Screen Displays of the PI Software Package

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Screen Displays of the PI Software Package

This section includes plots of the display's found in the PI Software Package. Each of these plots were screen captured from the actual PC screen display and saved as a TIFF file then converted to a color reversed grayscale Encapsulated postscript file. All PC screen displays are shown.

Figure: Initial Allsky Display

Figure: Allsky Display after plotting is done.

Figure: Allsky `F1' Setup screen.

Figure: Ground Display

Figure: UVPLOT Display

Figure: UVPLOT:Station Selection Display

Figure: UVPLOT:Satellite Uptime Display

Figure: UVPLOT:Signal to Noise Display

Figure: UVPLOT:Rotation Angles Display

Figure: UVPLOT:Satellite Parameters Display

Figure: UVPLOT:Source Model Display

Glen Young
Thu May 18 15:05:17 MDT 1995