<img ALIGN=BOTTOM src="/view-einblicke_n/http://bear.ras.ucalgary.ca/glen_home_page/radast/user/_4440_tex2html_wrap1788.gif">-<img ALIGN=BOTTOM src="/view-einblicke_n/http://bear.ras.ucalgary.ca/glen_home_page/radast/user/_4440_tex2html_wrap1876.gif"> Coverage Plot

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- Coverage Plot

The - coverage Postscript output plot conforms closely to the on-screen display, although the layout is slightly different. All of the on-screen parameters, such as the list of ground VLBI stations and the mode in which the plot was created (i.e., pointing constraints on or off, total intensity or polarization coverage) have been included, as well as the orbital elements of the observation epoch.

for a RADIOASTRON plot see Figure gif on p. gif and for a VSOP plot see Figure gif on p. gif

Glen Young
Thu May 18 15:05:17 MDT 1995