The Future of the CFHT

The next CFHT Users Meeting in Lyon, France (15-17 May 1995) is devoted to the near and long-term future of the CFHT. In order to facilitate discussion at this meeting, the CFHT SAC would like to solicit opinions at this time from members of the Canadian and French communities along these lines. Comments will be compiled and presented by a SAC member from each nation at the meeting.

To this end, the CFHT and SAC have produced a document which is accessible via the CFHT Home Page on the World Wide Web (WWW). In this document, users are provided with SAC's specific concerns (see below) and are instructed in how to leave comments or how to browse through the comments which have already been left. Information about the upcoming Users Meeting is also contained in this document, and will also be promulgated separately via the CASCA e-mail exploder early in 1995.

OIRAC has established a listserver service in conjunction with the CADC in order to discuss the CFHT's future in a somewhat broader context. The SAC strongly encourages the Canadian user community to participate in this opinion survey, either through the CFHT (via the WWW) or the CADC. Comments from both services will be presented at the Users Meeting.

For those who wish to use the CFHT service, recall that the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) for the CFHT's Home Page on the WWW is:

A portion of the CFHT (html) document containing SAC's specific concerns follows: "[SAC is] interested in determining scientific programs as well as corresponding modes of operation and instrumentation in which the CFHT could be competitive with the next generation of 8-m class telescopes that will be in operation by the end of this decade."

Canadian users who who would like to express their opinions on the these matters may send e-mail to Private comments to the SAC may be directed to

M. De Robertis, CFHT SAC

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