Downloaded Papers and Software

Andreas Gawecki

Downloaded Software and Documents.

Dominic Juhasz

L. Fegaras: "A Transformational Approach to Database System Implementation".

Bernd Mathiske

"Distribution and Persistence in Multiple and Heterogeneous Address Spaces"
Paolo Ferreira, Marc Shapiro
"Persistence and Migration for C++ Objects"
Marc Shapiro, Philippe Gautron, Laurence Mosseri
"On the Integration of Object-Oriented and Process-Oriented computation in persistent environments"
R. Morrison, A.L. Brown, R. Carrick, R. Connor, A. Dearle
"On the Integration of Concurrency, Distribution and Persistence"
David S. Munro (PhD thesis)
"Emerald: A Language to Support Distributed Programming"
Norman C. Hutchinson
"Migration of Light-weight Processes in Emerald"
Eric Jul
"Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"
Eric Jul, Henry Levy, Norman Hutichinson, Andrew Black
"An Efficient Implementation of Distributed Object Persistence"
Norman C. Hutchinson, Clinton L. Jeffery
"Obliq: A language with distributed scope"
Luca Cardelli

Florian Matthes

Persistent Programming Systems
Ron Morrison (University of St Andrews). Slides of the talk on Persistent Programming Systems at VLDB '94 (two parts).
Process-Centered Software Environments
Gail Kaiser (U. Columbia). Slides of Invited Talk at COOCS'93, Nov. 1993, 30p.
Guide to using CRML, Compile-Time Reflective ML
Tim Sheard (Oregon Graduate Institute), unpublished technical report, Dec 1992, 10p.
Marvel 3.1 Handout
Gail Kaiser (U. Columbia). Software Engineering Tool (a la NSE). 1992, 10p.
Marvel 3.1 Handout
Gail Kaiser (U. Columbia). Software Engineering Tool (a la NSE). 1992, 10p.
SML of New Jersey Version 0.93
Documentation of the Language, Compiler, Libraries, ...

Michael Merz

Object-Oriented Papers from Nierstrasz et. al.(Uni Genf): Content File.
And here the original version in CONTENTS.
Downloaded Papers Directory (mostly compressed...).

Rainer Müller

I have a local copy of comp.object-faq.1.0.3.

Kay Müller-Jones

Downloaded Software and Documents

Sven Mü├čig

Downloaded Software and Documents.

Andreas Rudloff

Gerald Schröder

Downloaded Documents.

Ingrid Wetzel

Davide Berveglieri

Automatic Generation of Production Rules for Integrity Maintenance. Stefano Ceri et al.
Automatically generating production rules for integrity einforcement.
Florian Matthes (14-APR-94)