The LooPo Project

The LooPo project is located at the group of Prof. Christian Lengauer, PhD. at the University of Passau . Its purpose is to develop a tool implementing the theory of loop parallelization in the polytope model. The first phase implements the parallelization of nested FOR loops [Loop Parallelization in the Polytope Model].

The second phase is due to start in mid 1995 and will give LooPo the capability of dealing with WHILE loops in the loop nest [On the Space-Time Mapping of WHILE-Loops].

With Martin Griebl as the supervisor, up to now, seven students have been involved in the implementation of different modules. The LooPo team can be contacted by email at

Since the first phase has not yet been completed there is no public version available. The first release is due in spring 1995 and will contain the complete source code of LooPo, written in C++, with a frontend in TCL/TK. The LooPo project will only use freely available software to enable a widespread use. LooPo runs on Sun workstations under SunOS 4.1.3 and Solaris 2.3 as well as PC's under Linux and should be quite portable.

More information is (will be) available about:

Nils Ellmenreich, 18.12.94, Martin Griebl, 18.01.95