Impact of fragment G

Observatorio Astronomico Nacional, MEXICO

Image of the impact of fragment G by the 2.1m telescope at the OAN with the IR camera `Camila' (Nicmos II type) at 2.26 microns (i.e. cK). The two moons are Europe (smaller one) and Ganimede (larger one). With excellent seing, the resolution was slightly better than 1" (1 pixel = 0.5" approx.)

Observers: Steve Levine, Luis Salas, Irene Cruz-Gonzalez, Luis Carrasco, Jim Klavette, Elfego Ruiz, Fidel Cruz, Carlos Carrasco, Gabriel Garcia y Salvador Monrroy

The OAN (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional) is located in San Pedro Martir, Baja California, near the Mexican-US border at an altitude of 2,830 meters and is operated by the IA-UNAM (Instituto de Astronomia of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico).

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