Sjoerd Michels
I used to be a masters student of Information Technology and Management at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. I graduated at the Infolab of the Institute for Language Technology and Artificial Intelligence (ITK).
I graduated on The COOPerator. In this project I was one of the implementors, mainly responsible for development and implementation of the human-computer interface.
My master thesis, Co-writing, Look and Feel!, was completely written for the World Wide Web from scratch. It deals with human-computer interface design and implementation for The COOPerator, a co-writing tool.
Also, I was a fellow worker at the Science Shop of Tilburg University for four years, mainly responsible for automation and user-support. Besides, I was an active member of the study group on national information exchange for which I originally designed, built and edited the Science Shop Gopher service (alas, in Dutch only).
Currently, I am working for RAET IT-Services in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands where I hope to grow as a senior software engineer.