(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
From bios.history
Garcia-Serrano, Francisco J.
Institution: U.California--Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
4105 Montgomery St, #14
Oakland, Ca 94611
(415) 5476-8869
Fields: Medieval Europe (especially Spain) and Colonial Latin
Nelson, Lynn Harry
lhnelson at ukanvm.bitnet
University of Kansas
Department of History, 3001 Wescoe Hall, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, Kansas, USA 66045-2103
(913) 864-3569
Born: Harvey IL 21 September 1931; A.B. University of Chicago
1948-1950; US Army 1952-1954; Land Surveyor, Texas, 1954-1956;
B.A. University
of Texas 1956-1958; Ph.D. University of Texas 1963; University of
Kansas 1963- ; Full Professor 1973- .
Medieval Social and Economic History, particularly the Kingdom of
Aragon. Currently working on the 12th-century middle class of
Huesca, Western Europe 1190-1200, analysis of medieval texts.
Garcia-Serrano, Francisco J.
Institution: U.California--Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
4105 Montgomery St, #14
Oakland, Ca 94611
(415) 5476-8869
Fields: Medieval Europe (especially Spain) and Colonial Latin America.