Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun
Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun
July 3 - 7, 1995
Barcelona, Spain
It has been 10 years since the last meeting
devoted to stellar radio emission (Radio Stars:
Boulder, Colorado, 1984). Since that time there
have been major observational advances in
this field. The number of stars and classes
of stars that are known to be sources of
radio emission have increased dramatically.
We are now able to image radio emission from
stellar sources at resolution and sensitivity that
was impossible 10 years ago. Moreover, there
have been new and exciting results in both
continuum and spectral line, arising from new
telescopes operating at millimeter and
submillimeter wavelengths. These data have
revealed new phenomena associated with
stars and have yielded new observational data
on previously known phenomena. It is time to
synthesize this rich and powerful set of new
radio observations; to bring together workers
in this field and to help turn this data into
new theories and insights into the processes
giving rise to stellar radio emission.
At the same time that major advances have
been made in observations of radio stars, the
study of solar radio emission has been making
tremendous strides, particularly in the area
of active phenomena. Observational
highlights include i) results from the new
Japanese radioheliograph; ii) joint microwave
soft X-ray, and hard X-ray imaging of solar
flares by the VLA, the Japanese
radioheliograph, and YOHKOH; iii) high-time
resolution imaging of dynamical phenomena;
iv) joint continuum imaging and spectroscopy
of decimetric phenomena; v) broadband
microwave imaging spectroscopy; vi) mapping
at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths.
Solar and stellar radio astronomers have
traditionally worked as two separate
communities. Given the significant advances in
each area, we have an excellent opportunity
to foster cross-fertilization between the two
disciplines. One of the goals of this meeting is
to bring these two communities together to
explore those areas of astrophysics in
common and to study the solar-stellar
The meeting will take place from 3 to 7 July at
the University of Barcelona.
- Radio Emission from Circumstellar Envelopes
- Novae and Cataclysmic Variables
- X-ray Binaries
- Supernovae
- Radio Activity from Stars
- The Active Sun
- The Quiet Sun
- The Solar-Stellar Connection
Meeting structure
The present meeting will consist mainly of
invited talks and poster contributions. A limited
number of oral contributions will be scheduled.
Particular time slots for poster discussion will
also be allocated.
Financial Assistance
A limited number of travel assistance grants
will be allocated by decision of the Scientific
Organizing Committee. Priority will be given to
students and young scientists, specially from
developing countries.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
- T. Bastian (USA)
- S. Enome (Japan)
- R. Hjellming (USA)
- J.F. Lestrade (France)
- M. Massi (Italy)
- J.M. Paredes (Spain)
- B. Phillips (USA)
- L.F. Rodriguez (Mexico)
- E. Seaquist (Canada)
- R. Spencer (UK)
- R. Strom (The Netherlands)
- A.R. Taylor (Canada, Chair)
- R. Vermeulen (USA)
Local Organizing Committee :
- G. Anglada (Universitat de Barcelona)
- R. Estalella (Universitat de Barcelona)
- J. Marti (Universitat de Barcelona)
- J.M. Paredes (Universitat de Barcelona,
- M. Peracaula (Universitat de Barcelona)
- A. Rius (CSIC - INTA)
Conference Proceedings:
Invited talks and contributions (oral and poster)
will be published as a Proceedings book.
- Comissio Interdepartamental de Recerca i
- Innovacio Tecnologica (CIRIT)
- Community of European Solar Radio
- Astronomers (CESRA)
- Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Practical Information
Dates: July 3 - 7, 1995
Location : Facultat de Fisica, Universitat
de Barcelona, Av. Diagonal 647,
E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
Registration fee : 23000 Pesetas (about
US$175) for early registration
26000 Pesetas (about
US$200) for late registration (upon arrival)
The fee includes a copy of the Proceedings
Accomodations : There are several hotels
within walking distance of the conference
center with prices in the range of US$45
(Single), US$54 (Double) for a ** hotel.
Relatively inexpensive accomodation will be
available in students rooms.
Calendar : March 1st 1995 : second
June 1st 1995 : deadline for
early registration and
submission of abstracts
Contact e-mail address :
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Pierre Bergeron
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