From: Mark Buzza 
Subject: HIV Internet Resources
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Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 16:19:07 GMT
Approved: phil@wubiosun9 (J. Philip Miller)
Lines: 110

Here's the help file from AEGIS/HIVNET
They carry several HIV discussion groups and have files available via gopher.
They have regional affiliate BBSs in the US and Europe.
The groups are available via e-mail.

Mark Buzza
University of South Florida Center for HIV Education and Research || Voice 813-877-5696, FAX 813-877-6593


Thank you for your interest HIVNET/AEGIS, or GENA (Global Electronic
Network for AIDS), as we are known together.  HIVNET is, as you
probably know, a network for HIV and AIDS information and discussion.
HIVNET is primarily based in Europe and, together with our sister
organizations, AEGIS, based in the US and reaching to other
continents, APC (Association for Progressive Communications) and
others, try to make as much free information available as possible.
We distribute both message areas (analogous to Usenet newsgroups) and
files, containing periodicals such as Aids Treatment News and the CDC
Aids Daily Summary, as well as one-shot documents and reports.

HIVNET and AEGIS have been based on Fido protocols and technology, allowing
low-cost entry into the net.  The file distribution capabilities of Fidonet
have been put to good use as well.

Thanks to generous help and cooperation from Sun Microsystems, the
Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, APC and
Hacktic Networks, we now have our own Internet host,  On
this system we gateway between Fidonet and Internet for GENA, run a
gopher and provide anonymous FTP access to our filebase.  The proper
addresses to use for these services are:


The gopher/ftp tree is still in need of some cleaning up.  Please be
so kind as to send mail to if you run across
anything strange.  I'll be glad to clean it up.  We also have a
number of discussion areas, which we are gating, for the time being,
to mailing lists.  We do NOT wish to distribute these areas as
newsgroups, out of concern for the signal to noise ratio.  Up until
now, these groups have all been extremely high signal. In the future,
if the demand grows enough, we will look into distribution as a
separate hierarchy.  There is a mailing list for new files in the
tree.  New files arrive almost daily.  To subscribe, please send mail

The mailing lists are also archived and available via gopher under
"GENA Mailing List Archives" or via FTP under /gopher/newsgroups.

The configuration is still being tested, so please feel free to report
any anomalies.  The lists are all resident on The
available lists are:

Fido area	List name	   	Source	Description
---------	---------		------	-----------
AIDS.DATA				AEGIS	Read-only - data postings
AIDS.DIALOGUE	hiv-aids-dialogue  	AEGIS	Discussion area
AIDS.DRUGS				AEGIS	Read-only - NLM Drug desc.
AIDS.SPIRITUAL	hiv-aids-spiritual	AEGIS	Spiritual discussion
AIDS.TRIALS				AEGIS	Read-only - NLM Drug trials
AIDS.WOMEN	hiv-aids-women		AEGIS	Discussion of women's issues

AIDS.NL		hiv-aids-nl		HIVNET	Dutch language discussion and

AIDS.FR		hiv-aids-fr		HIVNET	French language discussion and

HIVNET.GER	hiv-aids-de		HIVNET	German language discussion and

HIVNEWS.GER	hiv-aids-denews		HIVNET	Read-only - German language

AIDS/ARC	hiv-aids-arc		FIDONET	Discussion - from Fidonet
AIDS-HIV	hiv-aids-hiv		FIDONET	Discussion - from Fidonet

INTERNET	hiv-internet		HIVNET  Discussion and announcements
                                                about the lists and gateway

If anyone should have an article for submission to AIDS.DATA, it should be
sent to hiv-aids-data, which will forward it on to the moderator.

Please send your subscription requests to
Submissions go to the list name at, i.e.,

A few notes about the lists and gateway:

- E-mail replies to individuals are now fully supported, although some
Fido usernames may not work.

- The volume on some groups can be pretty high, such as hiv-aids-data.  Be
warned!  it is, however, a very useful source of information.

Any questions can be addressed to either the hiv-internet list (by
preference), or to me personally at

Thank you for your interest!

Best regards,

Matthew Lewis
HIVNET Foundation