Downloaded Papers and Software
Andreas Gawecki
Downloaded Software and Documents.
Dominic Juhasz
L. Fegaras: "A Transformational Approach to Database System Implementation".
Bernd Mathiske
"Distribution and Persistence in Multiple and Heterogeneous Address Spaces"
- Paolo Ferreira, Marc Shapiro
"Persistence and Migration for C++ Objects"
- Marc Shapiro, Philippe Gautron, Laurence Mosseri
"On the Integration of Object-Oriented and Process-Oriented computation in persistent environments"
- R. Morrison, A.L. Brown, R. Carrick, R. Connor, A. Dearle
"On the Integration of Concurrency, Distribution and Persistence"
- David S. Munro (PhD thesis)
"Emerald: A Language to Support Distributed Programming"
- Norman C. Hutchinson
"Migration of Light-weight Processes in Emerald"
- Eric Jul
"Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"
- Eric Jul, Henry Levy, Norman Hutichinson, Andrew Black
"An Efficient Implementation of Distributed Object Persistence"
- Norman C. Hutchinson, Clinton L. Jeffery
"Obliq: A language with distributed scope"
- Luca Cardelli
Florian Matthes
Persistent Programming Systems
- Ron Morrison (University of St Andrews). Slides of the talk on Persistent Programming Systems at VLDB '94 (two parts).
Process-Centered Software Environments
- Gail Kaiser (U. Columbia). Slides of Invited Talk at COOCS'93, Nov.
1993, 30p.
Guide to using CRML, Compile-Time Reflective ML
- Tim Sheard (Oregon Graduate Institute), unpublished technical report, Dec
1992, 10p.
Marvel 3.1 Handout
- Gail Kaiser (U. Columbia). Software Engineering Tool (a la NSE).
1992, 10p.
Marvel 3.1 Handout
- Gail Kaiser (U. Columbia). Software Engineering Tool (a la NSE).
1992, 10p.
SML of New Jersey Version 0.93
- Documentation of the Language, Compiler, Libraries, ...
Michael Merz
Object-Oriented Papers from Nierstrasz et. al.(Uni Genf):
Content File.
- And here the original version in
Downloaded Papers Directory (mostly compressed...).
Rainer Müller
I have a local copy of comp.object-faq.1.0.3.
Kay Müller-Jones
Downloaded Software and Documents
Sven Mü├čig
Downloaded Software and Documents.
Andreas Rudloff
Gerald Schröder
Downloaded Documents.
Ingrid Wetzel
Davide Berveglieri
Automatic Generation of Production Rules for Integrity Maintenance. Stefano Ceri et al.
- Automatically generating production rules for integrity einforcement.
Florian Matthes (14-APR-94)