962        6 | de.uni-osnabrueck.geographie.geo27
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.uni-osnabrueck.informatik.anubis
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-osnabrueck.informatik.dosuni
 0.00  0.00         4860        2 | de.uni-osnabrueck.informatik.gandalf
 0.01  0.00         9193        8 | de.uni-osnabrueck.mathematik.scarlett
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.uni-osnabrueck.rz.titan
 0.01  0.00         6729        3 | de.uni-paderborn.ac3
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-paderborn.ac4
 0.05  0.14       462393       30 | de.uni-paderborn.athene-gw
 0.00  0.00         1313        2 | de.uni-paderborn.elrond
 0.01  0.00        10328        6 | de.uni-paderborn.kobold-p
 0.01  0.01        28328        4 | de.uni-paderborn.ub-ii-mon
 0.01  0.01        20205        8 | de.uni-passau.fmi.lola
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-passau.fmi.reginmar
 0.01  0.01        27736        3 | de.uni-passau.fmi.sidonius
 0.00  0.00         1627        2 | de.uni-passau.fmi.vogelweide
 0.01  0.01        28045        3 | de.uni-passau.fmi.wisurich
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-passau.rz.ipxpc116
 0.01  0.18       606765        8 | de.uni-passau.rz.ipxpc18
 0.01  0.01        27810        3 | de.uni-passau.rz.ipxpc22
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-passau.rz.ipxpc39
 0.01  0.01        28143        4 | de.uni-passau.rz.ipxpc45
 0.00  0.00         1997        2 | de.uni-passau.rz.ipxpc50
 0.01  0.01        27383        3 | de.uni-passau.rz.ipxpc51
 0.01  0.00         6526        3 | de.uni-passau.rz.kakadu
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-passau.x0000c03743a2
 0.01  0.00         6912        3 | de.uni-passau.x0000c05d44a2
 0.01  0.00         6681        3 | de.uni-passau.x0000c07543a2
 0.01  0.00         7846        3 | de.uni-passau.x0000c08b66a2
 0.02  0.01        17870        9 | de.uni-passau.x0000c09266a2
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-potsdam.geschichte.pc83-2
 0.01  0.00        10592        4 | de.uni-potsdam.rz.enterprise
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | de.uni-potsdam.rz.hp
 0.00  0.00         1456        1 | de.uni-potsdam.wiso.pc33-102
 0.01  0.00         6040        3 | de.uni-regensburg.chemie.rchmac2
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.bib02
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.bib07
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.ch05
 0.01  0.00        14785        5 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.phy00
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.phy10
 0.01  0.00         5323        3 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.pt101
 0.00  0.00         2774        2 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.pt104
 0.02  0.01        23176       11 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.pt105
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.pt110
 0.02  0.00        14383        9 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.pt200
 0.05  0.03        89397       32 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.pt212
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.pt213
 0.00  0.00          800        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.rz102
 0.02  0.03       109206        9 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.rz103
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.rz203
 0.00  0.00         1646        2 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.rz211
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.rz225
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.rz228
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.rz230
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.vkl10
 0.00  0.00          849        1 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.wiwi02
 0.01  0.00         8221        3 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.wiwi12
 0.03  0.13       425034       16 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.wiwi19
 0.01  0.00        12201        7 | de.uni-regensburg.cip.wiwi22
 0.01  0.00        14153        6 | de.uni-regensburg.fh.rfhpc1955
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.uni-regensburg.fh.rfhpc1976
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-regensburg.fh.rfhpc4015
 0.02  0.01        31193       11 | de.uni-regensburg.fh.rfhpc4021
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-regensburg.fh.rfhpc7013
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | de.uni-regensburg.fh.rfhs1009
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.uni-regensburg.geographie.pc3837
 0.01  0.11       370286        4 | de.uni-regensburg.geographie.rggs2
 0.00  0.01        41987        2 | de.uni-regensburg.physik.rphc8
 0.00  0.00         6114        2 | de.uni-regensburg.physik.rphs22
 0.00  0.00         3090        1 | de.uni-regensburg.physik.rphs32
 0.01  0.00         7529        3 | de.uni-regensburg.psychologie.pc3492
 0.01  0.00        15058        6 | de.uni-regensburg.psychologie.pc3823
 0.00  0.00          984        2 | de.uni-regensburg.psychologie.rpss10
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | de.uni-regensburg.psychologie.rpssg2a
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-regensburg.rz.pc3156
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | de.uni-regensburg.soziologie.pc3840
 0.01  0.00        11697        4 | de.uni-regensburg.sprachlit.pc3804
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-rostock.informatik.gamma
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | de.uni-rostock.informatik.neil
 0.02  0.01        28622       12 | de.uni-rostock.rz.oder
 0.02  0.03        92477       10 | de.uni-rostock.rz.ws10
 0.00  0.00         1054        2 | de.uni-sb.cs.crypt7
 0.01  0.00         6265        5 | de.uni-sb.cs.galaxy
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-sb.cs.gipsy29
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-sb.cs.gipsy31
 0.00  0.00         6479        2 | de.uni-sb.cs.hssun3
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | de.uni-sb.dfki.genera-serv
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | de.uni-sb.ee.et11rm01
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-sb.germanistik.sl11rm01
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-sb.htw.www
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-sb.jura.jurcip107
 0.01  0.00         8027        4 | de.uni-sb.jura.jurcip206
 0.01  0.00        10002        4 | de.uni-sb.jura.jurcip213
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | de.uni-sb.med-bh.ukdbh01
 0.02  0.01        20385       10 | de.uni-sb.med-rz.ukh1982
 0.01  0.00        11923        7 | de.uni-sb.med-rz.ukh214
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | de.uni-sb.med-rz.ukh3143
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.uni-sb.med-rz.ukh4221
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | de.uni-sb.phil.pfmac09
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-sb.phil.pfmac15
 0.03  0.01        34652       20 | de.uni-sb.rz.sbusol
 0.01  0.00         8234        4 | de.uni-sb.telip.fsfb10s0
 0.01  0.00         1625        3 | de.uni-sb.telip.gg14mgs2
 0.01  0.00         6985        5 | de.uni-sb.wi2.wi2elc2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-siegen.et-inf.teb.pecco
 0.01  0.01        28382        3 | de.uni-siegen.fb5.demokrit
 0.01  0.00         8023        4 | de.uni-siegen.informatik.paradox
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | de.uni-siegen.informatik.pi22
 0.00  0.00         1242        2 | de.uni-siegen.informatik.pi25
 0.02  0.01        19717       11 | de.uni-siegen.oth.gauss
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | de.uni-siegen.oth.susanna
 0.01  0.01        29160        4 | de.uni-siegen.physik.elfi
 0.01  0.00         6514        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.architektur.mike
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.biologie.imbpc5
 0.00  0.00         1997        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.bmt.pc5
 0.01  0.01        20104        7 | de.uni-stuttgart.e-technik.ind.indcip1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.e-technik.ipfal1
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.e-technik.ipfal2
 0.01  0.00        15370        8 | de.uni-stuttgart.energietechnik.ierws6
 0.00  0.00         1422        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.faveve.elwood
 0.00  0.00          562        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.faveve.yeti
 0.01  0.08       270100        7 | de.uni-stuttgart.ihf.ihfb
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.ims.gerfalke
 0.00  0.00         1323        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.diapool
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.matisse
 0.01  0.35      1187642        8 | de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.mondrian
 0.02  0.01        21431       11 | de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.track
 0.02  0.01        22962        9 | de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.trick
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.isd.dino
 0.01  0.00         7967        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.isr.kreuz
 0.01  0.00        12197        6 | de.uni-stuttgart.mikro.suntest6
 0.01  0.01        40310        5 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.amanda
 0.00  0.00          984        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.curie-p2
 0.01  0.00         6491        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.pauli-p2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.pi4wap5
 0.02  0.01        38438        9 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.roznas
 0.01  0.00        13432        5 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.theo1.kannix
 0.01  0.00        15695        7 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.theo3.lukas
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.physik.theo3.molli
 0.18  0.23       784729      106 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.info3
 0.01  0.00         5880        4 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.infosgi
 0.01  0.00         8000        5 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.kssun9
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rpool5
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp01
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp03
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp04
 0.01  0.01        27642        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp05
 0.01  0.01        27627        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp08
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp10
 0.02  0.01        22591       10 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.rusxppp12
 0.01  0.00        11069        6 | de.uni-stuttgart.rus.tz.terra3
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.verfahrenstechnik.cvt20
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-stuttgart.verfahrenstechnik.pcvt11
 0.01  0.00         9387        4 | de.uni-stuttgart.verfahrenstechnik.pcvt18
 0.12  0.14       483568       70 | de.uni-trier.dns
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-tuebingen.chemie.anorg.casg1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.geowissenschaften.gpi.gppc07
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.informatik.gris.uhland
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.informatik.semeai
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.informatik.sunny
 0.01  0.00         8325        5 | de.uni-tuebingen.ipc.bias
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.jura.jfcz01
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 | de.uni-tuebingen.jura.jfcz11
 0.01  0.00         9357        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.kulturwissenschaften.sino.sinologie
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.neuphilologie.bibl.neuph-bibl3
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | de.uni-tuebingen.noc
 0.00  0.00         1030        2 | de.uni-tuebingen.physik.ait.aittyc
 0.02  0.01        38699        9 | de.uni-tuebingen.student.web
 0.01  0.00         3913        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.student.zxmli05
 0.01  0.00         7249        6 | de.uni-tuebingen.ub.w066
 0.00  0.00         1856        2 | de.uni-tuebingen.ub.werle
 0.00  0.00         6742        2 | de.uni-tuebingen.wirtschaftswissenschaft.wiwisem.rtm
 0.01  0.00         2671        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.wiwi.ls13
 0.01  0.00         8296        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.wiwi.pcl25
 0.01  0.00         5971        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.aix01
 0.00  0.00         1334        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.aix04
 0.00  0.00         2774        2 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.aix05
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.aix06
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.aix08
 0.01  0.00         2710        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.aix12
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.appserv
 0.02  0.00        14941       11 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.commlink
 0.01  0.00         9914        5 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.graphserv
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.hp01
 0.01  0.00         7946        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.hp02
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.hp11
 0.01  0.11       370242        4 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.hp13
 0.01  0.01        19389        8 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.hp14
 0.01  0.01        20997        8 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.hp17
 0.01  0.00         8073        3 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.textserv
 0.01  0.00         6997        4 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.zminfo03
 0.02  0.01        49209       12 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.zrinfo01
 0.02  0.01        21013        9 | de.uni-tuebingen.zdv.zrinfo02
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | de.uni-ulm.e-technik.huskey
 0.01  0.00        10984        5 | de.uni-ulm.faw.merlin
 0.00  0.00         3090        1 | de.uni-ulm.informatik.anfalas
 0.00  0.00         2679        2 | de.uni-ulm.informatik.petronius
 0.01  0.01        27705        3 | de.uni-ulm.mathematik.thales
 0.01  0.00        11483        7 | de.uni-ulm.physik.pintado
 0.00  0.00         6114        2 | de.uni-ulm.physik.ppdenex
 0.00  0.00          533        1 | de.uni-ulm.rz.lyra
 0.09  0.21       715728       56 | de.uni-ulm.rz.olaf
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | de.uni-ulm.rz.oracle
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | de.uni-ulm.rz.p1ws02
 0.02  0.03        97240       14 | de.uni-ulm.rz.p3wm03
 0.02  0.01        29805        9 | de.uni-ulm.rz.p3wm04
 0.02  0.01        34790       14 | de.uni-ulm.rz.sabine
 0.01  0.24       820446        5 | de.uni-wuerzburg.chemie.wchd09
 0.01  0.00        10961        4 | de.uni-wuerzburg.chemie.wocd29
 0.03  0.02        54339       15 | de.uni-wuerzburg.germanistik.wgex03
 0.00  0.00         3572        2 | de.uni-wuerzburg.informatik.wi3x05
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | de.uni-wuerzburg.informatik.winx13
 0.02  0.01        48395        9 | de.uni-wuerzburg.jura.wjud05
 0.01  0.00         2515        3 | de.uni-wuerzburg.mathematik.wmad03
 0.01  0.00         7754        4 | de.uni-wuerzburg.mathematik.wmax69
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-wuerzburg.mineralogie.wmid51
 0.06  0.10       332214       34 | de.uni-wuerzburg.physik.wptx15
 0.01  0.00        10426        4 | de.uni-wuerzburg.physik.wpyx71
 0.01  0.00        12500        6 | de.uni-wuerzburg.rz.wrzx12
 0.00  0.00         8941        1 | de.uni-wuerzburg.rz.wrzx13
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | de.uni-wuerzburg.wifak.wvwd86
 0.00  0.00         3548        2 | de.uni-wuerzburg.wifak.wwwa93
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 | de.uni-wuerzburg.wifak.wwwd82
 0.01  0.00         9590        5 | de.uni-wuppertal.elektro.wecaq4
 0.01  0.01        31277        5 | de.uni-wuppertal.erziwi.wyz115
 0.01  0.00        16283        6 | de.uni-wuppertal.gewil.wgarbeit
 0.02  0.01        39716       12 | de.uni-wuppertal.physik.wpos3
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | de.uni-wuppertal.physik.wpov2
 0.00  0.00         2134        1 | de.uni-wuppertal.site.wssk02
 0.00  0.00         2134        1 | de.uni-wuppertal.verwaltung.wveuref
 0.02  0.11       388765       11 | de.unibw-hamburg.apl2
 0.01  0.00         9120        3 | de.unibw-hamburg.freia
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | de.unibw-muenchen.lrt.sonne
 0.01  0.01        49928        8 | de.unibw-muenchen.rz.infosrv
 0.13  0.06       216038       78 | de.zi-mannheim.pc4
 0.01  0.00         9343        5 | de.zib-berlin.ufer
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | de.zuma-mannheim.pc-ag
 0.01  0.11       370295        4 | de.zuma-mannheim.pc-mt
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | dk.aau.daimi.clarice
 0.00  0.00         2548        2 | dk.aau.dfi.un
 0.04  0.11       360856       22 | dk.auc.but.camerol
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | dk.crg.hp2
 0.05  0.02        58455       30 | dk.dfh.snn2
 0.01  0.00        16339        8 | dk.diku.info
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | dk.dknet.login
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | dk.dtu.gbar.srv3
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | dk.fls.firewall
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | dk.ku.ihi.23client24
 0.02  0.00        16156        9 | dk.nbi.hetws3
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | dk.ruc.b40
 0.03  0.00        14112       15 | edu.adelphi.panther
 0.01  0.00         8420        5 | edu.adrian.adrian
 0.00  0.00         2692        2 | edu.alaska.orion
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | edu.albany.bus.pc049
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.american.anderson.mr7043a
 0.00  0.00         3469        2 | edu.american.letts.casanova
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.american.soc.reasner
 0.01  0.00        10024        5 | edu.arizona.ccit.gila11
 0.01  0.11       367243        3 | edu.arizona.ccit.la-paz
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.arizona.ccit.violet
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.arizona.modlang.chisolm
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | edu.arizona.music.beethoven
 0.01  0.00        12376        8 | edu.arizona.uainfo
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.artic.
 0.01  0.00         7999        4 | edu.artic.
 0.01  0.00         3484        4 | edu.asu.aztec
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.asu.ed.crayon19
 0.01  0.00         2911        4 | edu.asu.inre.cc102m-29
 0.02  0.00        10628       10 | edu.asu.inre.ppp2-02
 0.01  0.00         8108        5 | edu.asu.inre.ppp2-11
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | edu.auburn.duc.macpkh06
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.auburn.duc.macpkh20
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.auburn.duc.pcpkh22
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.auburn.duc.pcpkh23
 0.01  0.00        11931        4 | edu.augustana.generic
 0.01  0.00         7119        6 | edu.bard.m05
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | edu.bard.m13
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.bc.onr5
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | edu.bc.onz4
 0.00  0.00          744        1 | edu.berkeley.cchem.hil2mac29
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.berkeley.lmf20
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.berkeley.mse.biomemsd
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.bethelks.menno
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.bgsu.bgnet2
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.binghamton.math.marge
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.bradley.cegt201
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.brockport.physics.hypatia
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | edu.brown.cis.cis-ts3-slip6
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.brown.cis.cis-ts4-slip16
 0.01  0.00         6452        4 | edu.brown.cis.tonto-slip13
 0.01  0.00        11115        4 | edu.brown.neuro.cortex
 0.01  0.01        28469        3 | edu.brynmawr.geology17
 0.01  0.00         2333        4 | edu.brynmawr.guildpc_8
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.bu.acs
 0.01  0.07       240303        5 | edu.bu.bsr91-519b
 0.00  0.00         3213        2 | edu.bu.law-pc11
 0.01  0.00         8920        4 | edu.bu.ppp-82-14
 0.01  0.00         8704        4 | edu.bu.ppp-82-3
 0.01  0.00         5605        4 | edu.bu.ppp-82-30
 0.01  0.00         4998        4 | edu.bucks
 0.01  0.00         5167        7 | edu.buffalo.freenet
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.buffalo.med.sc3102
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.byu.giddings
 0.01  0.00         7947        3 | edu.callutheran.cl207031
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | edu.calpoly.acs.shelby
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.calpoly.cadrc.crawdad
 0.01  0.00         3820        4 | edu.calstate.eis
 0.02  0.01        17531        9 | edu.caltech.bio.simon1
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | edu.caltech.gps.legs
 0.01  0.00        15327        5 | edu.caltech.paris
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.caltech.paugstat
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | edu.caltech.ugcs.wrath
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.carleton.acns.cmc-102-mac11
 0.01  0.00         9710        5 | edu.catawba.studyl07
 0.02  0.00         8504       11 | edu.ccccd.good
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.cerritos.black
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | edu.chowan.moses
 0.01  0.02        54982        6 | edu.clark
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.cmu.andrew.slip.annex-v32bis-12
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | edu.cmu.cc.mac.gsia-69-248
 0.00  0.00          505        1 | edu.cmu.cs.lycos.agent2
 0.01  0.00        10161        5 | edu.cmu.cs.mt.dallas
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | edu.cmu.cs.tip.kurt
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | edu.coe.stereference
 0.01  0.12       407506        8 | edu.coker.c3
 0.02  0.22       743605        9 | edu.colby.residences.west-quad.node-4
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.colorado.cc.goedel
 0.01  0.01        17433        7 | edu.colorado.cs.bruno
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | edu.colorado.hsc.ara1-3
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.colorado.mines.landau
 0.01  0.00        15440        7 | edu.colorado.spot
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | edu.colostate.cs.kirchner
 0.01  0.00         1577        3 | edu.colostate.sacc.chaoslord
 0.01  0.00         2246        4 | edu.columbia.cc.aloha
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | edu.columbia.cc.dialup146
 0.01  0.00         2392        4 | edu.columbia.cc.konichiwa
 0.02  0.00         6952        9 | edu.columbia.cc.merhaba
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.columbia.cc.muddhp15
 0.00  0.00         1822        2 | edu.columbia.cc.muddhp31
 0.01  0.00         8232        4 | edu.columbia.cs.sally
 0.01  0.00         2495        3 | edu.columbia.cul.era-fay1
 0.01  0.00         4041        6 | edu.columbia.heyman.white
 0.01  0.00         5861        5 | edu.columbia.jrn.lab15
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | edu.columbia.ldgo.ppp.gennady
 0.01  0.01        18090        6 | edu.columbia.ldgo.uzi
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.conncoll.cc.dsys
 0.00  0.00         1813        2 | edu.cornell.cit.cu-dialup-0108
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | edu.cornell.cit.cu-dialup-0408
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | edu.cornell.cit.cu-dialup-0506
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.cornell.cit.cu-dialup-0613
 0.01  0.00         7947        3 | edu.cornell.law.fatty
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.cornell.med.mac101120
 0.01  0.00         3304        4 | edu.cornell.resnet.j301846132
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.creighton.pc2432
 0.01  0.00        14510        7 | edu.creighton.poly15
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | edu.csbsju.em402p
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.csbsju.mcl.ha253c
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.csuchico.ecst.napalm
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.csuchico.oavax
 0.01  0.00         5374        4 | edu.csufresno.zimmer
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | edu.csusm.lpm7
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | edu.csustan.bobo
 0.01  0.00         2442        3 | edu.csustan.koko
 0.00  0.00         1030        2 | edu.ctc.sccd.seaccd
 0.01  0.00         6499        4 | edu.ctstateu.scsud
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.ctstateu.wcsu.irene
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 | edu.cua.law.cs2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.cuny.hunter.ch.indigo1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.cwru.psrv.psrv29720
 0.00  0.00         1334        1 | edu.cwu.gb.landl_2
 0.01  0.00         5020        3 | edu.dartmouth.cs.darwin
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.dartmouth.kip-1-sn-106
 0.01  0.02        54203        5 | edu.dartmouth.kip-1-sn-248
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.dartmouth.kip-1-sn-56
 0.00  0.00         1371        2 | edu.dartmouth.kip-2-sn-486
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 | edu.dartmouth.kip-2-sn-93
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | edu.depaul.cs.kalinpc
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.depaul.phy-lab.dept142
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.dixie.sci.annex-p2
 0.02  0.00         7226       10 | edu.drake.acad
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.drexel.resnet.sn229005
 0.01  0.00         3149        3 | edu.du.cs.nyx10
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.duke.async.async12
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.eku.acs.eku
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.emich.cob.fcis.acura
 0.01  0.00         7506        3 | edu.emich.laurel
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.emory.cc.coxmac44
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | edu.emory.cc.larry
 0.01  0.00         2482        3 | edu.evergreen.elwha
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.ewu.ewucg117
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.fau.oe.avalon
 0.00  0.00         1067        2 | edu.fiu.servax
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | edu.fsu.acns-slp.nb2ppp08
 0.00  0.00          506        1 | edu.fsu.acns.garnet
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.fsu.coe.e-24
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | edu.fsu.scri.dirac
 0.00  0.00          463        1 | edu.fsu.scri.nb6p7-bfs
 0.01  0.00        10957        4 | edu.fwl.sierra
 0.01  0.01        28868        6 | edu.gatech.oit.egg
 0.01  0.00        12609        7 | edu.gatech.scmac29
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.geneva.sparcy
 0.01  0.00          865        3 | edu.georgetown.acc.underdog
 0.00  0.00         3982        2 | edu.gettysburg.emac.libgoph2
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | edu.gmu.liblink
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.grin.chinese.ma0599
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | edu.gwu.circ.ip-132-23
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | edu.gwu.circ.ip-144-18
 0.00  0.00         3039        2 | edu.gwu.circ.ip-151-79
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 | edu.hartford.cc.branchmac13
 0.00  0.00         2114        1 | edu.harvard.cfaps8
 0.01  0.00         6146        4 | edu.harvard.fas
 0.00  0.00          766        1 | edu.harvard.hulaw1
 0.04  0.01        43352       24 | edu.harvard.mgh.csc-p7801d
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.harvard.scws17
 0.01  0.00         3889        3 | edu.harvard.student.tmueller
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | edu.harvard.xtal201
 0.01  0.00         6273        4 | edu.harvard.xtal224
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 | edu.hawaii.ifa.baade
 0.00  0.00         1387        2 | edu.holycross.hcacad
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | edu.hope.cs.gimli
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.howard.cldc.fearless
 0.00  0.00          744        1 | edu.howard.scs
 0.01  0.00        11759        7 | edu.huntcol.hicon
 0.01  0.00         5605        4 | edu.hvcc.academ
 0.00  0.00         2376        2 | edu.iastate.admin.mbroich
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.iastate.aecl.msiimf30
 0.01  0.00         3358        4 | edu.iastate.cc.du139-213
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | edu.iastate.las3
 0.01  0.00         9116        3 | edu.iastate.physics.a300
 0.01  0.00         9051        3 | edu.iastate.physics.euphrates
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | edu.iastate.vincent.pv0552
 0.01  0.01        27933        3 | edu.iastate.vincent.pv661a
 0.01  0.18       594336        5 | edu.idbsu.bizlab10
 0.00  0.00          744        1 | edu.ilstu.che.helium
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | edu.imsa.ppc-a115front
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.indiana.ipfw.cvax
 0.01  0.00         4113        4 | edu.indiana.physics.gibbs
 0.00  0.00         3469        2 | edu.indiana.ucs.bh107g-726798
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.indiana.ucs.darrow-mac
 0.00  0.00         3658        2 | edu.indiana.ucs.e2011n38-736334
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.iup.co.bert
 0.01  0.00         7947        3 | edu.iup.grove.maple
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.iup.grove.oak
 0.01  0.00        11437        6 | edu.iupui.oitlc.ca231-pc26
 0.00  0.00         3264        2 | edu.iupui.ulib.jmostafa
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.iupui.ulib.ul2125-k
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 | edu.iupui.ulib.ul2125-s
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | edu.jcu.jcu_pc_245
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | edu.jhu.cs.biffvm
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.jhu.hcf.kcc06
 0.01  0.00         7763        6 | edu.jhuapl.asg-dwe-ps2
 0.01  0.00         2325        3 | edu.jhuapl.pbp-rlw-pc
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.kent.phoenix
 0.01  0.00         6357        4 | edu.kent.zeus
 0.02  0.01        48746        9 | edu.ksu.ksu.conrow486pc
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | edu.ksu.phys.bohr
 0.00  0.00         3123        2 | edu.kumc.itc.wlab007
 0.01  0.00         3136        3 | edu.lamar.lub001
 0.01  0.00        11296        8 | edu.lane.eug4ja
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.latech.vp.wt1652
 0.01  0.00         8920        4 | edu.lclark.sun
 0.00  0.00         2038        2 | edu.lehigh.cc.m180n
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | edu.lhup.eagle
 0.01  0.01        30969        4 | edu.ljcrf.wilson
 0.00  0.00         3982        2 | edu.lsu.ee.switch
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 | edu.lsu.lib.thing2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.lsu.phys.antioch
 0.00  0.00          711        1 | edu.lsu.sncc.unix1
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.lsumc.denadmin.dlanca
 0.01  0.00         6457        5 | edu.luther.martin
 0.01  0.00         5749        4 | edu.lvc.acad
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.maine.umeipl.smith
 0.01  0.00         5385        6 | edu.marist.dn258-lab.15
 0.01  0.00        15924        7 | edu.mass.mecn.piano
 0.01  0.01        29426        4 | edu.mass.wsc.foma
 0.01  0.00         3008        5 | edu.memphis.wok-46
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.merit.hostserver
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.missouri.jour.jourrdn
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 | edu.missouri.mizzou-ts4-01
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | edu.missouri.mizzou-ts5-01
 0.01  0.00         8054        6 | edu.mit.bluebox-17
 0.02  0.01        27566       12 | edu.mit.bullard
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.mit.ll.nearlink
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.mit.m1-142-16
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.mit.m2-032-13
 0.01  0.00        13465        6 | edu.mit.rdev4-mac-9
 0.01  0.00        10084        8 | edu.mit.tsunami
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | edu.mnsmc.s96-209
 0.00  0.00         1399        2 | edu.montana.oscs.gemini
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.msstate.isis
 0.02  0.01        24664        9 | edu.msstate.ra
 0.00  0.00         1030        2 | edu.msu.cl.burrow
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | edu.msu.cl.via-annex3-26
 0.01  0.00         5061        6 | edu.msus.bemidji.vax1
 0.03  0.01        17954       15 | edu.msus.moorhead.mhd1
 0.03  0.01        22400       17 | edu.msus.stcloud.condor
 0.01  0.00         7641        8 | edu.mwsu.nexus
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | edu.nau.ucc.dana
 0.02  0.11       373233       10 | edu.ncsu.ece.c11020-206dan
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.ncsu.econ.comlab18
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | edu.ncsu.unity.n00033-104hlb
 0.02  0.01        17593       10 | edu.nd.cc.opsmac2
 0.00  0.00         6278        2 | edu.nd.lab.oshaughnessy.mac29
 0.00  0.00          506        1 | edu.neoucom.riker
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.nevada.pioneer
 0.00  0.00         1708        2 | edu.njit.hertz
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.nmt.passcal2
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | edu.noao.tuc.jalapeno
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.nodak.badlands
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.nodak.ndsu.sudro.sl19
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | edu.nrao.aoc.taos
 0.00  0.00         1371        2 | edu.nsula.lsmsa
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.nyu.cs.sparky
 0.01  0.00        10165        4 | edu.nyu.is2
 0.01  0.00         6660        4 | edu.nyu.med.mcpc04
 0.01  0.00         3225        4 | edu.oberlin.lib.li
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.oberlin.public.pa-c4
 0.01  0.00         2314        4 | edu.oberlin.public.spare-04
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | edu.odu.cs.snapdragon
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.ohio-state.acs.slip1-70
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.ohio-state.acs.slip1-74
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.ohio-state.acs.slip10-7
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | edu.ohio-state.acs.slip3-33
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.ohio-state.acs.slip8-1
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | edu.ohio-state.mps.huxley
 0.01  0.02        51945        8 | edu.ohio-state.mps.ma210ma
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.ohiou.cats.oak
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.ohiou.gordy.mcvicker
 0.01  0.00         9382        5 | edu.olemiss.nexus.hsgispen
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.olivet.bll-14
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.olivet.bll-17
 0.01  0.11       368269        4 | edu.orst.oce.dooland
 0.01  0.00        12699        8 | edu.orst.oce.morris
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 | edu.orst.ucs.slip36
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.pitt.cis.labs.box279
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | edu.pitt.cis.labs.box382
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.pitt.cis.labs.box714
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.pitt.cis.unixs1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.pitt.med.falk.mac42
 0.01  0.00        11511        5 | edu.princeton.pc2135
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | edu.princeton.pc2546
 0.00  0.00         3337        1 | edu.psu.cac-labs.redifer-ibmpc10
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.psu.libraries.stanley
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.psu.rh.sla120
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.psu.sip.das5
 0.02  0.00         9391        9 | edu.purchase.brick
 0.01  0.00         7354        3 | edu.purdue.bio.mutant
 0.01  0.00        13625        8 | edu.purdue.cc.stewmac27
 0.00  0.00          727        1 | edu.purdue.cs.ector
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.purdue.cs.lab15
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | edu.purdue.ecn.whitford
 0.00  0.00         1707        2 | edu.purdue.physics.tycho
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.purdue.sla.rose
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.pvamu.lib.sherlyn-swanson
 0.01  0.00         3142        3 | edu.rhodes.library.blair
 0.01  0.02        82621        7 | edu.rice.jeffdavis1
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.rice.menestheus
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.rice.osr-1
 0.00  0.00         6114        2 | edu.rice.owlnet.scops
 0.01  0.00         5794        3 | edu.rice.ruf
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | edu.rit.isc.vaxc
 0.01  0.00         5554        3 | edu.roanoke.acc
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | edu.rochester.biology.ttb
 0.01  0.00         8000        4 | edu.rochester.cc.troi
 0.00  0.00          744        1 | edu.rochester.cc.uhura
 0.01  0.00         4011        4 | edu.rowan.dapple
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.rpi.its.nason110
 0.01  0.01        27631        3 | edu.rpi.its.sage3101-21
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.rpi.its.vccnorth25
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.rpi.its.vccnorth30
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 | edu.rpi.meche.mac9
 0.02  0.01        43423       14 | edu.rutgers.hangout
 0.01  0.00         6937        3 | edu.rutgers.physmac11
 0.00  0.00          549        1 | edu.sdsmt.liblab115_cns
 0.00  0.00          801        1 | edu.seattleu.bach
 0.02  0.00         6115        9 | edu.semo.lab.kl12
 0.01  0.00        14688        6 | edu.sfasu.hickory
 0.01  0.00        10722        5 | edu.sfsu.ernie
 0.02  0.11       376866        9 | edu.sfsu.sinbad
 0.01  0.00         2621        4 | edu.shsu.n11_149
 0.01  0.00         6087        4 | edu.si.sivm
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | edu.siu.aixdialin.port24
 0.00  0.00         1796        2 | edu.sju.newshost
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.smu.physics.smuphy
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | edu.snymor.cs.snymorva
 0.01  0.00         6087        4 | edu.sonoma.www
 0.01  0.00        12953        4 | edu.spu.uns013
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | edu.stanford.angiletta-isdn
 0.01  0.00         8972        6 | edu.stanford.b115-pc-1
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.stanford.blackwelder-kfps4-dynamic-182
 0.00  0.00         3337        1 | edu.stanford.hpp-ss10-3
 0.01  0.00         3732        3 | edu.stanford.tip-mp10-ncs-1
 0.00  0.00          711        1 | edu.stsci.coaticook
 0.01  0.00         8323        7 | edu.sulross.sul-ross-1
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.sunysb.cs.sbgrad2
 0.00  0.00         6832        1 | edu.sunysb.cs.sbgrad4
 0.01  0.01        45049        8 | edu.sunysb.physics.skipper
 0.01  0.00         4554        6 | edu.sunysb.sbs.m087
 0.00  0.00         1334        1 | edu.swarthmore.pearson.mac11
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.swt.cc.modem1.port9
 0.01  0.00         6325        3 | edu.swt.nyssa
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | edu.syr.maxwell.maxwell132-20
 0.01  0.00         5581        3 | edu.syr.sudial-134
 0.00  0.00         4276        2 | edu.tamu.barclay-3
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | edu.tamu.cac-004
 0.00  0.00         4877        2 | edu.tamu.distlearn2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.tamu.dorms.moor-333
 0.00  0.00          416        1 | edu.tamu.khama
 0.01  0.00         5421        7 | edu.tamu.zeus
 0.04  0.00        14816       21 | edu.tcu.is.gamma
 0.01  0.00         5749        4 | edu.temple.ocis.astro
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.tenet.gayle-gaston
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | edu.tmc.uth.mda.andreeff
 0.01  0.00         9141        3 | edu.tmc.uth.med.girch335
 0.00  0.00          763        1 | edu.toronto.chem-eng.heat
 0.01  0.11       373301        5 | edu.toronto.math.colourmac2
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.ttu.ba.bam365-13
 0.00  0.00         1377        2 | edu.ttu.ttacs3
 0.00  0.00          549        1 | edu.tufts.psy.public
 0.02  0.00         5810       12 | edu.tulane.tcs.ppp2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.tulane.tcs.rs6
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | edu.ualr.athena
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.uc.san.rock
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | edu.uc.san.ucunix
 0.01  0.00        10240        8 | edu.uc.slip.ucxy07_13
 0.01  0.00         5722        6 | edu.ucdavis.cs.kettering
 0.01  0.01        38052        5 | edu.ucdavis.dcn40
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.ucdavis.ece.polak
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | edu.ucdavis.lmet-1102hart21
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | edu.ucdavis.modem55
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.ucdavis.rootrot
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.ucf.cc.pegasus
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.ucf.tserver2.port4
 0.01  0.00        10640        4 | edu.uchicago.jets
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.uchicago.oddjob
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.uchicago.quads
 0.01  0.00         5611        4 | edu.uchicago.thyme
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.uchicago.tourmaline
 0.02  0.01        38179       10 | edu.uci.lib.mc006
 0.01  0.00         5563        5 | edu.uci.nts.slip.dialin33518
 0.01  0.00         3188        5 | edu.uci.oac.taurus
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.ucla.chem.garrellsg1
 0.00  0.00         2167        2 | edu.ucla.psych.stiglab7
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | edu.uconn.lib.opac23
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.ucr.corp10
 0.00  0.00         2320        2 | edu.ucr.lib109
 0.00  0.00         3743        2 | edu.ucsc.am
 0.01  0.00        14636        5 | edu.ucsc.q
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.ucsd.clinical-mac-84
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | edu.ucsd.cul91-5
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.ucsd.gort
 0.01  0.00         2481        3 | edu.ucsd.sgva-xs2
 0.00  0.00         3898        2 | edu.ucsd.skeagy
 0.00  0.00         6643        1 | edu.ucsf.lri.res05
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.ucsf.scifi
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.udel.harr.zenith14
 0.01  0.00         7390        7 | edu.udel.strauss
 0.01  0.00          392        4 | edu.ufl.anatomy.anat5523
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.ufl.astro.mars
 0.01  0.01        31958        3 | edu.ufl.cba107.piramuthu
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.ufl.chem.server
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.ufl.circa.arc_131_33
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | edu.ufl.circa.cse_211_f20
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.ufl.eastlib.cutter
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.ufl.eastlib.slovo
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.ufl.eng.wasp
 0.00  0.00         2774        2 | edu.ufl.nerdc.ppp-24-nerdc-ts1
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | edu.ufl.nerdc.ppp-30-nerdc-ts1
 0.01  0.00         7721        4 | edu.ufl.qtp.white9
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.uga.conner.orion
 0.00  0.00         1715        2 | edu.uga.park.parallel
 0.01  0.01        27780        3 | edu.uh.kuht.awiggins
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 | edu.uh.lib.epc38
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | edu.uh.public-dialups.sip-14159
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.uh.sw-building.110.mac13
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.uic.oba.i026
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.uic.sel2249f.p2249f08
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.uiowa.arcade.iam09
 0.00  0.00         6061        2 | edu.uiowa.arcade.iam31
 0.01  0.00        10287        6 | edu.uiowa.eng.rope
 0.01  0.00         7735        6 | edu.uiowa.icaen.d-ie02
 0.01  0.10       336497        6 | edu.uiowa.icaen.l_cae10
 0.02  0.00        11810       11 | edu.uiowa.weeg.blue
 0.01  0.00         8872        4 | edu.uiuc.age.cayenne
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | edu.uiuc.cen.eehpx39
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.uiuc.cogsci.dasquare
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 | edu.uiuc.crhc.bobcat
 0.01  0.00         1563        3 | edu.uiuc.cso.ug-mac08
 0.04  0.02        73354       25 | edu.uiuc.cso.ux1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.uiuc.cve.motley
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.uiuc.lang.pc131
 0.01  0.00         8920        4 | edu.uiuc.law.alaw59
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.uiuc.lis.lrl15
 0.01  0.22       756253        8 | edu.uiuc.ncsa.north
 0.00  0.00         1148        1 | edu.uiuc.physics.acanderson
 0.01  0.12       397652        5 | edu.uiuc.physics.b-williams
 0.02  0.11       379238        9 | edu.uiuc.scs.aries
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | edu.uiuc.slip.colt-23
 0.01  0.00         8788        4 | edu.uiuc.slip.colt-24
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.uiuc.slip.colt-63
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.uiuc.slip.colt-95
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | edu.uiuc.slip.ruger-18
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.uiuc.slip.ruger-50
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.ukans.cc.kuts2p06
 0.01  0.00         8011        4 | edu.ukans.cc.kuts2p10
 0.00  0.00         4062        1 | edu.ukans.cc.lark
 0.44  0.14       473948      265 | edu.ukans.cc.ukanaix
 0.01  0.00        10027        4 | edu.uky.ccs.lion
 0.01  0.00         8380        4 | edu.umass.cs.hobart
 0.01  0.00         5053        3 | edu.umass.oit.deimos
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | edu.umass.oit.phobos
 0.06  0.35      1197529       36 | edu.umass.oit.titan
 0.02  0.00        15783       12 | edu.umass.oit.twain
 0.01  0.00         6895        4 | edu.umbc.f-umbc8
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.umbc.f-umbc9
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.umbc.gl.ela01
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.umd.attractor
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.umd.bobs
 0.00  0.00          374        1 | edu.umd.bpa-68
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.umd.empire
 0.00  0.00         1080        2 | edu.umd.eng.engrol13
 0.04  0.00        11503       21 | edu.umd.omse-02
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.umd.wam.mac13wor
 0.01  0.00         2393        3 | edu.umd.wam.next04csc
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | edu.umd.wam.next08wor
 0.00  0.00          548        1 | edu.umd.wam.ps02pg2
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.umich.bus.lab-pc-37
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.umich.engin.tjhooker
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.umich.itd.ccs.church145
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | edu.umich.itd.ccs.union57
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.umich.snre.recycle
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | edu.umn.d.dialup-3-70
 0.01  0.00         4038        6 | edu.umn.d.lib165mg
 0.02  0.00         4921       10 | edu.umn.gw.dialup-1-16
 0.01  0.00         8025        3 | edu.umn.gw.dialup-4-55
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | edu.umn.gw.dialup-5-90
 0.02  0.01        42276        9 | edu.umn.tc.gold
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | edu.umr.maem.me217-pc-10
 0.00  0.00         3898        2 | edu.umt.custer
 0.00  0.00          849        1 | edu.umt.lib.mlasum
 0.01  0.00         6955        4 | edu.umt.selway
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.unc.chem.etslib
 0.01  0.00        13019        4 | edu.unc.med.skyblue
 0.00  0.00          793        1 | edu.unc.oit.calypso-2
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.unc.oit.isisa
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.uncc.col5092-2
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | edu.uncg.d_gaspar
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | edu.uncg.e66att07
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | edu.uncg.gr20217
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | edu.uncg.gra20223
 0.01  0.00         7404        5 | edu.uncg.lixlpurc
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | edu.unh.acer
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | edu.uni.lib.unknown4
 0.01  0.00         9421        5 | edu.unl.cse
 0.02  0.02        52018       14 | edu.unl.herbie
 0.01  0.00         7401        3 | edu.unl.his-spershing
 0.01  0.00         3272        5 | edu.unl.plp-llane
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.unl.unlinfo
 0.00  0.00         1234        1 | edu.unlv.me.mauer
 0.00  0.00         1575        2 | edu.unm.vesta
 0.01  0.00         2889        3 | edu.uno.ucc.jazz
 0.01  0.00         7004        6 | edu.unomaha.kh541-pm17
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.uofs.jaguar
 0.02  0.00         8479       12 | edu.uokhsc.net.csmim8
 0.00  0.00         1166        1 | edu.uoregon.asontag
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | edu.uoregon.cs.ix
 0.02  0.01        36508       12 | edu.uoregon.darkwing
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | edu.uoregon.felsing-bob
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.uoregon.fp1-emu-27
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | edu.uoregon.lanrover3-line6
 0.01  0.00        13678        4 | edu.upenn.chem.a
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.upenn.chem.leberte
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.upenn.med.gimed28
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.upenn.resnet.hrsb713
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | edu.upenn.sas.mail1
 0.00  0.00         4935        2 | edu.upenn.sas.mail2
 0.01  0.00         7357        4 | edu.upenn.ssc.udal108c
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | edu.upenn.ts6-22
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | edu.upenn.ts6-29
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | edu.usc.comserv-d-33
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.usc.comserv-d-44
 0.01  0.01        43400        6 | edu.usc.comserv-e-17
 0.00  0.00          763        1 | edu.usc.lvl-mac008
 0.00  0.00         1030        2 | edu.usf.eng.collins
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.usma.eecs.acrux
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.usma.eecs.ada
 0.00  0.00          549        1 | edu.usma.eecs.arcturus
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.usu.lib.liblab.mac16
 0.01  0.00         7623        4 | edu.utah.austin.box41
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | edu.utah.austin.box42
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.utah.eng.cadesm46
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | edu.utah.eng.cadesm56
 0.01  0.01        17058        6 | edu.utah.hum.lrc-pc-09
 0.01  0.00         6705        3 | edu.utah.hum.lrc-pc-11
 0.01  0.12       397652        5 | edu.utah.physics.cpt5
 0.01  0.00         7947        3 | edu.utexas.cs.latexo
 0.01  0.00         4420        6 | edu.utexas.cs.opus
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.utexas.lib.amethyst
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | edu.utexas.lib.pcl-a48
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | edu.utexas.ots.slip-1-81
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.utexas.ots.slip-20-3
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.utexas.psy.psy136
 0.01  0.00         2792        3 | edu.utk.rtd.solar
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.utk.utcc.vienna
 0.01  0.00        10430        8 | edu.utoledo.lib.terbille
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.uvm.moose
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | edu.uwec.cnsvax
 0.02  0.01        19332        9 | edu.uwm.csd.alpha1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | edu.uwm.csd.alpha2
 0.01  0.00         4004        3 | edu.uwosh.cis.vaxa
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.uwp.it
 0.01  0.00         3077        3 | edu.uwsp.sppc1998
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | edu.uwsp.sppc2024
 0.01  0.00         5369        7 | edu.uww.uwwvax
 0.01  0.00         9952        4 | edu.valpo.acc.helpdesk
 0.01  0.00         7035        4 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-213-16
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-213-17
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.virginia.bootp.bootp-217-21
 0.02  0.01        21802        9 | edu.virginia.drdr.ecosys
 0.01  0.01        27628        3 | edu.virginia.ee.spirit
 0.02  0.00         7734        9 | edu.vt.async.mbail
 0.00  0.00         3469        2 | edu.vt.cc.louie
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | edu.wabash.wally2
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | edu.washington.atmos.ecfc3
 0.02  0.01        23041       13 | edu.washington.cs.surf
 0.02  0.00        11729       14 | edu.washington.housing.hag.bodien
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | edu.washington.mcis.olympia
 0.01  0.18       603799        7 | edu.washington.u.alcott1
 0.00  0.00         4276        2 | edu.washington.u.carson
 0.01  0.00         3988        3 | edu.washington.u.sappho1
 0.00  0.00         4860        2 | edu.washington.u.saul5
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.washington.u.uwin1
 0.01  0.00         6415        7 | edu.wednet.esd189.eagle
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | edu.wellesley.awerner
 0.01  0.00         5643        7 | edu.wellesley.elvin
 0.01  0.00         4338        4 | edu.westga.cc.sun
 0.00  0.00         1030        2 | edu.wfu.sal.pc01
 0.02  0.02        75178       14 | edu.wfu.wfunet.acg60
 0.01  0.02        55718        5 | edu.whitman.jwt10202
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.whitman.kress
 0.01  0.00         7546        3 | edu.williams.weston_langlab1
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.wisc.ece.cayambe
 0.01  0.00         2380        3 | edu.wisc.math.alpha6
 0.00  0.00         2774        2 | edu.wisc.me.robios5
 0.01  0.00        11774        4 | edu.wisc.net.f180-102
 0.01  0.01        19940        6 | edu.wisc.net.f180-172
 0.00  0.00         5092        2 | edu.wisc.net.f180-200
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.wisc.net.f180-201
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.wisc.net.f180-216
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | edu.wisc.net.f181-039
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | edu.wisc.net.f181-073
 0.01  0.00         4500        5 | edu.wisc.net.f181-111
 0.01  0.00         3861        3 | edu.wisc.net.f181-132
 0.02  0.01        18867       11 | edu.wisc.net.f181-193
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | edu.wisc.net.f181-222
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | edu.wisc.net.f182-111
 0.01  0.00         5022        5 | edu.wku.acrs-helm.pc02
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | edu.wku.et.pc5
 0.00  0.00         2835        1 | edu.wlu.uc.liberty
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | edu.wm.birds.roadrunner
 0.02  0.00        15879       14 | edu.wm.cc.gopher
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | edu.wm.cs.ga
 0.01  0.00         8182        8 | edu.wmich.cc.lab.grog
 0.02  0.00         8887        9 | edu.wmich.cc.piglet
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | edu.wright.vasquez
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | edu.wustl.genmac2
 0.02  0.00        10901       10 | edu.wustl.library
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | edu.wustl.neu51
 0.00  0.00         1847        2 | edu.wustl.umra14
 0.01  0.00         7224        7 | edu.wvnet.mu.muvms6
 0.01  0.00        10419        5 | edu.wvnet.northern.nccvax
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 | edu.wvnet.wvnvaxa
 0.00  0.00          360        1 | edu.wvnet.wvnvm
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | edu.wvnet.wvsc.wvsvax
 0.00  0.00         1234        1 | edu.wvu.cs.stat14
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | edu.wwc.wec_lab46604
 0.01  0.00        11976        5 | edu.yale.cis.remote1-line26
 0.01  0.00         8232        4 | edu.yale.cs.cf.shenzi
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | edu.yale.cs.zoo.kangaroo
 0.00  0.00         1258        1 | edu.yale.library.smlea1
 0.00  0.00         4877        2 | edu.yale.med.cdmas
 0.00  0.00         1237        2 | edu.yale.ycc.macpost
 0.02  0.02        55956       11 | es.caha.ca2
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | es.cdti.tmf
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | es.cesca.ieec.amaltea
 0.01  0.00         9141        3 | es.csic.cib.r4-04
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | es.esa.vilspa.encina
 0.01  0.00         4690        3 | es.tid.tidos
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | es.uam.fmed.ccmc1
 0.01  0.07       242313        6 | es.ub.ecm.server
 0.02  0.12       390144       10 | es.ucm.quim.solea
 0.01  0.18       624792        7 | es.uco.lucano
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | es.unican.astsun2
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | es.upc.goliat
 0.01  0.01        36858        8 | es.upc.sol
 0.02  0.00        10327       13 | es.upm.fi.zipi
 0.01  0.00         2873        4 | es.usc.hmravipa
 0.01  0.00         5814        3 | es.usc.zfis
 0.02  0.01        27159       11 | es.uv.hisdcho.correa
 0.02  0.01        41184       10 | fi.abo.bibpc21
 0.01  0.07       237397        5 | fi.funet.archie
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | fi.funet.dolphin
 0.01  0.00        14866        6 | fi.helsinki.klaava
 0.01  0.00         8350        4 | fi.helsinki.pc.polpc32
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | fi.helsinki.pc.transmac8
 0.01  0.01        27866        4 | fi.hut.chiasma
 0.01  0.00        11477        6 | fi.hut.gamma
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | fi.hut.tky.tp265
 0.01  0.00         2476        3 | fi.hut.vipunen
 0.01  0.01        28556        5 | fi.jyu.cc.kaarna
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | fi.jyu.pclib.aa46
 0.02  0.01        17906       11 | fi.jyu.pclib.b328
 0.03  0.01        23281       15 | fi.jyu.pclib.b329
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | fi.kaapeli.katto
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | fi.lahti-poly.tekupc138
 0.01  0.11       370286        4 | fi.lahti-poly.tekupc139
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | fi.lut.pc.tuta355
 0.01  0.00         6240        3 | fi.mikkeliamk.leena
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | fi.mikkeliamk.pirjo
 0.00  0.00          529        1 | fi.nokia.research.frodo
 0.00  0.00         3820        2 | fi.oulu.pc124224
 0.01  0.24       820446        5 | fi.oulu.s-mit-pc7
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | fi.pp.ssevon
 0.01  0.01        28276        3 | fi.shh.pc165
 0.01  0.00         5419        3 | fi.shh.studmac241
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 | fi.siba.mac73
 0.01  0.01        27644        3 | fi.siba.pc129
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | fi.spt.mikko8
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | fi.tele.inet.ns
 0.00  0.00          526        1 | fi.tut.cs.mono
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | fi.uiah.mlab-power6
 0.00  0.00         2913        2 | fi.uta
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 | fi.uta.ml3pc9
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | fi.uta.ml5pc4
 0.00  0.00         3123        2 | fi.uta.vuokko
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 | fi.vtt.tte.tte1001
 0.01  0.12       406336        8 | fr.acri.syst03-ppp
 0.00  0.00          374        1 | fr.brgm.u113
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 | fr.calvacom.mariechristine
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | fr.cea.saclay.argos
 0.00  0.00         2114        1 | fr.cea.saclay.dapax6
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | fr.cica.iris
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | fr.cnam.phone-client
 0.01  0.00        11155        4 | fr.cnrs-mrs.alphab
 0.04  0.01        50181       24 | fr.ec-lille.ld214
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | fr.ec-lyon.trotek.trotek13
 0.02  0.01        35243       12 | fr.ecp.cti.norma
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | fr.ecp.via.nxtv
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | fr.ens.allege
 0.01  0.00         3416        4 | fr.ens.mauss
 0.01  0.00         6701        3 | fr.ensieg.aida2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | fr.enst.mousson
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | fr.ensta.mangue7
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | fr.esiee.hp9
 0.01  0.07       242743        6 | fr.esrf.fox
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | fr.imag.cosmos
 0.01  0.00         3171        6 | fr.imag.fidji
 0.01  0.00        10974        4 | fr.in2p3.ipnvsj
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | fr.insa-lyon.pc303-10
 0.01  0.00         9854        3 | fr.insa-tlse.decs15
 0.04  0.00        16681       21 | fr.ircam.nadia
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | fr.jussieu.ccr.moka
 0.01  0.00        14794        8 | fr.jussieu.ext.idf
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | fr.lirmm.clapas
 0.01  0.01        27339        3 | fr.observ-gr.gagax3
 0.01  0.00        10027        4 | fr.pasteur-lille.calmette
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | fr.polytechnique.coli
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | fr.u-3mrs.unix13
 0.01  0.00         3991        3 | fr.u-bordeaux.emi.aliboron
 0.01  0.00         9120        3 | fr.u-bordeaux.enserb.didon
 0.02  0.01        46243       11 | fr.u-bordeaux.lcab.margaux
 0.01  0.01        28447        4 | fr.u-nancy.iecn.pluton
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | fr.u-strasbg.rad6
 0.01  0.00         6084        4 | fr.unice.eea
 0.00  0.00          374        1 | fr.unice.samoa
 0.00  0.00          835        1 | fr.univ-aix.pc-cours112
 0.01  0.00         3784        5 | fr.univ-lille3.l3bu02
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | fr.univ-mrs.cptsu5
 0.01  0.00         5010        3 | fr.univ-mrs.es2i
 0.01  0.00         6203        3 | fr.univ-nantes.sciences.ensinfo.dec1
 0.01  0.01        37295        4 | fr.univ-poitiers.hermes
 0.01  0.00         2698        3 | gov.ag.scs.wntc.pacific
 0.00  0.00          549        1 | gov.ameslab.scl.chaos
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | gov.anl.ra.flash
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | gov.anl.ra.slinky
 0.01  0.00         4455        6 | gov.bnl.cad.renoir
 0.01  0.00         6514        3 | gov.doe.er.dilworth
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | gov.fnal.d0sb07
 0.01  0.00        11537        4 | gov.fnal.fn781a
 0.01  0.00         3952        4 | gov.fnal.jcyko
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | gov.inel.capp1
 0.01  0.00         9405        8 | gov.inel.pc-kc3
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | gov.lbl.theor3
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | gov.llnl.sss02
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | gov.llnl.texas212
 0.01  0.00         7947        3 | gov.loc.rs8
 0.01  0.00         4749        3 | gov.nara.madison-2
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | gov.nasa.arc.sharky
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 | gov.nasa.gsfc.dpalace
 0.01  0.01        29593        5 | gov.nasa.gsfc.kicius
 0.01  0.00         6490        4 | gov.nasa.gsfc.mac532-14
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | gov.nasa.gsfc.mflaming1
 0.01  0.00         3550        5 | gov.nasa.jpl.grog
 0.01  0.00        11774        4 | gov.nasa.jpl.jbradley
 0.02  0.00        14646       11 | gov.nasa.jpl.jongleur
 0.01  0.01        27974        3 | gov.nasa.sti.casi.novix
 0.01  0.01        31469        5 | gov.ncifcrf.pavlakis-m
 0.01  0.00         4372        3 | gov.nist.carb.indigo6
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | gov.noaa.ssmc.tdlsbhp2
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | gov.ohio.leeca.leeca4
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | gov.ohio.noeca.noeca0
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | gov.ornl.ed.bmnpc
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | gov.usgs.cr.admsdtxast
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | gov.usgs.cr.prodlcoarv
 0.01  0.00         5605        4 | gov.usgs.er.svjrdtnnsh
 0.01  0.00         4025        5 | gov.usgs.wr.s101dcascr
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | gr.ariadne-t.elatos
 0.01  0.00         3061        3 | hk.cuhk.csc.slip025
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | hr.fer.tel.tjev
 0.01  0.00         7721        4 | hr.irb.ds5000
 0.01  0.00         9349        6 | hu.elte.galahad
 0.01  0.11       370211        4 | hu.uni-miskolc.gold
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | ie.dcu.camper
 0.02  0.00         6889       10 | ie.iol.joyce
 0.02  0.00        12803        9 | ie.rtc-waterford.unix1
 0.01  0.00        10757        6 | ie.tcd.cs.grattan
 0.03  0.00        11241       15 | ie.tcd.vax1
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | ie.ucd.olive
 0.03  0.12       400063       15 | il.ac.huji.slip.gilben
 0.01  0.00         4766        7 | il.ac.huji.vms
 0.01  0.00        12266        6 | il.ac.tau.ccsg
 0.01  0.01        17084        6 | il.ac.technion.violin
 0.00  0.00         1148        1 | il.ac.weizmann.plasma1
 0.01  0.00         4908        5 | int.sita.nce.ed.pc_edim
 0.02  0.01        26960       14 | is.hi.bok.edda
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | is.isgate
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | is.ismennt.akureyri
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | is.rarik.ivarj
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | it.astro.arcetri.testi
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | it.astro.te.terri4
 0.00  0.00         1729        2 | it.cnr.pd.ladseb.sun2
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | it.cnr.pi.iei.rep1
 0.00  0.00          700        1 | it.cnr.rm.iasi.macrafq8
 0.01  0.00         4098        5 | it.crs4.porto
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | it.galactica.slip15
 0.00  0.00           98        1 | it.inet.cis
 0.01  0.01        27628        3 | it.inet.scozzarella
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | it.infn.lngs.axpgs0
 0.01  0.00         4156        5 | it.iue.noiret
 0.01  0.00        10361        4 | it.jrc.dicscs4
 0.00  0.00         6631        2 | it.jrc.ei.etex
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | it.mclink.ax433
 0.01  0.00         3925        3 | it.micronet.line02
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | it.nettuno.intercorp
 0.00  0.00         5206        2 | it.sssup.sssup3
 0.01  0.00         3488        4 | it.telnetwork.ppp-3
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | it.trieste.elettra.jerry
 0.01  0.00         8270        4 | it.trieste.ictp.ictpsp10
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | it.unibo.cib.biblio
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | it.unicas.ing.zeus
 0.00  0.00         1249        1 | it.unina.cised.gopher
 0.02  0.00         6514       14 | it.unipg.dipmat.biblio2
 0.01  0.00        16768        5 | it.unipi.di.cli.athena
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | it.unipi.di.cli.expert
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | it.unipr.cedi.sylvester
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | it.unipv.chifar1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | it.unive.cli.dolci
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | jp.ac.fujita-hu.noc.beauty
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | jp.ac.gunma-u.tech.ns
 0.01  0.11       370286        4 | jp.ac.keio.sfc.ccn02
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | jp.ac.kumamoto-u.eecs.srv901
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | jp.ac.kyoto-u.h.phys.polymer
 0.01  0.01        19739        8 | jp.ac.kyoto-u.kudpc.sakura
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | jp.ac.mie-u.info.kashio.norikura
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | jp.ac.mie-u.info.shiino.mizuho
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | jp.ac.nanzan-u.lit.rich
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | jp.ac.niigata-u.ed.quasar
 0.01  0.01        27631        3 | jp.ac.osaka-u.center.ccews03
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | jp.ac.osaka-u.sci.phys.ejsn
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | jp.ac.reitaku-u.cs.reitaku
 0.01  0.01        34490        5 | jp.ac.shinshu-u.soshi
 0.00  0.00         2263        2 | jp.ac.tohoku.phys.ohki6
 0.00  0.07       226625        1 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.gen.utnl.lithium
 0.01  0.00         5515        3 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.race.race-server
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | jp.ac.u-tokyo.t.ee.edison
 0.01  0.00         4878        4 | jp.ac.ulis.bach
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | jp.ac.utsunomiya-u.infor.iss04
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | jp.ac.yamagata-u.yz.ea5.ea5pcdosv
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | jp.ad.cyber.dialup-ip-5
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | jp.ad.iij.fairnet.dit-issp
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | jp.ad.web.center.fs1
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | jp.co.fujitsu.endeavor
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | jp.co.mitshubishi.fw
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | jp.go.jaeri.tokai.jrr3fep
 0.01  0.00         7179        5 | jp.go.miti.svinet00
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | jp.ntt.tas.nttcsa
 0.01  0.00         3895        8 | jp.or.asahi-net.ppp4
 0.00  0.00         6114        2 | jp.or.asahi-net.ppp9
 0.00  0.00         4135        2 | jp.or.bekkoame.ppp3_030
 0.01  0.00         9019        4 | jp.or.iijnet.proxy
 0.01  0.00         3222        4 | jp.or.infoweb.tokyo.dialup11
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | jp.or.infoweb.tokyo.nttdemo1
 0.01  0.00        13140        6 | jp.or.rim.st.ppp-gw
 0.01  0.00         6754        3 | kr.ac.postech.rad01
 0.00  0.00          360        1 | lt.vu.vm.ltvucc11
 0.01  0.00        13019        4 | lu.crpht.goofy
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | lu.restena.slip1
 0.01  0.00        16544        6 | lu.restena.slip7
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | lv.lu.mii.dial-up5
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | lv.lu.mii.dial-up8
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | mgm.ldj
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | mgm.sla
 0.01  0.00         9056        4 | mil.af.arnold.smokey
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | mil.af.plh.gemini
 0.00  0.00         1729        2 | mil.af.wpafb.naic.relay2
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | mil.army.caa.amensia
 0.01  0.11       367294        4 | mil.army.pica.affv15
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | mil.army.pica.allenr
 0.00  0.00          775        1 | mil.army.tacom.tcpip-2
 0.01  0.00        11935        7 | mil.darpa.unknown
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 | mil.dla.dpsc.pc1055
 0.01  0.00         6627        3 | mil.dla.dsac.sacoflpc49
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | mil.dla.dsac.sacorapc156
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | mil.navy.dt.dtnet44-30
 0.01  0.00         3085        4 | mil.navy.nps.cc.slb123
 0.03  0.00        10161       15 | mil.navy.nrl.armstrong
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | mil.navy.nuwc.npt.ada
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | mil.ncsc.epoch.host152
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | mil.nosc.manta
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | mx.itesm.ccm.bilbo14
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | mx.itesm.cem.rsa2
 0.01  0.00         3477        3 | mx.itesm.cem.rsa4
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | mx.itesm.cem.rsb20
 0.01  0.00         3036        4 | mx.itesm.cem.rsb4
 0.01  0.00        13678        4 | mx.itesm.cem.rse11
 0.01  0.32      1087910        5 | mx.itesm.cem.rsm15
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | mx.itesm.mty.openlab84
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | mx.udlap.pue.sparc28
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | mx.unam.noc.slip28
 0.01  0.00         2821        5 | my.jaring.ptl1.j15
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | net.access.dialup.clays
 0.01  0.00         4705        8 | net.achilles.dialup90
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | net.adsnet.a003m
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.albany.pm1ip1
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | net.alter.alterdial.ny.new-york.nb2.cust002
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | net.apk.tij
 0.00  0.00         3512        2 | net.ari.mtolympus
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | net.barrnet.tarbaby
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | net.buffnet.buffnet3
 0.02  0.00        12060       10 | net.castle.bridge4
 0.01  0.00         5251        5 | net.clark
 0.01  0.00        10546        6 | net.clark.rjk-ppp
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | net.continuum.cd-2
 0.00  0.00         7330        2 | net.contrib.de.b-2.ns
 0.01  0.00         4740        7 | net.csu.slip.swrl29
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | net.csu.slip.swrl39
 0.00  0.00         1441        1 | net.cube.broker
 0.02  0.01        23262       13 | net.cube.hiob
 0.01  0.00         4814        3 | net.dakota.ppp5
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | net.databank.law1-ts4
 0.00  0.00         3982        2 | net.dialup.sprint.dc4_p19
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | net.digex.access2
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | net.digex.slip.dcc02689
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.earthnet.slip2
 0.04  0.04       123143       23 | net.easi.noname
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | net.elron.oydport1
 0.01  0.00        15809        7 | net.elron.oydport2
 0.02  0.00        13733       10 | net.epix.grape
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.epix.jmstppp3
 0.01  0.18       624277        6 | net.epix.qrvlppp6
 0.03  0.01        25723       17 | net.eu.germany.beldaran
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | net.gate.dffl2-4
 0.01  0.00        10065        6 | net.gate.ftmfl-1
 0.01  0.00         3951        4 | net.gate.orfl-24
 0.03  0.03        90830       18 | net.germany.callisto
 0.01  0.00         3218        4 | net.globalcom.eb1ppp22
 0.00  0.00         3592        1 | net.hk.slip.p139
 0.02  0.01        17349       10 | net.hooked.tuna
 0.02  0.00        14340       12 | net.hookup.tor.josephc
 0.01  0.00         7211        3 | net.hookup.tor.lwhiting
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 | net.i-link.austin-1-4
 0.00  0.00         1822        2 | net.i-link.austin-2-7
 0.01  0.00         6678        5 | net.i-link.dallas-1-6
 0.01  0.18       598756        6 | net.i-link.sanantonio-1-2
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | net.iac.wabash
 0.00  0.00          506        1 | net.iadfw.ppp150
 0.02  0.01        39163       10 | net.ibm.ca.on.slip152-201
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.ibm.nl.ut.slip144-132
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-102
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-104
 0.01  0.01        22495        8 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-66
 0.01  0.00         8381        5 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-69
 0.01  0.01        19019        7 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-70
 0.03  0.01        19850       17 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-72
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-74
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-75
 0.00  0.00         6061        2 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-77
 0.03  0.01        31346       16 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-80
 0.01  0.01        18524        8 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-82
 0.02  0.01        49886        9 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-84
 0.00  0.00         6886        2 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-86
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-87
 0.01  0.00        10088        4 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-90
 0.01  0.00         5013        3 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-93
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-94
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.ibm.uk.pt.slip137-98
 0.01  0.00         3598        6 | net.ibm.us.ca.slip124-132
 0.02  0.00        13273        9 | net.ibm.us.dc.slip132-92
 0.02  0.12       411330        9 | net.ibm.us.fl.slip4-8
 0.01  0.00         4972        6 | net.ibm.us.il.slip37-137
 0.01  0.22       732488        6 | net.ibm.us.il.slip37-218
 0.00  0.00         1619        1 | net.ibm.us.nc.slip116-153
 0.01  0.00         6677        4 | net.ic
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | net.ids.ksc-fl.pslip021
 0.03  0.01        18687       20 | net.iii.mombo
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | net.in.ip209
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | net.indy.indy2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | net.infi.h-fawn
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.infi.nr.h-julia
 0.01  0.00         3790        3 | net.infi.roanoke.h-frodo
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | net.infonet.pc109
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | net.ionet.tsip28
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | net.iquest.ts2-ind-23
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | net.iquest.ts4-ind-8
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 | net.isdn.tyrrell
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | net.iu.netport-22
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.ixc.pm1-61
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | net.lava.dialup001
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | net.lava.dialup004
 0.00  0.00         1439        1 | net.linkage.hk.ip83
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.magicnet.pm1_11
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | net.mci.washington.dialup299
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | net.mcs.pr.johnv
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | net.mcs.pr.khayes
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | net.mcs.pr.rhonda1
 0.01  0.00         7492        6 | net.mcs.pr.talmadge
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 | net.mich.dialip.pm035-24
 0.00  0.00         3592        1 | net.mich.dialip.pm037-02
 0.01  0.01        27933        3 | net.micron.miscon2p6
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | net.microserve.dungeon
 0.01  0.00         1806        3 | net.mountain.slip-8
 0.01  0.00        13971        5 | net.mr.nas.msp5-4
 0.01  0.00         8322        4 | net.mr.nas.msp81-5
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 | net.nando.grail912
 0.02  0.00        12239       11 | net.nl.inter.solair1
 0.01  0.00         5444        8 | net.north.hrdc
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.phoenix.dial4
 0.02  0.11       371291       10 | net.polaristel.dialup.underwood-2
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | net.port.mlueders
 0.00  0.00         3337        1 | net.realtime.ip.james-a5
 0.00  0.00          766        1 | net.scsn.cola47
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | net.sentex.county
 0.01  0.00         8747        8 | net.snowcrest.yreka.ppp0
 0.01  0.00         4595        6 | net.sunshine.pme05
 0.00  0.00         3592        1 | net.super.hk.slip57
 0.01  0.00         4222        3 | net.symnet.core
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | net.tcn.ptlss
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | net.telecom-co.itecs5
 0.02  0.00        11799       14 | net.templar.pilgrim07
 0.01  0.00         7437        8 | net.texas.dialnet12
 0.01  0.00         8002        4 | net.texas.millenium
 0.01  0.00        10590        6 | net.tiac.hubbardj
 0.02  0.00        11042        9 | net.tiac.stanton
 0.01  0.01        28068        3 | net.tip.dial.a2098
 0.00  0.00         3450        2 | net.tyrell.ttyq4
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | net.tyrell.ttyq8
 0.01  0.00         1977        3 | net.tyrell.ttyu1
 0.01  0.00         5228        6 | net.uslink.pp0
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | net.uslink.pp2
 0.00  0.00         1166        1 | net.uslink.pp3
 0.01  0.00         8537        8 | net.whin.humerus
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | net.wis.bby.pme00
 0.01  0.00         8116        6 | net.world.melb19
 0.00  0.00         4935        2 | nl.agro.sc.emergo
 0.00  0.00          920        2 | nl.bart.dyna-p4
 0.01  0.01        27644        3 | nl.dds.dds
 0.00  0.00         3099        1 | nl.elsevier.m30087
 0.01  0.01        27499        3 | nl.esa.estec.isou09
 0.00  0.00         1217        1 | nl.esa.estec.zaphod
 0.01  0.00         9938        3 | nl.eur.fgg.mi.wet
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | nl.euronet.p06
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | nl.euronet.p12
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | nl.euronet.p36
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 | nl.euronet.p76
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | nl.knoware.boompie
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | nl.knoware.runner
 0.01  0.01        28365        3 | nl.kub.pi0920
 0.00  0.00         6278        2 | nl.kun.azn.mc01
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | nl.kun.cs.zeus
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | nl.kun.phil.phil44
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | nl.kun.theo.pc22
 0.01  0.00         4504        3 | nl.leidenuniv.fsw.ruls23
 0.00  0.00         4752        2 | nl.leidenuniv.rull11
 0.01  0.00         6279        3 | nl.leidenuniv.rullc5
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | nl.leidenuniv.rulue2
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | nl.leidenuniv.ruluf3
 0.02  0.11       382754       10 | nl.leidenuniv.rulug5
 0.01  0.00         6279        3 | nl.leidenuniv.rulug9
 0.01  0.12       397750        6 | nl.leidenuniv.ruluj7
 0.01  0.00        14923        4 | nl.leidenuniv.ruly92
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | nl.philips.prl.twip
 0.02  0.00        14218       10 | nl.ptt.research.aurora
 0.02  0.00        15930       13 | nl.rivm.orka
 0.01  0.00         8852        5 | nl.rivm.pclae015
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | nl.rug.astro.kapteyn
 0.01  0.00        10043        5 | nl.rug.chem.biochem07
 0.01  0.00        11228        6 | nl.rug.chem.cfys17
 0.04  0.51      1736201       23 | nl.rug.chem.rugan4
 0.00  0.00         3090        1 | nl.rug.chem.rugcbg
 0.00  0.00         6189        2 | nl.rug.chem.rugcbi
 0.00  0.00         2589        2 | nl.rug.cpedu.indy3
 0.02  0.01        21044       11 | nl.rug.cs.rug102
 0.01  0.00         6354        3 | nl.rug.phys.infozuil
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | nl.rug.phys.pcamesz
 0.01  0.00         6883        4 | nl.ruu.fys.ruunat
 0.01  0.00        13019        4 | nl.ruu.fys.ruund8
 0.01  0.00        13019        4 | nl.ruu.fys.ruune1
 0.01  0.00        13019        4 | nl.ruu.fys.ruune2
 0.02  0.00         9103        9 | nl.ruu.let.stud.pc_d27_02
 0.01  0.01        28155        4 | nl.ruu.phil.mac.arno
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | nl.tudelft.dutmpw3
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | nl.tudelft.et.dutepp1
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | nl.tudelft.et.dutepp9
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | nl.tudelft.et.morra
 0.01  0.18       593821        4 | nl.tudelft.et.tudeae
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | nl.tudelft.io.dutoc10
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | nl.tudelft.io.dutovi
 0.01  0.00         6128        3 | nl.tudelft.tn.ph.puppis
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | nl.tue.chem.t262
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | nl.tue.ele.eb.pa26
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | nl.tue.phys.ni.239a
 0.01  0.00         5169        3 | nl.tue.urc.osjpc06
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | nl.tue.wtb.pc9
 0.01  0.01        27933        3 | nl.uniface.willow
 0.01  0.00        12869        4 | nl.uva.amc.swammerdam
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | nl.uva.fee.pc181207
 0.01  0.00        11774        4 | nl.uva.frw.adam
 0.03  0.12       389694       18 | nl.uva.frw.userip22
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | nl.vpro.magma3
 0.01  0.07       237851        7 | nl.vpro.magma6
 0.02  0.00         6500       12 | nl.vpro.magma7
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | nl.vu.bio.balaena
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | nl.wau.biot.flex086
 0.01  0.00        12768        5 | nl.wau.iend.flex071
 0.02  0.00         5392        9 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd01-13
 0.01  0.00         8920        4 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd01-17
 0.01  0.01        17822        7 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd01-26
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd03-01
 0.01  0.00         2021        3 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd03-28
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd04-04
 0.01  0.00        12874        8 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd04-26
 0.01  0.00         3774        3 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd05-01
 0.01  0.01        42081        7 | nl.xs4all.dial.asd05-05
 0.00  0.00          196        2 | nl.xs4all.slip133-244
 0.01  0.00         2798        3 | nl.xs4all.slip37-210
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | no.dnmi.oslo.typhoon
 0.00  0.00          744        1 | no.hib.lhg.kh-pc
 0.00  0.00         3295        1 | no.hiof.pc57-217
 0.03  0.00        14555       18 | no.interlink.henry
 0.01  0.00        14099        7 | no.sintef.geotek.tbo-pc
 0.01  0.00         4504        3 | no.sintef.runit.eaj10
 0.00  0.00         1017        2 | no.sintef.unimed.unipc30
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | no.telepost.ndt
 0.00  0.00          843        1 | no.uib.germ.goethe
 0.01  0.01        28577        3 | no.uio.hope
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | no.uio.ifi.draupnir
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | no.uio.ifi.gjalp
 0.01  0.00        13678        4 | no.uio.ifi.holmenkollen
 0.01  0.00         7634        4 | no.uio.pcmnbib03
 0.01  0.00         3683        5 | no.uio.xyplex03
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | no.uio.xyplex04
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | no.uio.xyplex09
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | no.unit.avh.10301
 0.01  0.11       376316        6 | no.unit.avh.10302
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | no.unit.avh.10304
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | no.unit.avh.10320
 0.00  0.00          554        1 | no.unit.avh.expfbj
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | no.unit.avh.h-varfjell-2
 0.03  0.00        16739       19 | no.unit.avh.hfl221
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | no.unit.avh.mmm09
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | no.unit.avh.psylab14
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | no.unit.itk.sindre
 0.01  0.00         8270        4 | nz.ac.auckland.net
 0.00  0.00         3398        1 | nz.ac.otago.n056175
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | nz.ac.vuw.comp.debretts
 0.01  0.00         6481        5 | nz.ac.waikato.ijk.staff2-04
 0.01  0.00        11399        4 | nz.ac.waikato.slip.lmeduc
 0.00  0.00          523        1 | org.apc.peg.dialup.t15
 0.00  0.00         3337        1 | org.cam.hip.waller
 0.01  0.00         5488        3 | org.cpcug.mikes
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | org.donate
 0.00  0.00          549        1 | org.dorsai.amanda
 0.00  0.00          823        1 | org.eso.hq.ns2
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | org.eso.hq.st8
 0.01  0.01        19858        8 | org.eso.ls.lw0
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | org.eso.ls.lw10
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | org.eso.ls.lw6
 0.01  0.00         8614        5 | org.fhcrc.hal-quadra
 0.01  0.00         3406        5 | org.freenet.genesee
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | org.iadb.condpa11
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | org.io.net2.iss
 0.00  0.00         1028        2 | org.io.net2.janusz
 0.03  0.00         9284       16 | org.io.net5c.my-window
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | org.jcic.hq
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | org.libby.homer
 0.02  0.11       380268       12 | org.mitre.gatekeeper
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | org.oclc.dev.slip-pc-232
 0.03  0.01        23399       18 | org.oclc.dev.ws28-02
 0.01  0.00         8492        5 | org.rain.port50
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | org.rain.simi.port10
 0.00  0.00          766        1 | org.rand.pboren
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | org.rand.swenson
 0.00  0.00         1879        2 | org.satelnet.lberlin
 0.00  0.00         2410        2 | org.speakeasy.eve
 0.01  0.00         9712        4 | org.sub.msn.buschhorn
 0.01  0.00         3921        3 | org.sub.msn.kwoerl
 0.01  0.00         6970        4 | org.sub.msn.robold
 0.02  0.00        12531       14 | org.whro-pbs.llwhro
 0.00  0.00          852        1 | org.wmh.grover
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | org.worldbank.btait
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | org.worldbank.ddonato
 0.00  0.00         2707        1 | org.worldbank.dvarela
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | pe.net.rcp.amauta
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | pl.edu.pk.twins.sony11
 0.01  0.00         3861        3 | pl.poznan.put.cs.uran
 0.01  0.00         3789        3 | pt.edinfor.globo
 0.00  0.00         1554        2 | pt.puug.lisboa-dial203
 0.00  0.00         3376        2 | ru.ifmo.beam
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | se.abb.seinf.datw235
 0.05  0.01        45808       27 | se.algonet.aristotle
 0.00  0.00         1160        1 | se.btj.mac82135
 0.01  0.00         2769        4 | se.chalmers.dtek.varoom
 0.00  0.00         2548        2 | se.chalmers.fy.yukawa
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | se.chalmers.mtek.pi04
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | se.chalmers.mtek.pi27
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | se.chalmers.mtek.pi31
 0.01  0.01        40385        5 | se.chalmers.mtek.pi50
 0.01  0.00         8664        4 | se.ericsson.erigate
 0.00  0.00         6092        2 | se.everyday.ts2-4
 0.01  0.00         7236        5 | se.everyday.ts2-8
 0.00  0.00         1369        2 | se.everyday.ts3-15
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | se.fmv.slip-7
 0.01  0.11       370505        7 | se.gdpc.gdpc9
 0.01  0.00         6255        3 | se.gu.cling.gus
 0.01  0.00         7375        4 | se.gu.ling.mac18
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | se.hb.shv.d6164
 0.00  0.00         6886        2 | se.hgs.pc11-116-11
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | se.hik.te.te0117
 0.01  0.01        32979        8 | se.hks.adbutb.kizz
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 | se.hks.adbutb.stones
 0.01  0.00         3696        4 | se.klippan.h208-4
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | se.ks.gate1
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | se.kth.e.roman
 0.00  0.00          681        1 | se.kth.e.spirou
 0.01  0.07       233464        3 | se.kth.got.anlundar
 0.01  0.00        11042        5 | se.kth.nada.byse
 0.01  0.00         3942        3 | se.kth.nada.cerise-18
 0.01  0.07       236750        6 | se.kth.nada.filsun02
 0.02  0.19       626416       10 | se.kth.nada.filsun10
 0.01  0.00         5929        3 | se.kth.physchem.analyt2
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | se.liu.ida.maj36
 0.03  0.01        24300       15 | se.liu.ida.ruda6
 0.02  0.01        24813       11 | se.liu.lysator.island
 0.01  0.01        17525        7 | se.lth.dit.galaxy-3
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | se.lth.kat.katz16
 0.01  0.11       370997        5 | se.lth.malmo.t76
 0.01  0.00         4171        5 | se.lu.ark.rum305b
 0.01  0.00         6416        8 | se.lu.ekol.barbrob
 0.01  0.00        14866        6 | se.lu.ics.mac105
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | se.lu.kosufy.dumont
 0.00  0.00         5745        2 | se.lu.kosufy.gummo
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | se.lu.ostas.yip
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | se.lu.svet.r138nr8
 0.00  0.00          775        1 | se.lu.ub1.mac134
 0.00  0.00         1181        2 | se.luth.mh.mac24
 0.00  0.00         3325        1 | se.luth.sm.mac113
 0.00  0.00         3325        1 | se.luth.sm.mac134
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | se.luth.tt.bib7
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | se.mdh.idt.da2-5
 0.01  0.00         6109        3 | se.mdh.iea.d212_12
 0.00  0.00          374        1 | se.mdh.ima.da32
 0.00  0.00         3711        2 | se.nrm.plattis
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | se.pgg.projabmail
 0.00  0.00          535        1 | se.physto.grub03
 0.00  0.00         4161        2 | se.pi.sth.d107
 0.01  0.00         4724        3 | se.pi.sth.d203
 0.00  0.00          549        1 | se.postnet.charon
 0.00  0.00         1822        2 | se.su.dsv.pl5l84
 0.00  0.00         3181        2 | se.su.sub.bib76
 0.01  0.00         4229        4 | se.swipnet.tty17-07
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | se.swipnet.tty18-06
 0.00  0.00         1822        2 | se.swipnet.tty2-03
 0.01  0.00         2652        4 | se.swipnet.tty4-01
 0.01  0.00         9695        6 | se.swipnet.tty4-09
 0.01  0.11       367196        3 | se.umu.micro.lnpc
 0.01  0.01        19708        6 | se.umu.micro.nbopc
 0.00  0.00         4935        2 | se.umu.modem.slip10
 0.00  0.00         4698        2 | se.umu.tp.duessa
 0.01  0.00         9536        5 | se.umu.ts.rubel
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | se.uu.bmc.840av
 0.00  0.00         3479        2 | se.uu.csd.mac-549-5
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | se.uu.engelska.ensprim
 0.01  0.01        28633        5 | se.uu.estetik.p-50-113
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | se.uu.fysik.mac107
 0.01  0.00        13456        7 | se.uu.galenik.guran
 0.01  0.00        10640        4 | se.uu.mat.lundberg
 0.02  0.01        34382       14 | se.uu.tdb.hatysa
 0.00  0.00         5071        2 | se.uu.teknikum.tor
 0.01  0.01        17036        6 | se.uu.ub.pc168-72
 0.01  0.00         5000        3 | sg.com.teleview.temasek
 0.00  0.00         3325        1 | sg.technet.slip.dyn157
 0.00  0.00         3464        2 | si.ctk.ctklj
 0.01  0.00         4015        3 | si.uni-lj.mat.vegaj
 0.01  0.00         5019        7 | sk.tuzvo.uvt
 0.01  0.00         7887        4 | sk.uniba.fmph.dnom.servac
 0.08  0.02        68826       46 | su.dubna.jinr.weirdb
 0.00  0.00          451        1 | th.co.inet.mozart
 0.01  0.00        13259        5 | tr.edu.bilkent.bcc.ug.trabzon
 0.01  0.00         3290        3 | tr.edu.metu.cc.aegean
 0.01  0.25       850902        7 | tw.edu.ntu.as.ds5240
 0.01  0.00         8684        3 | tw.edu.ntu.oc.iodec1
 0.00  0.00         3679        2 | ua.lviv.mak.terry
 0.01  0.00         6681        3 | uk.ac.abdn.ugrad.ewg84k
 0.01  0.12       407009        8 | uk.ac.aber.ccu.pccede
 0.02  0.07       239822       10 | uk.ac.aber.dcs.jolly
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | uk.ac.bangor.macr207
 0.01  0.00         8512        6 | uk.ac.bangor.thunder
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.bath.midge
 0.00  0.00          528        1 | uk.ac.bath.ukoln
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | uk.ac.bbk.apli.appling3
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.ac.bbk.ccs.gsq01
 0.01  0.01        27933        3 | uk.ac.bbk.ccs.mb02
 0.01  0.00         2429        3 | uk.ac.bbk.ccs.mb07
 0.02  0.00         5448        9 | uk.ac.bcc.ts.link-1
 0.02  0.01        20586        9 | uk.ac.bcc.ucl-24.ps2-2
 0.01  0.00         6816        3 | uk.ac.bcc.ucl-24.ps2-7
 0.01  0.04       125772        8 | uk.ac.bcc.ucl-28.rs6-240
 0.01  0.11       378107        8 | uk.ac.bcc.ucl-33.mac-150
 0.01  0.00         2012        3 | uk.ac.bham.com117
 0.01  0.00         4880        7 | uk.ac.bham.sr.sal1
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.bris.fen.f84
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | uk.ac.bris.ncs
 0.00  0.00          519        1 | uk.ac.brookes.rm0052e1
 0.01  0.00         5782        3 | uk.ac.brunel.cspc-09
 0.02  0.00        11148       12 | uk.ac.brunel.piton
 0.00  0.11       362202        2 | uk.ac.cam.amtp.ulrich
 0.02  0.08       276285       13 | uk.ac.cam.amtp.venom
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | uk.ac.cam.ast.cass15
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | uk.ac.cam.cheng.ten
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | uk.ac.cam.cheng.twelve
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | uk.ac.cam.clare.ccl053
 0.00  0.00          784        1 | uk.ac.cam.cus.apus
 0.01  0.00        11285        5 | uk.ac.cam.cus.bootes
 0.01  0.00         2698        3 | uk.ac.cam.lib.vaxf
 0.00  0.00         1153        1 | uk.ac.cam.phy.laue
 0.02  0.00         9461       10 | uk.ac.cam.pwf.nmus.mac119
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | uk.ac.cam.pwf.nmus.mac120
 0.01  0.00         9120        3 | uk.ac.cam.pwf.sidg.pc2006
 0.01  0.00        15046        8 | uk.ac.city.bsadpc7
 0.01  0.00         4093        3 | uk.ac.city.headcorn
 0.00  0.00         6352        2 | uk.ac.city.info
 0.00  0.00         2114        1 | uk.ac.city.turing
 0.00  0.00        13646        2 | uk.ac.cxwms.s1
 0.01  0.00         1883        4 | uk.ac.dct.zippy
 0.00  0.00         6030        2 | uk.ac.dl.srasv1
 0.00  0.00         2410        2 | uk.ac.dundee.mcs.bushmills
 0.01  0.00         6997        3 | uk.ac.dur.altair
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.dur.arne
 0.01  0.00         4124        3 | uk.ac.dur.arnold
 0.01  0.00         8270        4 | uk.ac.dur.cage
 0.04  0.02        74461       23 | uk.ac.dur.cygnus
 0.01  0.00         8566        3 | uk.ac.dur.durrell
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | uk.ac.dur.joker
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.dur.smythe
 0.01  0.00        10351        4 | uk.ac.dur.stanford
 0.01  0.01        18961        8 | uk.ac.dur.ws-ai4
 0.00  0.00         6180        2 | uk.ac.ebi.saturn
 0.01  0.00         7307        4 | uk.ac.ed.dcs.cumbrae
 0.02  0.00        13756       14 | uk.ac.ed.dcs.flugga
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.ac.ed.lib4-056
 0.01  0.00         6172        4 | uk.ac.ed.pcserver2
 0.02  0.01        20159       12 | uk.ac.ed.xlab-12
 0.01  0.00         7469        4 | uk.ac.ed.xlab-18
 0.00  0.00          527        1 | uk.ac.gla.garscube.vet_13
 0.02  0.00        14849       11 | uk.ac.glam.eit.clarke
 0.03  0.01        25925       19 | uk.ac.hensa.unix
 0.01  0.00        10579        6 | uk.ac.herts.altair
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | uk.ac.hull.dcs.anemone
 0.01  0.00         7241        4 | uk.ac.hull.dcs.hendrix
 0.01  0.00         7529        3 | uk.ac.hw.cen.libpc12
 0.02  0.01        20066       12 | uk.ac.ic.doc.phoenix
 0.00  0.00         1073        1 | uk.ac.ic.ph.phcdaa
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.ic.ph.phcdah
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.ic.ph.phcdbf
 0.01  0.00         9121        5 | uk.ac.ic.ph.phcdcb
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | uk.ac.keele.cc.potter
 0.01  0.00         3203        3 | uk.ac.lamp.acs.vax
 0.02  0.01        24833       10 | uk.ac.lancs.cent1
 0.01  0.01        42190        8 | uk.ac.lancs.herbert
 0.00  0.00         1856        2 | uk.ac.le.orange8.mac241
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | uk.ac.le.orange8.mac243
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.ac.livjm.jm0456
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.lon.lbs.p20322
 0.01  0.00         6207        4 | uk.ac.lse.pc.f25
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.ac.lse.pc.h5
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | uk.ac.lut.pc-ls9
 0.00  0.00         1822        2 | uk.ac.man.ch.pec1
 0.10  0.70      2379388       62 | uk.ac.man.go.mgohpb
 0.01  0.10       341940        7 | uk.ac.man.go.mgohpb01
 0.00  0.00         5443        1 | uk.ac.man.li.pca11
 0.00  0.00         4860        2 | uk.ac.man.li.pca46
 0.01  0.00         1569        3 | uk.ac.man.li.pca52
 0.01  0.08       263815        5 | uk.ac.man.li.pcb46
 0.03  0.07       232287       15 | uk.ac.mcc.cs6400
 0.01  0.00         6618        3 | uk.ac.niss.lung
 0.00  0.00          540        1 | uk.ac.nottingham.ccc.wcc4z2
 0.01  0.00         5961        6 | uk.ac.nottingham.wuacl04
 0.01  0.00         6157        4 | uk.ac.ox.bioch.frege
 0.00  0.00         1839        2 | uk.ac.ox.keble.milton
 0.00  0.01        28838        2 | uk.ac.ox.keble.pyrton
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | uk.ac.ox.linacre.pc08
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | uk.ac.ox.pharm.gal3
 0.00  0.00         4856        2 | uk.ac.ox.physics.al9
 0.01  0.00         3902        3 | uk.ac.ox.rlaha.g52_2
 0.00  0.00         4480        2 | uk.ac.ox.rsl.rsl-01
 0.01  0.00         3843        7 | uk.ac.ox.sable
 0.01  0.00        10708        6 | uk.ac.ox.stcatz.white
 0.01  0.00         9438        5 | uk.ac.ox.vax
 0.00  0.00         1217        1 | uk.ac.qmw.ph.starsun1
 0.01  0.00         7127        3 | uk.ac.qub.cc.fhunter
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | uk.ac.rdg.vlpc9
 0.01  0.00         9929        3 | uk.ac.rl.te.dudley
 0.01  0.01        19867        6 | uk.ac.roe.resun09
 0.18  0.02        80289      109 | uk.ac.sas.rs1-hr
 0.01  0.00         4235        7 | uk.ac.shef.pc081158
 0.00  0.00         3139        1 | uk.ac.soton.arch.acw
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | uk.ac.soton.orc.phys-82
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | uk.ac.soton.sucs.b44a-21
 0.00  0.00         6823        1 | uk.ac.soton.sucs.b62a-04
 0.00  0.00         1249        1 | uk.ac.staffs.crm1am
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | uk.ac.staffs.sstbdj
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.ac.stir.leven04
 0.00  0.00         1998        2 | uk.ac.strath.cc.ashie
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.ac.strath.cc.fad
 0.01  0.00         4749        3 | uk.ac.strath.cc.gulvain
 0.02  0.01        20148       12 | uk.ac.surrey.central
 0.01  0.01        27782        3 | uk.ac.surrey.ucsmac07
 0.02  0.01        18924       11 | uk.ac.swan.lepton
 0.01  0.00        10640        4 | uk.ac.swan.python
 0.01  0.00         2624        4 | uk.ac.ucl.arch.hillman
 0.03  0.00        12630       18 | uk.ac.ucl.libex.ihr-1
 0.01  0.18       596920        5 | uk.ac.ucl.meng.andrsn
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | uk.ac.uea.cpc.cpc116
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.ac.uea.cpc.cpc141
 0.00  0.00         6839        2 | uk.ac.ukc.kensun2
 0.01  0.00         5337        5 | uk.ac.ulst.infm.pc59
 0.01  0.00         5248        6 | uk.ac.umist.ccl.christoph
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | uk.ac.umist.li.pca23
 0.00  0.00         6105        2 | uk.ac.unn.cougar
 0.01  0.00         3714        5 | uk.ac.uwe.gate
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | uk.ac.wmin.newbadger
 0.01  0.00         5515        3 | uk.ac.wmin.rabbit
 0.01  0.00         2100        4 | uk.ac.york.libpc18
 0.00  0.00         1845        1 | uk.co.anix.mickey
 0.02  0.00         6469        9 | uk.co.case
 0.00  0.00         3015        1 | uk.co.demon.at3over1
 0.00  0.00         4460        2 | uk.co.demon.colchsfc
 0.02  0.00        15253        9 | uk.co.demon.dismayl
 0.00  0.00          763        1 | uk.co.demon.fold
 0.00  0.00         2410        2 | uk.co.demon.frantic
 0.02  0.01        45490       10 | uk.co.demon.lagalla
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.co.demon.opstrat
 0.01  0.00         6924        4 | uk.co.demon.ponder
 0.00  0.00         2134        1 | uk.co.demon.saoirse
 0.01  0.00        12944        4 | uk.co.demon.seymore
 0.01  0.00         5959        3 | uk.co.demon.smsl
 0.02  0.01        23938       14 | uk.co.easynet.fort
 0.01  0.11       370286        4 | uk.co.harlequin.cam.balloon
 0.01  0.07       239389        5 | uk.co.harlequin.cam.dynamic-mac2
 0.01  0.01        23607        7 | uk.co.harlequin.cam.otter
 0.00  0.00         4355        2 | uk.co.icl.gatekeeper
 0.00  0.00         3046        1 | uk.co.rmplc.mailbox
 0.01  0.00         9873        5 | uk.co.roke.redrum
 0.00  0.00         3718        2 | us.ak.fnsb.polarnet.nb1-du8
 0.01  0.00         6087        4 | us.ca.cc.butte.cin
 0.02  0.00         5873        9 | us.ca.hillsborough.crystal.crystal159
 0.01  0.00         2008        4 | us.ca.k12.kings.dial_5
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 0.00  0.00          645        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/cs/gen/
 0.31  0.03        90718      186 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/
 0.02  0.00         4554        9 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/e2/
 0.05  0.02        78503       29 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/e3/
 0.03  0.01        25866       18 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/e4/
 0.13  0.08       260403       80 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/e5/
 0.00  0.00         1132        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/e5/dennis
 0.04  0.01        20618       26 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/e6/
 0.06  0.01        38936       37 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/
 0.00  0.00          387        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/Mz/
 0.00  0.00          690        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/Pf/
 0.00  0.00          720        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/Sw/
 0.00  0.00          255        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/bb/
 0.00  0.00          362        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/bb/ff/
 0.01  0.00         2720        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/be/
 0.01  0.00         1890        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/bw/
 0.00  0.00         1814        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/bw/hd/
 0.00  0.00         1314        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/bw/s/
 0.01  0.00         2010        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/by/
 0.00  0.00          686        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/by/a/
 0.00  0.00          638        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/by/ba/
 0.00  0.00          713        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/by/m/
 0.01  0.01        21440        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/gen/
 0.00  0.00          370        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/he/
 0.00  0.00          309        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/he/f/
 0.00  0.00          315        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/he/ks/
 0.00  0.00          592        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/hh/
 0.01  0.00         1052        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/mv/
 0.00  0.00         1094        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/mv/hgw/
 0.00  0.00          376        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/ns/
 0.01  0.00         2152        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/nw/
 0.01  0.01        26819        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/nw/hbz/
 0.01  0.00        16329        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/nw/nwbib/
 0.01  0.00         1011        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/rp/
 0.00  0.00          756        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/rp/kl/
 0.00  0.00          572        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/sh/
 0.00  0.00          624        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/sh/hl/
 0.01  0.00         4356        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/sl/
 0.00  0.00          701        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/sn/
 0.01  0.00         1763        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/sn/c/
 0.00  0.00          853        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/de/gen/sn/mit/
 0.01  0.00         2520        6 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/es/
 0.00  0.00         3306        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/es/e3/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/es/e3/bios/
 0.00  0.00          614        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/es/e3/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00         1284        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/es/e4/
 0.00  0.00          437        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/es/e4/bios/
 0.00  0.00         1760        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/es/e4/bios/ms
 0.02  0.00         6786       13 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/
 0.01  0.00         3435        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e3/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e3/bios/
 0.01  0.00         1612        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e4/
 0.01  0.00         2463        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e4/bios/
 0.00  0.00          573        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e4/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00         2882        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e4/bios/ms
 0.01  0.00         1624        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e5/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00          615        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e5/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00          572        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e6/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e6/bios/
 0.00  0.00         1487        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/e6/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00          369        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/fr/gen/
 0.03  0.00         9558       18 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/
 0.01  0.00         6205        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/e3/
 0.01  0.00         1281        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/e4/
 0.00  0.00         1642        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/e4/bios/
 0.01  0.00         1026        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/e5/
 0.00  0.00          293        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/e6/
 0.01  0.00         3272        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/gen/
 0.02  0.00         7488       13 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gen/
 0.00  0.00          844        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gen/e2/
 0.01  0.00         4995        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gen/e3/
 0.01  0.00         2085        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gen/e5/
 0.00  0.00         1642        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gen/e5/bios/
 0.01  0.00         4158        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gen/gen/
 0.01  0.00         2904        6 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gr/
 0.01  0.00         7125        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gr/e2/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gr/e2/bios/
 0.00  0.00          349        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gr/e3/
 0.00  0.00          286        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gr/e5/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gr/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00          335        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gr/gen/
 0.00  0.00          384        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/hr/
 0.00  0.00          247        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/hr/gen/
 0.00  0.00          360        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/hr/gen/Zagreb/
 0.01  0.00         1371        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ie/
 0.00  0.00          350        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ie/e3/
 0.00  0.00          287        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ie/e4/
 0.00  0.00          287        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ie/e5/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ie/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00          531        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ie/e5/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00         2240        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/it/
 0.00  0.00         1814        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/it/e3/
 0.00  0.00          606        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/it/gen/
 0.00  0.00        12813        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/it/gen/Sardinia
 0.01  0.00         1266        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/nl/
 0.00  0.00          354        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/nl/e3/
 0.00  0.00          356        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/nl/gen/
 0.01  0.00         1158        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/no/
 0.00  0.00          387        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ro/
 0.00  0.00          350        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/ro/e3/
 0.02  0.00         6434       13 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/
 0.01  0.00         1420        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e3/
 0.00  0.00          584        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e4/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e4/bios/
 0.01  0.00         4452        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e5/
 0.01  0.00         3284        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e5/bios/
 0.01  0.00         4208        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e5/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00         2906        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e5/bios/ms
 0.00  0.00          354        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/e6/
 0.01  0.00         2142        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/su/gen/
 0.00  0.00          772        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/tr/
 0.00  0.00         1048        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/tr/e3/
 0.00  0.00          453        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/va/
 0.00  0.00          334        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/va/e3/
 0.00  0.00          316        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/va/gen/
 0.00  0.00          780        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/yu/
 0.00  0.00          354        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/yu/e3/
 0.10  0.01        28182       61 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/
 0.01  0.00         2792        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/
 0.00  0.00          572        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e4/
 0.00  0.00          572        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e5/
 0.00  0.00          437        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00          738        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e5/bios/ms
 0.01  0.00         1572        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e6/
 0.00  0.00          874        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e6/bios/
 0.00  0.00         1854        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e6/bios/ms
 0.01  0.00         2228        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/gen/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/gen/bios/
 0.01  0.00         1395        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/gen/
 0.01  0.00         3140        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/gen/gen/
 0.06  0.00        14040       36 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/
 0.01  0.00        14910        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/e4/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/e4/bios/
 0.02  0.00        14846       13 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/e5/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00         7422        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/e5/bios/mc
 0.03  0.01        25965       15 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/e6/
 0.01  0.00         1917        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/e6/bios/
 0.02  0.00        12483        9 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/gen/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          258        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/us/gen/mo/
 0.04  0.01        17578       26 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/
 0.00  0.00          702        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/M-E/
 0.00  0.00          353        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/M-E/e2/
 0.00  0.00          355        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/M-E/gen/
 0.02  0.00         3123        9 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/
 0.00  0.00          744        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/e3/
 0.00  0.00          570        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/e4/
 0.00  0.00          874        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/e4/bios/
 0.00  0.00          971        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/e4/bios/ms
 0.01  0.00         1140        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/e5/
 0.01  0.00         3382        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00          401        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/e5/bios/ms
 0.01  0.00         1776        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/gen/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          811        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/cn/gen/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00          334        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/gen/
 0.00  0.00          599        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/gen/e3/
 0.00  0.00          279        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/il/
 0.00  0.00          368        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/il/gen/
 0.00  0.00          275        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/in/
 0.00  0.00          285        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/in/e2/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/in/e2/bios/
 0.01  0.00         1390        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/jp/
 0.01  0.00         1356        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/jp/e5/
 0.01  0.00         1436        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/jp/gen/
 0.01  0.00         1917        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/jp/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          249        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/vn/
 0.00  0.00          377        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c3/vn/e5/
 0.02  0.00         4180       10 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c4/
 0.00  0.00          556        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c4/eg/
 0.00  0.00          376        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c4/eg/e2/
 0.00  0.00          696        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c4/eg/e3/
 0.01  0.00         2093        7 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c4/gen/
 0.00  0.00         1242        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c4/gen/e3/
 0.01  0.00         2346        6 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c4/gen/gen/
 0.02  0.00         4895       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c5/
 0.01  0.00          846        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c5/au/
 0.01  0.00         1026        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c5/au/gen/
 0.01  0.00         1694        7 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c5/gen/
 0.01  0.00         3230        7 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c5/gen/gen/
 0.01  0.00         2556        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c5/gen/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00         1266        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c5/gen/gen/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00         2475        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/
 0.01  0.00         1068        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/Latin/
 0.00  0.00          294        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/Latin/e3/
 0.00  0.00          437        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/Latin/e3/bios/
 0.00  0.00          403        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/Latin/e5/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/Latin/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00          856        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/Latin/gen/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/Latin/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          242        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/pe/
 0.00  0.00          287        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/pe/gen/
 0.00  0.00          437        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/pe/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          438        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/c6/pe/gen/bios/ms
 0.08  0.01        28114       49 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/
 0.03  0.00         7136       19 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/
 0.04  0.00        11638       23 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/de/
 0.01  0.00         2110        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/gen/
 0.00  0.00          877        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/gen/bios/
 0.01  0.00         9975        7 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/gr/
 0.01  0.00         5478        6 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/it/
 0.01  0.00        13899        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/it/Emperors
 0.00  0.00          874        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/it/bios/
 0.00  0.00         2208        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c1/it/bios/ms
 0.00  0.00          720        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c3/
 0.00  0.00          353        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c3/M-E/
 0.00  0.00          482        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c4/
 0.00  0.00          752        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c4/eg/
 0.00  0.00         1642        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/c4/eg/bios/
 0.02  0.01        27335       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/gen/
 0.00  0.00         1146        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e2/gen/epi/
 0.09  0.01        33264       56 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/
 0.05  0.01        27094       31 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/
 0.10  0.05       154299       57 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/de/
 0.00  0.00         3306        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/es/
 0.01  0.00         3435        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/fr/
 0.02  0.01        17374       14 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/gb/
 0.01  0.00         4105        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/gb/bios/
 0.00  0.00          547        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/gb/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00         3506        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/gb/bios/ms
 0.01  0.00         3996        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/gen/
 0.00  0.00          350        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/ie/
 0.00  0.00         1814        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/it/
 0.00  0.00          354        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/nl/
 0.01  0.00         1047        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/no/
 0.00  0.00          355        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/su/
 0.00  0.00          524        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/tr/
 0.00  0.00          334        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c1/va/
 0.00  0.00          672        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c3/
 0.00  0.00          356        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c3/M-E/
 0.00  0.00          372        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c3/cn/
 0.00  0.00          599        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c3/gen/
 0.00  0.00          260        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c6/
 0.00  0.00          294        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c6/Latin/
 0.00  0.00          437        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c6/Latin/bios/
 0.00  0.00          531        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/c6/Latin/bios/ms
 0.01  0.01        19012        7 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/gen/
 0.00  0.00         4632        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/gen/cpet/
 0.00  0.00         1617        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/gen/cpet/15
 0.00  0.00         1113        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e3/gen/sb/
 0.08  0.01        27236       46 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/
 0.04  0.00        11412       21 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/
 0.01  0.00          861        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/at/
 0.00  0.00          437        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/at/bios/
 0.02  0.01        18681       13 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/de/
 0.01  0.00         1712        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/es/
 0.00  0.00          437        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/es/bios/
 0.00  0.00         1760        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/es/bios/ms
 0.00  0.00          806        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/fr/
 0.02  0.00         4697       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/gb/
 0.02  0.00         7389        9 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/gb/bios/
 0.01  0.00          968        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/gen/
 0.00  0.00         1098        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          794        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/gen/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00          861        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/ie/
 0.01  0.00         1740        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/ie/bios/
 0.00  0.00          587        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/ie/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00          712        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/ie/bios/ms
 0.00  0.00          584        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/su/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/su/bios/
 0.00  0.00          658        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c1/va/
 0.01  0.00          855        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c2/
 0.00  0.00          286        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c2/ca/
 0.01  0.00        11928        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c2/us/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c2/us/bios/
 0.01  0.00         1216        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c3/
 0.00  0.00          292        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c3/M-E/
 0.01  0.00          855        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c3/cn/
 0.00  0.00          874        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c3/cn/bios/
 0.00  0.00          971        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c3/cn/bios/ms
 0.00  0.00          963        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/c3/tr/
 0.01  0.00         7280        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e4/gen/
 0.19  0.02        68628      114 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/
 0.10  0.01        36295       61 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/
 0.00  0.00          672        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/be/
 0.14  0.08       273583       84 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/de/
 0.00  0.00         2264        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/de/dennis
 0.01  0.00         1218        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/fr/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/fr/bios/
 0.02  0.00         3078        9 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/gb/
 0.02  0.00         4587       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/gen/
 0.01  0.00         4926        6 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00         5226        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/gen/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00          286        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/gr/
 0.00  0.00          574        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/ie/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/ie/bios/
 0.01  0.00         4452        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c1/su/
 0.02  0.00         3135       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c2/
 0.02  0.00        12562       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c2/us/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c2/us/bios/
 0.00  0.00         7422        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c2/us/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00         2085        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/
 0.00  0.00          285        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/cn/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/cn/bios/
 0.00  0.00          287        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/gen/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          678        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/jp/
 0.00  0.00          376        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/my/
 0.00  0.00          754        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c3/vn/
 0.00  0.00          520        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c6/
 0.00  0.00          403        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c6/Latin/
 0.00  0.00          821        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/c6/Latin/bios/
 0.03  0.00        14528       16 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/gen/
 0.00  0.00         1642        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00          815        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e5/gen/bios/mc
 0.08  0.01        28740       49 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/
 0.03  0.00         8680       20 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/
 0.02  0.00         9614       13 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/de/
 0.01  0.00         2288        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/fr/
 0.01  0.00         3195        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/fr/bios/
 0.00  0.00         1487        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/fr/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00         1758        6 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/gb/
 0.01  0.00         2463        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/gb/bios/
 0.00  0.00          595        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/gb/bios/mc
 0.00  0.00          395        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/gb/bios/ms
 0.01  0.00         2140        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/gen/
 0.01  0.00         2556        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/gen/bios/
 0.00  0.00         1658        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/gen/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00         1062        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c1/su/
 0.01  0.00         2175        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c2/
 0.00  0.00          393        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c2/ca/
 0.01  0.00         8655        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c2/us/
 0.00  0.00         1278        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c2/us/bios/
 0.00  0.00          240        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c3/
 0.00  0.00          453        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c3/tr/
 0.00  0.00          514        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c5/
 0.01  0.00          984        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c5/au/
 0.00  0.00          506        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c6/
 0.00  0.00          290        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/c6/ar/
 0.01  0.00         2031        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/e6/gen/
 0.04  0.01        38220       26 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/
 0.01  0.00         3459        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/bios/
 0.01  0.00         8428        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/docs/
 0.00  0.00         4000        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/
 0.00  0.00          683        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/december/
 0.00  0.00         2169        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/december/1
 0.00  0.00          621        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/december/3/
 0.00  0.00          755        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/december/3/README
 0.00  0.00         1158        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/
 0.00  0.00          910        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/5/
 0.00  0.00          357        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/5/12/
 0.00  0.00          304        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/5/4/
 0.00  0.00          362        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/6/
 0.00  0.00          464        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/6/1/
 0.00  0.00         7493        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/7
 0.00  0.00          478        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/9/
 0.00  0.00         1602        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/9/1
 0.00  0.00         1089        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/e-srcs/welsch/9/2
 0.01  0.00         4479        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/exh/
 0.00  0.00         2830        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/ftp/
 0.01  0.00        13048        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/gophers/
 0.00  0.00         4206        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/journ/
 0.03  0.01        49875       15 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/logs/
 0.01  0.00         3318        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/misc/
 0.00  0.00          850        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/prep/
 0.00  0.00         4713        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/rest/
 0.00  0.00          620        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/revs/
 0.01  0.00         2370        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/toc/
 0.01  0.00         2328        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o1/wwws/
 0.01  0.00         7400        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/
 0.01  0.00         1173        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/0/
 0.00  0.00          526        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/0/0/
 0.00  0.00          270        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/0/0/1/
 0.00  0.00          341        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/0/0/1/09/
 0.00  0.00          374        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/2/
 0.00  0.00          304        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/2/8/
 0.00  0.00          317        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/2/8/4/
 0.00  0.00          373        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/2/8/4/09/
 0.00  0.00          743        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/3/
 0.00  0.00          803        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/3/2/
 0.00  0.00          299        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/3/2/0/
 0.00  0.00          351        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/3/2/0/9/
 0.00  0.00          186        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/4/
 0.00  0.00          448        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/7/
 0.00  0.00          528        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/7/0/
 0.00  0.00          656        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/7/0/9/
 0.01  0.00         2490        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/
 0.01  0.00         3789        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/4/
 0.00  0.00          522        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/4/fr/
 0.00  0.00          286        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/4/fr/e6/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/4/fr/e6/bios/
 0.00  0.00          576        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/4/gen/
 0.00  0.00          484        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/4/gr/
 0.00  0.00          335        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/4/gr/gen/
 0.00  0.00          462        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/7/
 0.00  0.00          390        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/7/us/
 0.00  0.00         1142        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/7/us/e5/
 0.00  0.00          639        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/9/7/us/e5/bios/
 0.00  0.00         2002        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/About/
 0.00  0.00          724        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/About/o3
 0.00  0.00         1368        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o2/About/why
 0.08  0.02        73755       45 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/
 0.01  0.00         3072        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/0/
 0.00  0.00         1986        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/0/000/
 0.00  0.00          441        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/01/
 0.02  0.00         4600       10 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/02/
 0.01  0.00         5180        7 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/02/00/
 0.01  0.00         1911        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/02/00/bios/
 0.00  0.00          296        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/02/20/
 0.00  0.00         1082        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/03/
 0.00  0.00         1724        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/03/40/
 0.01  0.00         1152        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/04/
 0.00  0.00          865        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/04/00/
 0.00  0.00          637        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/04/00/bios/
 0.00  0.00          864        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/04/00/sb/
 0.00  0.00         1016        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/05/
 0.00  0.00          576        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/05/00/
 0.00  0.00          430        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/05/10/
 0.00  0.00          287        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/05/11/
 0.00  0.00          637        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/05/11/bios/
 0.00  0.00          310        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/05/25/
 0.01  0.00         1971        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/06/
 0.00  0.00         3414        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/06/00/
 0.00  0.00          672        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/08/
 0.00  0.00          826        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/10/
 0.00  0.00          860        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/11/
 0.00  0.00         3860        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/11/00/
 0.01  0.00         1398        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/12/
 0.01  0.00        14770        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/12/00/
 0.00  0.00        14325        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/12/00/unihist/
 0.02  0.00         5885       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/14/
 0.01  0.00         3291        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/14/00/
 0.01  0.00         3668        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/14/05/
 0.01  0.00         1911        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/14/05/bios/
 0.00  0.00         2228        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/14/05/bios/mc
 0.01  0.00          921        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/14/60/
 0.00  0.00          429        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/14/70/
 0.00  0.00          399        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/15/
 0.00  0.00          806        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/15/00/
 0.01  0.00         1596        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/17/
 0.00  0.00         1730        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/17/00/
 0.00  0.00          561        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/17/35/
 0.00  0.00          637        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/17/35/bios/
 0.00  0.00          611        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/17/55/
 0.01  0.00         1664        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/18/
 0.01  0.00         9330        5 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/18/00/
 0.00  0.00         1225        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/18/05/
 0.00  0.00         2776        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/README
 0.00  0.00          840        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/cons/
 0.00  0.00         2848        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/cons/cool/
 0.03  0.01        21204       18 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/genea/
 0.01  0.00         2979        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/genea/keil
 0.00  0.00          513        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/hiwi/
 0.00  0.00          770        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o3/palaeo/
 0.02  0.00         4920       10 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/
 0.01  0.00         7040        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/
 0.00  0.00          428        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/be/
 1.64  0.87      2957364      980 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/
 0.02  0.00         9208       11 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/SB/
 0.03  0.00         7093       17 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/ba/
 0.06  0.00        16437       34 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/bi/
 0.03  0.00         6060       20 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/bt/
 0.02  0.02        68490        9 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/bt/vorl/
 0.01  0.00         2344        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/c/
 0.04  0.01        31559       25 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/er/
 0.07  0.00        14880       42 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/
 0.03  0.01        31488       16 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/
 0.00  0.00         3496        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/11
 0.00  0.00         3496        1 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/14
 0.01  0.00         3296        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/16/
 0.00  0.00        10544        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/16/1
 0.01  0.02        76398        6 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/16/README
 0.00  0.00         4836        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/2
 0.00  0.00        14902        2 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/25
 0.01  0.01        19434        3 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/28
 0.01  0.01        30796        4 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/go/jfb/9
 0.01  0.00         3128        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/kn/
 0.02  0.00         3172       13 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/ko/
 0.01  0.00        15386        7 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/ko/vorl/
 0.01  0.00         2488        8 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/ks/
 0.08  0.00        15840       48 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/l/
 0.03  0.00         5968       16 | /subject/hd/fak7/hist/o4/c1/de/ma/
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