What is new at DBIS? (October 94)
- 27-OCT-94 LG: New downloaded slides:
Persistent Programming Systems Ron Morrison (University of St Andrews). Slides of the talk on Persistent Programming Systems at VLDB '94.
- 27-OCT-94 LG: Updated Papers in Internet list.
- 26-OCT-94 LG: New online paper:
[MMS94] F. Matthes, S. Müßig and J.W. Schmidt.
Persistent Polymorphic Programming in Tycoon: An Introduction.
FIDE Technical Report FIDE/94/106, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg, Germany, August 1994.
- 26-OCT-94 LG: New online paper:
[SBMS94] K. Subieta, C. Beeri, F. Matthes and J.W. Schmidt.
Stack-Based Approach to Query Languages.
Submitted for publication, 1994.
- 26-OCT-94 LG: New online paper:
[MML94] M. Merz, K. Müller and W. Lamersdorf.
Service Trading and Mediation in Distributed Computing Environments.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Disstributed Computing Systems, ICDCS '94, pages 440-457, Poznan, Poland, 1994.
- 24-OCT-94, BM: Added KVV-Texts for WS 94/95 and put respective links into time table for lectures in WS 94/95
- 20-OCT-94 LG: New online paper:
[MaSc94] F. Matthes and J.W. Schmidt.
Persistent Threads.
In Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB, pages 403-414, Santiago, Chile, September 1994, (an extended version of this text appeared as [MaSc94b]).
- 20-OCT-94 FM: Revised Tycoon project publication list.
- 05-OCT-94 AG: New online paper:
A. Gawecki and F. Matthes.
The Tycoon Machine Language TML: An Optimizable Persistent Program
FIDE Technical Report FIDE/94/100, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität
Hamburg, Germany, August 1994.
Sven Müßig (10-nov-94)