We've been working on stateless ordering for a while. Until that comes into play, you can order by forms or by email.
Whichever method you choose, we'll get back to you, promptly, by email and confirm your order. We'll give you the total costs on your order, including shipping, and we'll tell you if anything can't be shipped right away.
There's nothing simpler than a form. Just make your selection of merchandise and fill out all the information requested, including a valid email address. In every one of our forms, there's a text box you can fill out called Special Arrangements. If there are details you want to tell us or have taken care of -- how you're going to give us credit card information, special handling instructions, or if you'd like silent order execution -- write them down there.
Museum Graphics Note Card A-123, Sunny Evenings at Yosemite, $1.50
Thomas Keneally, Schindler's List, paper, Simon and Schuster, $12.00, 0-671-88031-4to your e-mail program.
2. Add your personal information, including your permanent shipping address, your valid email address, telephone/fax number(s), payment and shipping information. Here's a template which lists all the things we'd like to know. Copy it right now to your email program's editing buffer, so that all you have to do is to fill it out, add your selections, and you'll be set.
3. Send your email message to books@uci.edu. If you're including credit card information, you might consider encrypting it first.
If you'd like to order something not listed on this server, no problem. We're an academic bookstore. We can handle it. Just email us with the author and title -- an ISBN number would help, if you had it -- or, if it's a compact disk, the artist, title and label, plus the information requested above. We'll write right back, and tell you what's up.
We hope this kind of correspondence is valuable to you. We think that it will allow our personality, as a bookstore, to come through. You can write and ask us what the weather is in Southern California. We'll tell you: sunny.
Tel: (800) 829-BOOK or (714) 824-BOOK
Fax: (714) 824-8545
Email: books@uci.edu