Our Trip to New York
Just The Facts
- Dates: November 7th to 12th
- Where: Manhatten, New York, NY
- Hotel: Hotel Wellington
- Weather: Great
This summer, my wife (Susan) and I made the fiscally irresponsible
decision to spend a week in New York, specifically Manhattan. This
decision was spurred on by the fact that I had a bunch of travel
miles stored up and there was a sale, and by the fact that both
my wife and I have a bit of a travel bug. Why Manhattan? Well,
it wasn't our first choice, I'll admit that. We first wanted to go
to New Orleans, but as the airline in question (Air Canada)
doesn't fly there, we couldn't either. We looked at a number
of other options to get to New Orleans, but decided that they would
strain our budget much to far. It turns out that the was
We could, however, fly directly to New York. Susan has wanted to
get me out to New York (and pretty much everywhere else) for some
time, so New York it became.
Now, I tried to write out an essay regarding this trip, but this
became unwieldy quickly. So, instead, I have split things up into
different topics, some of which may overlap. Choose, and enjoy.
(My apologies for not having more graphics here. We took more than
enough pictures, but I have only sporadic access to a scanner).
If you are interested in some "Virtual Tourist" information on
New York, check out the Paperless
Guide to New York City. It looks like one of
the better sites I've seen.
Any suggestions/comments welcome:
Brad Wallace (brad@ras.ucalgary.ca)