hide random home http://www.urz.uni-heidelberg.de/subject/hd/fak7/hist/c1/gb/gen/bios/mc (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

From Int. E-Mail Directory of Historians (by M. McCarthy) Great Britain General #:40-GBR-000-0000 Dell, C. , #:159 Kansas City, MO 64110 USA (816) 444-7765 Bitnet CDELL@UMKCVAX1 University of Missouri, Kansas City Department of History Great Britain Local Government #:40-GBR-000-0315 Currie, Christopher R. J., Ph.D. #:6 London, WC1E 7HU United Kingdom JANET THRA004@UK.AC.ULCC.CMS University of London Inst. of Historical Research Great Britain General Royalty #:40-GBR-000-0330 Gilliam, Elizabeth Anne, B.A. #:179 535 Rosemont Garden Lexington, KY 40503 USA Internet BEE@MS.UKY.EDU Bitnet BEE@UKMA.BITNET UUCP UMKA!BEE University of Kentucky French Department Great Britain General Architecture #:40-GBR-000-1735 Currie, Christopher R. J., Ph.D. #:6 London, WC1E 7HU United Kingdom JANET THRA004@UK.AC.ULCC.CMS University of London Inst. of Historical Research