hide random home http://www.urz.uni-heidelberg.de/subject/hd/fak7/hist/c2/ca/e6/bios/ms (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

From bios.history Bloomfield, Elizabeth GEOEPB@VM.UoGuelph.CA (general) Research interests: 1. Canadian Industry in 1871 (CANIND71) project, creating and using a large mainframe database from over 45,000 industrial establishments enumerated in the First Census of Canada. The project began in mid-1982 and we expect to be making the final database and manual available to users in various disciplines in early 1991. 2. Computer mapping, including digitizing of historical boundaries and thematic mapping of wide range of variables, including those in the CANIND71 database. 3. Bibliographic and archival inventory and description to enhance subject for regional history. Bouchard, Gerard Bouchard@Quebec Academic status: professeur a l'UQAC Phone number: 418-545-5517 Surface adress: Sorep, 555 boul. de l'Universite, Chicoutimi (Quebec) G7H 2B1 Research interests: histoire sociale et demographie historique de la population du Saguenay 1842-1971 De Brou, David t11debrou@sask.usask.ca debrou@sask.usask.ca Academic status: Asst. Prof., History Department, University of Saskatchewan Phone number (optional): (306) 966-5795 Surface address: History Department, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK S7N 0W0 Research: Saskatchewan Population Project, 1881-1891; Mass Political Behaviour in Upper-Town Quebec, 1792-1836 Inwood, Kris E. ecnkris@uoguelph Academic status: Assistant Professor Phone number (optional): 519-824-4120 x3536 Surface address: Economics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. N1G 2W1 Research interests: manufacturing in Canada, 1850-1900