hide random home http://www.vetmed.fu-berlin.de/english/library.html (Einblicke ins Internet, 10/1995)

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Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin / Germany
Phone: +49 30 838 - 3512
Fax: +49 30 838 - 3112
e-mail library@early.vetmed.fu-berlin.de
(German Interlibrary Loan Institution Code 188/846)

Opening Hours


Mo, Tue, Thu, Fr  9.00 am thru 6.30 pm

Wedn              9.00 am thru 8.00 pm

during vacations

Mo, Tue, Thu      9.00 am thru 4.30 pm

Wedn              8.30 am thru 6.00 pm

Fr                8.30 am thru 3.00 pm


include some 120.000 volumes and approx. 750 current serials. The library collects literature in all areas of veterinary science and related fields and provides textbooks, audiovisuals and research literature required for pre-clinical and clinical medical training. Special literature may be located elsewhere; the catalog of the library contains the holdings of the entire faculty.
Literature searches in CABI databases as VET-CD, BEAST-CD, (printed versions of which are for example: Animal Disease Occurrence, Dairy Science Abstracts, Helminthological Abstracts, Index of Current Research on Pigs, Index Veterinarius, Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews, Veterinary Bulletin) and Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA) can be carried out.


oCurrent publications of our faculty(german)
oOur OPAC (Open Public Acces Catalog) contains the holdings of the faculty since 1990 (sometimes you will find literature with dates of publication before 1990 because of retrospective conversion of the card catalog). Additionally it offers the abstracts of theses (obtained from OCR).
oAfter your search in our OPAC you may want to download some abstracts of theses. If you have other ideas on how they should be presented, please let us know.
oRare books(german)

Other Online Catalogues

oTierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (TiHo)

oA wide list of veterinary libraries has been collected by Ken Ladd.

Online Publications at other Universities

oJournal of Biological Chemistry at the University of Stanford

oJournal of Veterinary Medical Education - Official Publication of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges


Language Alternative

Wir bieten unsere Seiten auch weitestgehend in deutsch an.


www@www.vetmed.fu-berlin.de on March 3rd 1995