Control Data Systems, Inc.
4201 Lexington Ave. North
Arden Hills, MN 55126
International presence:
Support and services offered in more than 35 countries through distributorships, subsidiaries, and sales offices.
Approximately 2,800 worldwide
1994 Revenues:
$524.2 million
Control Data Systems helps business and government make the connections required to compete in today's electronic marketplace.
A global systems integrator, the Company focuses on the architecture, implementation, and lifetime support of electronic commerce, product data management, and client-server solutions.
Electronic Commerce Control Data is recognized as the industry's leading practitioner of electronic message integration. The Company's Mail*Hub software connects disparate E-mail systems across a standards-based network. Control Data excels at designing and building messaging solutions for large corporations and government institutions that want widely dispersed users and applications to exchange information, including electronic mail applications, electronic data interchange (EDI) solutions, enterprise viewing systems, and a wide variety of emerging collaborative applications.
Product Data Management Control Data specializes in the implementation of network-based tools that help manufacturers manage the data that accumulates as products are designed, manufactured, and distributed. Distributed computing environments enable modern manufacturers to use collaborative engineering techniques to improve productivity and reduce costs in the iterative process of product design. Using the workflow, product configuration, and imaging capabilities of the Company's Metaphase 2.0 concurrent engineering software, Control Data consultants help manufacturers track design and tooling data from initial sketches on a CAD terminal to final checkout on the assembly line floor, even when these facilities are located on different continents.
Client-Server Solutions Control Data excels at designing solutions for use in client-server environments, using standards-based open systems products, where applications and their related information assets are distributed between desktop computers, laptops, and shared servers. When new applications software is required as part of a customer's solution, the Company applies the latest techniques in rapid application development to bring the solution into production as quickly as possible. Control Data also provides enterprise management services for clients who want to off-load responsibilities such as system administration, configuration management, software distribution, storage management, network monitoring, and security management
More than 1,600 worldwide in business, industry, and government.
James E. Ousley, President and CEO, is a 26-year veteran of Control Data.
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