(Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)
From bios.history
Cocks, James
Userid@nodeid: JACOCK01@ULKYVM
Institution: University of Louisville
Address: South Computer Center, Louisville, KY 40292
Phone: (502) 588-6303
A.B. Franklin College of Indiana
M.A. Indiana State University - Physical Chemistry
Senior Consultant for Supercomputing, BITNET/Internet
Manager of administrative software development
Administrative software programmer
Physics - condensed matter research
Early, Middle, and New Kingdom Egyptian history
Sumerian history
Pre Maoist Chinese history
Cycad and palm flora.
Music all kinds or almost all kinds
Cocks, Jim
Userid@nodeid: JACOCK01@ULKYVM
Institution: University of Louisville
Address: Louisville, KY USA 40292
Phone: (502) 588-6303
A.B. Chemistry, Franklin College, Franklin, Indiana USA
M.S. Physical Chemistry, Indiana State University, Terre Haute,
Indiana USA
Administrative computing (programmer to manager development) 1973
- 1989.
Academic computing consultant for supercomputing and electronic mail
1989 - present.
Interests: Mythology, Ancient cultures particularly Egypt, India