Lowell Images of Fragment ACEGKLQ2R Impacts

NOTE: Click on the image to view it at its highest resolution.

CCD Images using the Lowell Obs. 0.8-m and 8930 A methane filter on July 21, 1994 UT

The top left panel was taken at 3:10 UT, the top right at 4:10 UT, bottom left at 5:09 UT, bottom right at 5:41 UT. Several impact spots are visible in these images with approximate longitudes of 150 deg (due to fragment "E"), 180 (A), 220 (C), 275 (K), 345 (L?), 20-40 (G,R,Q2).

Northern Arizona University Planetary Watch Maria Womack, Barry Lutz, Brian Taylor, Brian Cudnik (Northern Ariz Univ.), David Norman (Ariz. State), Roger Valencia (U. of Ariz.), Harold Nations (College of Charleston)

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