JOVE Awards for Academic Year
- J. Aber (Emporia State College) "Remote Sensing and Field Investigations of Glaciotectonics in
Poland," Fulbright Foundation, $22,040.
- J. Aber (Emporia State College) "Chert Gravel Sources and Reources/Hydrology, Transport and
Deposition of Chert Gravel in the Lower Neosho Drainage Basin, Southeastern Kansas," Kansas
Department of Wildlife and Parks, $14,496.
- C. Almy (Guilford College) "Fault Structure and Earthquake Potential of the Lajas Valley,
Puerto Rico," USGS, $63,700.
- B. Bennett (Arkansas State University) "Software Evaluation of GIS Package," University of
Arkansas Agriculture Extension Soil Testing Lab, $2,700.
- B. Bennett (Arkansas State University) "Vegetation Map of Blackswamp Wildlife Management
Area in Arkansas," Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, $2,000.
- J. P. Caillault (University of Georgia) "An X-Ray Search for PMS Stars in High Latitiude
Molecular Clouds," NASA/ADP, $47,000.
- J. P. Caillault (University of Georgia) "Open Clusters as Laboratories: The Angular Momentum
Evolution of Young Stars," NASA/LTSA, $68,097.
- J. P. Caillault (University of Georgia) "Stellar X-Ray Variability in the Orion Nebula Region,"
NASA/ROSAT, $29,600.
- J. Catanzarite (Cypress College) "The Extragalactic Distance Scale," NSF, $12,500.
- W. Chren (Grand Valley State University) "Traffic Generation Test IC for Fast Packet Switch,"
State of Michigan Research Excellence Fund, $30,000.
- R. Clark (New Mexico Highlands University) "Alliance for Nonlinear Optics,"
NASA/Institutional Research Award, $3,376,818.
- R. Clark (New Mexico Highlands University) "Synthesis and Preparation of Phthalocyanine
Thin Films for Nonlinear Optics," NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, $298,000.
- M. Colgan (University of Charleston) "Coastal Change and GIS," USGS, $47,015.
- P. Dustan (University of Charleston) "Bio-Optical Studies of Coral Reefs: Active: Passive
Spectroscopy of Coral Reef Organisms," Caribbean Marine Research Center, $5,855.
- P. Dustan (University of Charleston) "Impact of Watershed Drainage on Estuarine Ecology and
Phytoplankton," Charleston Harbor Project, $29,637.
- P. Dustan (University of Charleston) "Quantifying Coral Reef Pigmentation by Fluorescence
Spectroscopy," NOAA Global Programs, $154,163.
- B. Engelken (Arkansas State University) "Laser-Based Access System for the Disabled,"
National Institutes of Health (through InvoTek, Inc.), $86,474.
- J. Gong (Southeast Missouri State University) "Synthesis and Reactivity Studies of Lanthanide
Carbon Dioxide Complexes, Thin Film Photovoltaic Program," NASA/Lewis Research Center,
- F. Grosse (Susquehanna University) "Continuation of NASA Research for F. Grosse," Universal
Suppliers, $1,000.
- J. Hakkila (Mankato State University) "Additional Models of Gamma-Ray Burst Spatial and
Luminosity Distributions from BATSE Observations," National Research Council Senior Fellowship,
- J. Hakkila (Mankato State University) "Further Models of the Spatial and Luminosity
Distribution of BATSE Gamma- Ray Bursts," NASA/Compton Gamma Ray Observatory Guest
Investigator, $50,962.
- R. Hammond (North Dakota State University) "Modern Optics," National Science Foundation,
- R. Hammond (North Dakota State University) "New Gravitation and Spin Interactions," NASA,
- D. Helder (South Dakota State University) "Relative Radiometric Calibration of the Landsat
Archive, Year 2," U.S. Geological Survey, $66,365.
- E. Hill (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) "Automatic Crack Detection and Classification
in Complex Structures," NSF, $15,500.
- B. Hrivnak (Valparaiso University) "A Study of Post AGB Stars Among IRAS 25µ Peakers,"
NASA, $69,000.
- B. Hrivnak (Valparaiso University) "An Observational Study of Post AGB Transitional
Objects," NSF, $112,000.
- H. M. Ierkic (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez) "Development of a Center for Tropical
Atmospheric Sciences in Puerto Rico," NASA/EPSCOR, $3,000,000.
- H. M. Ierkic (University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez) "Processing of (Radar) Lower Atmosphere
Data Collaboration with Space Antenna Radar System," NSF, $6,000.
- M. L. Illingsworth (Rochester Institute of Technology) "Inorganic-Polyimide Synthesis,
Improving the Resistance of Polyimides to Atomic Oxygen," Olin Charitable Trust, $3,000.
- J. Kineke (Centre College) "Development of Software for High Speed Analysis of Solar
Magnetic Field Data," NASA, $7,500.
- R. Kozlowski (Susquehanna University) "Imaging and Spectroscopy of Waves in the Jovian
Stratosphere," NSF, $143,892.
- D. Kurtze (North Dakota State University) "Noise and Dynamical Pattern Selection in
Solidification," NASA, $80,000.
- W. Lewis (St. John Fisher College) "Scattering and Fluorescence Studies of Massive X-Ray
Binaries," NASA, $10,000.
- A. Leyderman (University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez) "Organic and Polymer Films for NLO
Application," NASA OMU Program Office, $140,000.
- A. Leyderman (University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez) "PG Method of Thin Films and Bulk
Crystals Growth," NASA Minority Institution Programs, $250,000.
- J. Mantovani (Florida Institute of Technology) "Reduced Dimensionality Photovoltaic
Materials," Southeastern Universities Research Association, $5,730.
- Z. Ninkov (Rochester Institute of Technology) "Filter Set for Astronomy," Fund for
Astrophysical Research, $1,700.
- Z. Ninkov (Rochester Institute of Technology) "Video Based Tunable Multispectral Camera
Design Concept," Eastman Kodak Subcontract, $14,000.
- R. Quigley (Western Washington University) "Undergraduate Astronomical Imaging
Laboratory," National Science Foundation/Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement (ILI),
- J. Richie (Marquette University) "Research Experiences for Electrical Engineering
Undergraduates," National Science Foundation, $68,470.
- G. Rochon (Dillard University) "The Impact of Urban Generated Pollution on Global Change,"
USDA Forest Service Southern Global Change Program, $15,000.
- S. Schiller (South Dakota State University) "A Portable Ground-Based Atmospheric Monitoring
System (PGAMS) for Correcting Atmospheric Effects in Visible and Near IR Remote Imagery of the
Earth's Surface," NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center Director's Discretionary Fund, $106,800.
- S. Schiller (South Dakota State University) "Atmospheric Correction of Landsat TM Images and
Its Application for Absolute Calibration Using the Reflectance-Based Method," EROS Data
Center/U.S. Geological Survey, $20,275.
- J. W. Sheldon (Florida International University) "Scattering of Metastable Atoms," NASA HQ
Minority University Program Office, $212,286.
- B. Spall (University of South Alabama) "Center for Computational Mechanics," Nichols
Research, $30,000.
- A. Sustich (Arkansas State University) "Gamma Ray Emissions from Binary Pulsar Systems,"
Arkansas Science Information Liaison Office, $1,927.
- D. Vaughn (Weber State University) "Laboratory Development for Applied Geospatial
Analysis," National Science Foundation/ Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement (ILI),
- T. Viswanathan (University of Arkansas at Little Rock) "Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET)
Depolymerization of Functionalized Furan-based Polymers," National Science Foundation, $8,000.
- J. R. Webb (Florida International University) "Blazar AGN as Targets of Opportunity," NASA,
- J. R. Webb (Florida International University) "Investigation of High Energy Gamma-Ray
Emission from AGNs, a Deep Exposure in the Virgo Region," NASA, $150,000.
- J. R. Webb (Florida International University) "Understanding Blazar Emissions," NASA,
- F. Zypman (University of Puerto Rico at Humacao) "Surface States in Semiconductors," NSF-
AMP, $14,000.
- J. P. Caillault (University of Georgia) "An EINSTEIN Survey of the 1 keV Soft X-Ray
Background in the Galactic Plane," The Astrophysical Journal, 1994.
- W. Chren (Grand Valley State University) "Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis Using the
Residue Number System," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital
Processing, 1994.
- R. Clark (New Mexico Highlands University) "Polishing Substitutes," Photonics Spectra, 28 (4),
72 (1994).
- R. Clark (New Mexico Highlands University) B. C. Lux, R. D. Clark, A. Salazar, L. K. Sveum,
and M. A. Krebs, "Aerosol Generation of Lanthanum Aluminate," Journal of the American Ceramics
Society, 76 (10), 2669-2672 (1993).
- M. Colgan (University of Charleston) "Eastern Pacific Climate Variability Since 1600 A.D.:
Stable Isotopes in Galapagos Corals," Paleooceanography, 1993.
- E. D. Elder (Georgia Southwestern College) "Utilization of Organic N-Halamine Disinfectants
Against Legionella Pneumophila," Georgia Journal of Science, 51: 173-181.
- S. L. Frye (University of Northern Colorado) "Energy Intake, Body Weight, and Lean Body
Mass are Maintained in Healthy, Active Women Consuming a U.S. Space Shuttle Diet," Journal of
the American Dietic Association, 1994.
- P. L. Gonthier ( Hope College) "General Relativistic Corrections in the Gamma-Ray Emissions
from Pulsars," The Astrophysical Journal, April 1994.
- F. Grosse (Susquehanna University) "An Upper Limit on Neutral Calcium in Mercury's
Atmosphere," ICARUS, 1993.
- J. Hakkila (Mankato State University) J. Hakkila, Charles A. Meegan, Geoffrey N. Pendleton,
Gerald J. Fishman, Robert B. Wilson, William S. Paciesas, Martin N. Brock, John M. Horack,
"Constraints on Galactic Distributions of Gamma-Ray Burst Sources from BATSE Observations,"
The Astrophysical Journal, 422: 659-670, February 20, 1994.
- R. Hammond (North Dakota State University) "Spin, Torsion, Forces," General Relativity and
Gravitation, 26, 247 (1994).
- R. Hammond (North Dakota State University) "Nonlinear Quantum Equation from Curved
Space," Physics Letters A, 184, 409 (1994).
- E. Hill (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) "Neural Network Prediction of Aluminum-
Lithium Weld Strengths from Acoustic Emission Amplitude Data," Materials Evaluation, 1993.
- B. Hrivnak (Valparaiso University) "Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Protoplanetary Nebulae,"
Astrophysical Journal, January 1994.
- R. Kozlowski (Susquehanna University) "An Upper Limit on Neutral Calcium in Mercury's
Atmosphere," ICARUS, 1993.
- R. Kozlowski (Susquehanna University) "Moon Based Global Field Airglow: For Artimus or
any Common Lunar Lander," Advances in Space Research, 1994.
- D. Kurtze (North Dakota State University) and Daniel C. Hong, "Tip Dynamics in Saffman-
Taylor Fracture," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 71, No. 6, 847 (1993).
- G. Love, "Factors That Motivated Students Into Areas of Science and Engineering Technology,"
ASEE Press, 1994.
- T. Marston (Drake University) A. P. Marston, Y.-H. Chu, and G. Garcia-Segura, "A Survey of
Nebulae Around Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Southern Sky I," The Astrophysical Journal
Supplement, July 1994.
- Z. Ninkov (Rochester Institute of Technology) "A Near Stellar Occultations by P/Grigg-
Skjellerup," Astronomical Journal, March 1994.
- R. Nusbaum (University of Charleston) "The Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes Along
the East African Rift System," Episodes, 1994.
- B. Pasken (Parks College of St. Louis University) Robert Pasken, Y. J. Lin, and H. W. Chang,
"The Structure of a Subtropical Prefrontal Convective Rain-Band. Part II: Dynamic and
Thermodynamic Structures and Momentum Budgets," Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 121, 1671-
1687, June 1993.
- J. Perez (Auburn University) Chao Liu, J. D. Perez, T. E. Moore, C. R. Chappell, "Low Energy
Particle Signature of Substorm Dipolarization," Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 21, No. 3, 229-
232, February 1, 1994.
- J. Perez (Auburn University) Chao Liu, J. D. Perez, T. E. Moore, C. R. Chappell, J. A. Slavin,
"Fine Structure of Low-energy H+ in the Nightside Auroral Region," Journal of Geophysical
Research, Vol. 99, No. A3, 4131-4141, March 1, 1994.
- G. Rochon (Dillard University) "Remote Monitoring of Old Growth Cypress for Global Change
Research," Earth Observation, 1993.
- J. Sanny (Loyola Marymount University) Jeff Sanny, R. L. McPherron, C. T. Russell, D. N.
Baker, T. I. Pulkkinen, and A. Nishida, "Growth-Phase Thinning of the Near-Earth Current Sheet
During the CDAW 6 Substorm," Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 5805-5816, 1994.
- M. Scanlon (Fairmont State College) "Absolute Rate Constants For the Reactions of F(²P) with
C2H2 and C2H4 at T = 298 K," Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1994.
- M. Scanlon (Fairmont State College) "HOBr Kinetics: Reactions of Halogen Atoms, Oxygen
Atoms, Nitrogen Atoms, and Nitric Oxide with HOBr," Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1993.
- M. Scanlon (Fairmont State College) "The Kinetics of the Formation of Nitrile Compounds in
the Atmospheres of Titan and Neptune," Journal of Geophysical Research, 1993.
- J. W. Sheldon (Florida International University) "High-Voltage Electron Collection by a
Spherical Satellite," Journal of Geophysical Research, April 1994.
- B. Spall (University of South Alabama) "The Effect of Adverse Pressure Gradients on the
Viscous Stability of Longitudinal Vortices," AIAA Journal, Vol. 32, No. 4, April 1994.
- W. Taylor (New Mexico Highlands University) "A Fuzzy Logic Controller For A Controlled
Ecological Life Support System," Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 1994.
- A. Ungar (North Dakota State University) "The Abstract Complex Lorentz Transformation
Group with Real Metric. I. Special Relativity Formalism to Deal with the Holomorphic
Automorphism Group of the Unit Ball in any Complex Hilbert Space," Journal of Mathematical
Physics, 35 (3), 1408-1425, March 1994.
- A. Ungar (North Dakota State University) "The Abstract Complex Lorentz Transformation
Group with Real Metric. II. The Invariance Group of the Form |t|² -||x||²," Journal of Mathematical
Physics, 35 (4), 1881-1913, April 1994.
- W. V. Van Hamme (Florida International University) "Binary Star Radial Velocities Weighted
by Line Strength," Memorie Soc. Astron. Ital., in press.
- W. V. Van Hamme (Florida International University) "New Limb-Darkening Coefficients for
Modeling Binary Star Light Curves," Astronomical Journal, 1993.
- W. V. Van Hamme (Florida International University) "Surface Imaging of Late-type Contact
Binaries I: AE Phoenicis and YY Eridani," Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press.
- W. V. Van Hamme (Florida International University) "The Two Variables in the Triple System
HR 6469 = V819 Her: One Eclipsing, One Spotted," Astronomical Journal, 1994.
- D. Vaughn (Weber State University) "An Analysis of Prehistoric Greenstone Artifacts in
Northeast Alabama," Geoarchaeology, Vol. 8, No. 6, 515-529, 1993.
- R. Walch (University of Northern Colorado) Bob Walch, Mihaly Horanyi, and Scott Robertson,
"Measurement of the Charging of Individual Dust Grains in a Plasma," IEEE Transactions on Plasma
Science, 22, 97, April 1994.
- J. R. Webb (Florida International University) "Optical and Ultraviolet Observations of 3C 279
During Outbursts," The Astronomical Journal, 1994.
- J. R. Webb (Florida International University) "The Multifrequency Spectral Evolution of Blazar
3C 345 During the 1991 Outburst," The Astrophysical Journal, 1994.
- J. R. Webb (Florida International University) "UV Continuum Variability and Visual Flickering
in the Peculiar Object MWC 560, 1992," Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1993.
- F. Zypman (University of Puerto Rico at Humacao) "Theory of Tunneling Spectroscopy for
Semiconductors," Physical Review, 1994.
- B. Bennett (Arkansas State University) "Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
(Biology 6803)."
- D. Burns (Northwest Indian College) "Botany (Hydroponics) (Biology 202)."
- W. Chren (Grand Valley State University) "Advanced Digital Design (Engineering 380)."
- M. Colgan (University of Charleston) "Earth Systems Science."
- R. Enright (Bridgewater State College) "Remote Sensing of the Environment (ES-317)."
- K. Erickson and Jeff Johnson (Augsburg College) "Introduction to Space Science (PHY 320)."
- M. Falbo-Kenkel (Northern Kentucky University) "The Role of Intellect in Society: The Space
Program (HNR 101)."
- D. Helder (South Dakota State University) "Advanced Digital Image Processing (EE 793)."
- N. Hinman (University of Montana) "Geochemistry of Hot Springs (Geology 585)."
- R. Hively (Earlham College) "Introduction to Physics Research (Physics 49)."
- N. Jaggi (Illinois Wesleyan University) "Materials Physics (Phy 299)."
- K. Kopecky (Drake University) "Introduction to C++ and Objected Oriented Programming
(OOP) (CS 73)."
- B. H. Kuennecke (Radford University) "Cooperative Research (Geog 484)."
- A. Leyderman (University of Puerto Rico, Humacao) "Optical Properties of Nonlinear Organic
- G. Love (Dillard University) "Digital Display Technology (CS 480)."
- J. P. Manker (Georgia Southwestern College) "Remote Sensing in the Earth and Planetary
- T. Marston (Drake University) "General Astronomy (Astronomy 51)."
- R. Quigley (Western Washington University) "Astronomical Imaging Laboratory (Astronomy
- N. G. Rao (Bethune-Cookman College) "An Introduction to Astronomy (PH 231)."
- H. Rassoul (Florida Institute of Technology) "Space Physics I: Space Plasma (SPS 5020)."
- G. Ross (City College of New York) "Computational Meteorology."
- S. Scheck (Loyola Marymount University) "Space Biology (Biology 398)."
- J. W. Sheldon (Florida International University) "Plasma Physics."
- E. Sobrino (University of Puerto Rico_Rio Piedras Campus) "Multi-Media, Rendering and
- A. Sustich and B. Engelken (Arkansas State University) "Introduction to Space Science (PHYS
- W. V. Van Hamme (Florida International University) "Celestial Mechanics."
- C. Vuille (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) "Atmos-pheric Environmental Studies,"
"Environmental Law," and "Introduction to Ecology."
- R. Walch (University of Northern Colorado) "Introduction to Space Flight (SCI 106)."
- C. Weeks (Loyola Marymount University) "Space Mathematics (Math 598)."
- J. Yu (The University of Vermont) "Mathematical Modeling (Math 395)."
- Bethune-Cookman College "Physics Major," Sunil David and Narsing Rao (Faculty Research
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Graduate Program: "Masters of Aeronautical Science in
Space Studies," Lance Erickson (Faculty Research Associate).
- Southern Oregon State College "Remote Sensing Minor," Jad D'Allura, Charles Weldon, and
Gene Stringer (Faculty Research Associates).
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