Land legal status

Percentage of B.C. land area classified as Provincial Crown Land

(Controlled and administered by the provincial government)

94% [9]

Rainforest Watershed Protection Status, 1993 [13]

Note. These statistics refer to British Columbia's coastal temperate rainforest, and not to the interior forests.


Pristine = less than 5 ha of removal of tree cover + no evidence of past human disturbance

Modified = less than 2% of area, and less than 2.5 square km, affected by development activity

Developed = more than 2% of area, or more than 2.5 square km, affected by development activity

Protected watersheds have their entire area in a Provincial or National Park or Park Reserve, Ecological Reserve, Recreation Area or Wilderness Area.

Partly protected watersheds have some of their area so designated.

                   Pristine Watersheds

Watershed Size   Total #     Protected     Partly protected
 (square km)
50-200             61            6           1
200-1000           11
> 1000              0
Total              72            6           1

                   Modified Watersheds

Watershed Size   Total #     Protected     Partly protected
 (square km)
50-200             37            2
200-1000            8            2
> 1000              1
Total              46            4

                   Developed Watersheds

Watershed Size   Total #     Protected     Partly protected
 (square km)
50-200            143                        4
200-1000           69                        2
> 1000             24                        7
Total             236                       13

                   All Watersheds

Watershed Size   Total #     Protected     Partly protected
 (square km)
50-200            241            8           4
200-1000           88            2           3
> 1000             25                        7
Total             354           10          14