GRNSD - An Independent Network

The Problem

Many of the organizations and networks involved in research on sustainable development represent special interests. This dependence often does not promote open and sincere scientific collaboration, as the freedom of selection and discussion of issues worth addressing is often reduced.

The Approach

GRNSD is different in that it wants to offer a trustworthy scientific communication forum, which helps to make science more accountable to society. The network does this by generating ideas about how the research process can be improved, and exposing the incorrect use of facts and logic in research information.

GRNSD does not choose sides. The desire for change is the only common denominator of the members. They differ in their views on what this change should entail and how it can be implemented. The role of the network is to facilitate constructive interaction between its members, without forcing any of them to support majority opinions that conflict with their own. For this purpose, the network is developing certified procedures. These will ensure that no manipulation of members' views can occur, while at the same time allowing for their critical evaluation.

The Result

The network leaves it up to each individual member to judge and weigh ideas and conflicting opinions. It is up to the members, and the political coalitions they are involved in, to use the information generated and distributed by the network for their own purposes. This political independence of the network as a whole, combined with the assured freedom of expression of its individual members, is the only way for GRNSD to become, and remain, an effective agent of global change.

INDP V.1 / 08-SEP-94