People involved in Radio Astronomy:

What's New

Radio Astronomy: Visons for the 21st Century - Report of the Scientific Organizing Committee to the National Research Council

The text of this report is now available in both html format and as a postscript file. (Jan. 12/95)

Second Announement: Feb. 27, 1995

Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun
July 3 - 7, 1995
Barcelona, Spain
LaTeX version of the 2nd announcement.
Postscript version of the 2nd announement.

The University of Calgary is a major Canadian center for radio astronomy research. The Department of Physics and Astronomy maintains a close relationship with the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, located within a days drive in the mountains of British Columbia. Opportunity exists to use this facility , which consists of a seven element aperture synthesis array plus a 26 meter single dish antenna. In addition, faculty and graduate students make frequent use of other major international radio observatories, including the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope on Mauna Kea Hawaii, the Very Large Array in New Mexico, the MERLIN array at Jodrell Bank in the UK, the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope in the Netherlands, the Australia Telescope, and European and North American Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) Networks. Computing facilities available in the Radio Astronomy Laboratory include Data General Aviions workstations, a Sun SPARCstation IPX, and a plethora of IBM compatible personal computers connected by ethernet.

Radio astronomy reserch carried out at the University of Calgary is primarily in the area of stellar and other Galactic radio emission. The interests of the members of the lab include, but are not limited to

For more information on the Radio Astronomy Laboratory and the the ongoing research contact either the people listed in the relevant sections, or Russ Taylor ( Both the Infrared astronomy group and the X-ray astronomy group are also involved with radio astronomy at the University of Calgary. For further information on this please refer to their respective Web pages.

Publications of the Radio Astronomy Laboratory.

A list of useful WWW links can be found here.

Brad Wallace:

Glen Young;